"You Are the Child of GOD and You Never Have Been Any Other.

"You Strayed Away From Your At-one-ment as Being GOD'S Child,
and You Lost Your Power."

In the following excerpt from a Message He gave in November 1931, FATHER DIVINE reveals humanity's
true identity, which gives the solution to the chaotic conditions presently existing in the world.

GOD Is Your FATHER And You Never Had Another




"I know, though you in mortal consciousness do not know, that you are GOD's unadulterated Child. I AM not speaking about the FATHER of your spirit, I AM speaking about the FATHER of your body.... GOD has always been the FATHER of your body and of everybody else, but you in mortal consciousness did not know it. All have robbed GOD. Man has said, "I am your father", woman has said, "I am your mother." And so you accepted that serpent's delusion. Therefore you strayed away from your heritage and thought it was only a little speck in you that belonged to GOD and therefore you strayed away from your Atonement as being GOD's Child, and you lost your power. Now, that is a fact and it is a figure that is too stout to be denied.



"GOD is Your FATHER and you never had another. GOD condescends to put on a Body of material likeness to produce through that body the likeness of this material preconceived or pre-expressed form, and that pre- expressed form lays claim to you, as being your father and mother. I know that GOD was your FATHER from the beginning, and you never had another. It is Wonderful! GOD put on the likeness of a body to appease the mortal concept, until that body should have put off the mortal version of things and put on the immortal version of the Truth, and then you will see yourself as you are: that you are the Child of GOD and you never have been any other. Then, when you realize that, you will be as I AM, manifestedly. Whether I AM that or not, you will be His in manifestation, the Master of Omnipotency and the Controller of all things.

"It is Christ in you and Christ in ME that will make the world what it ought to be. When you realize that, why, then, you will visualize your Sonship or real perfect Heritage and visualizing it, you will also magnify your perfect Heritage and you will also minimize your human heritage until you have worked it out to its lowest terms. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. That is what it is all about just to know yourself and to know your GOD and to detach yourselves from every mortal human version and also denounce every mortal tendency that may exist in your system, and renounce every pre-inherited thing, and follow after ME.

"When you shall have accomplished that in your consciousness, then you shall have accomplished your Atonement, and HE shall begin to manifest HIMSELF in your stead; and all mortality will wane and fall away of its own abnormal weight, and you will be the identical manifestation and reproduction of the Christ, and there will be no other, so far as you are concerned, for you shall have brought into manifestation your conscious realization and you will know there is no other to look to, but the One that dwelleth within, that you have brought out of your conscious realization.


You Did Not Come From the Dust You Came From GOD

"You are GOD's Child every one. Everyone is GOD's unadulterated Child but as long as you attach yourselves to mortality and materialism you will be subject to mortals' infirmities and all mortals are subject to death. So we can rejoice to know that you are not what you think you are. I know whence you came. I know that you did not come from the dust, you came from GOD. I know that you came from the Angelic Host and were breathed out of the Mouth of the Almighty: the Living Word made Flesh, just as it was in the beginning.

"Jesus could have been bewitched and mesmerized and hypnotized, if He would have allowed the human mind to overshadow Him, and thought He was some man's son and some woman's son because the Jews said that, and they still say it. If He had come through the mortal interpretation of things He still would not have recognized it. Even if He did come that way, it makes no difference to ME. I know Jesus is the Christ always has been and always will be, wherever He materializes Himself. I don't care if He comes through the loins of mortality, I know He is the Christ anyway. Some say," Well, He was an illegitimate child!" I don't care if He was He was the Christ just the same. I AM not arguing about it. I don't care if He was.

'It is eternal life to know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ Whom Thou has sent.'

It is wonderful!

"Jesus, the great Love Master knew that He was the Christ and He refused to know any mortal version of Himself or to bear any record of Himself according to the flesh. We have no record that He bore any record of Himself according to the flesh, but He bore record of Himself as the Christ, barring one occasion when He was speaking to the woman of Samaria and that was just to draw her out so He could speak.

"Now we know this is the Truth and that it has set many free from all limitations concerning themselves. This is what delivers you from all sorrows, all worry, all troubles, and unifies you with the Infinite Whole.

"So I say, GOD is your FATHER and you never had another and if your sister, your brother, your mother or your father, or any of your apparently close kin should die, you would be absolutely unmoved, even in your simplest mind, because you would know that GOD could never die. Whatsoever they may claim to be, or you have claimed them to be in mortal consciousness, you will be completely out of the mortal consciousness in you and in them, and you will know that it is GOD expressing Himself as a sister, as brother, as father, as mother and GOD only condescended to appear in that likeness from the mortal version of things, until you should have risen to recognize your GOD. Then you can look back and realize that you are One with all life, expressed or unexpressed, and you will be undisturbed and unmoved. Then you would mourn at the departure of one as much as any other, and no more; and you would know that chaos lies only in the world of the spirit of the consciousness of separateness.


In Mortal Consciousness is Confusion

"Where there is confusion there is strife, and that is why people living in mortal consciousness have so much confusion and they are led by the spirit of separation.

"They say, "I am of this race and I am of that. "I am of this society and I am of that." "I am of this political party and I am of that." And they will have wars and rumors of wars as long as they live in the mortal interpretation of things. They are made up out of it.

"Do you not see how the whole mortal version of things is in a chaotic condition? But you that have viewed the Light of Life expressed in the Person of Jesus in that Name and here in this last time imputed unto you do you not find Peace and Rest? As long there is division there is strife, and you can expect worries and wars and rumors of wars. You can expect race riots and every other thing. But this is the only Key to Rest perfect Rest and the solution of the chaotic condition of the world.


Seeing As GOD Sees. The One Life

"You will not find it until you have touched the source of Infinite Supply and unified yourselves with the whole, and see things just as GOD sees them; for GOD knows that the One Life of HIMSELF expresses HIMSELF from the animal, all through the Animal Kingdom; and from the vegetable, all through the Vegetable Kingdom; and from the mineral, all through the Mineral Kingdom, but it is the One Life expressing Itself in the various degrees of life, and that in each, there is conscious life concealed. Yet, GOD knows that there is but the One Life expressing through all. The animal, the reptile, the poultry kingdom, they all breathe the same breath, the same air, and as with the Life so with the Spirit, so with the Cosmic Forces, and as with the Cosmic Forces, so with the Infinite Mind that has control over all.
