The Woodmont Creed

You too can be Resurrected into the Christ Nature and Characteristics

MOTHER DIVINE exemplifying
The Woodmont State of Consciousness

MOTHER DIVINE exemplifying the Woodmont State of Consciousness.


We, the rosebuds, lily-buds, crusaders and all true followers of FATHER DIVINE, knowing that Woodmont, the Mount of the House of the Lord, is the Divine blueprint of the perfect state of consciousness realizing that, as Woodmont symbolizes the House of the Lord just so do our bodies represent the temples of the living GOD and as He has declared that He will not dwell in an unclean temple, we are therefore resolved that:

We will as many nations, languages, tongues and peoples, go up to the Mountain of the Lord in consciousness.
We will learn of His ways and walk circumspectly in His paths.
We will abide by His word and his law that He sendeth forth from Woodmont, the New Jerusalem.
We will as all nations adhere to His judgments.
We will as all nations accept His rebuke to study war no more, and His command to establish international peace, in the air, on land, and on the sea.

We will walk in the light of His way, for these are the last days for mortality. Personalities, individualities, principalities, nations and governments shall not rob Him of His glory!
We will stoop and drink freely of the Healing waters of the Woodmont consciousness.
We will let the purging process of GOD'S commandments be written upon the fleshly tables of our Hearts, imbibing the spirit and meaning of them, knowing that the letter killeth, but that the spirit giveth life.
We will commit to memory and produce in our daily lives and activities, all the creeds, documents, covenants, the sermon on the mount, major portions of the Holy Bible and all other necessary documents of FATHER DIVINE'S Universal
Peace Mission Movement, for these are the steps that lead up to the Woodmont consciousness.

We will not have any false gods or doctrines before us; neither will we worship the works of our own hands.
We will at all times give all honor and glory to the only true and living GOD, FATHER DIVINE, who is the author and finisher of all perfection.

We will reverence and hold sacred the holy body of GOD FATHER DIVINE ever remembering the countless personal and infinite sacrifices that He has made and continues to make for our redemption. And at no time will we ever be guilty of measuring Him with the finite measure of a man.
We will at all times acknowledge the majesty of His deity, the power of His name, the holiness of His body, the infinitude of His mind, the omnilucence of His holy spirit, the magnitude of His Universal Peace mission Movement, the perfection of His word, the chastity of His personal life, the virtue of His Spotless Bride and Church and ever give praise for being accepted as an humble subject under His supreme sovereignty.
We will exalt Him above the mountains; we will magnify Him above the hills.

We will continue to purify our Hearts, our minds, our bodies, our spirits, from all fleshly and carnal thoughts and connections with the serpent's versions, that we may be called the true offspring of GOD by exemplifying the purity of the Christ life.
We will personify the perfection of FATHER DIVINE'S international modest code wherever we live, or work, or play, or go to school. We will not drink, smoke, be obscene, vulgar or profane; we will not accept gifts, presents, tips or bribes, and will abstain from all association with the opposite sex, except strictly on a business basis.
We will respect the Christ in others to the degree that we wish them to respect the Christ in us
We will strive at all times to enact the bill of rights and extend to others the privilege of having the same rights that we ourselves enjoy.

We will remember that our bodies represent individual "Woodmonts," the perfect house wherein our lord may dwell in a perpetual hotbed of praises, reverence, holiness, love, sweetness, virtue, obedience, integrity and complete surrender to His holy will.
We will not seek exalted positions or possessions; we will earn our privileges if we are worthy of any, through self denial and devoted consecration to GOD FATHER DIVINE
We will always bear in mind that GOD dishonors Himself to honor us that of ourselves we are nothing, only as it is His holy will and pleasure to make us something, and that only to His honor and glory.

We will reverence Him as the supreme GODHEAD BODILY, and never seek to usurp undue authority over any service that has been assigned to us to do, and recognize at all times, that it is the FATHER alone who doeth the works.
We will be loyal to our conviction: "I know FATHER DIVINE is GOD!" and will never adulterate our faith and belief by listening to the serpent's subtle versions, to mix mortality with spirituality.
We will let the holy ghost have its way in our daily lives and affairs.
We will not adulterate the high vibrations of the Woodmont consciousness by indulging in destructive thinking.
We will be willing to trample on the Hearts of all those that hate GOD no matter who they may be; but
We will not offend the least one that loves GOD.

Above all

We will be content to let FATHER DIVINE be GOD in all His majesty, dominion and authority, freeing Him to supervise His creation and all mankind, according to His infinite plan and purpose, and fulfill our dispensive duty by being a real true follower from every angle expressible.
We will be willing to crucify self by going cross grained to every mortal preconceived idea and opinion and be resurrected in the Christ nature and characteristics ascend to and remain in "Woodmont," the perfect state of consciousness.


Knowing that if we are faithful in our consecration and deep devotion to GOD FATHER DIVINE, the ultimate result of this sincerity will be:

The conscious recognition of the Allness of GOD and the complete abolition of all self and mortality, as being termed matter coming into the rightful inheritance ordained by GOD for us in the beginning of creation, as Heirs and joint-Heirs with Christ in GOD a pure chalice for Him to use to His honor and glory abiding forever with Him and with MOTHER in "Woodmont," the perfect state of consciousness.

We thank you, FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE!
