"The Ever Presence of GOD! I declare, It Will Heal You."

Faith in God Heals Cancer

Testimony of Miss P. H.
Addressing FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE and the Congregation
Whilst in the Auditorium of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA
Sunday Evening, August 3, 1958 A.D.F.D., Time -- 9:40 P.M.
And As Published In The New Day of August 23rd, 1958, page 38.




Peace, FATHER; Peace, MOTHER; and Peace Everyone: FATHER, I am so thankful and I know that we all are thankful to be living today to behold the Lamb and the Bride! FATHER, our hearts are so glad. FATHER, we can feel the gladness running all through these bodies, because, FATHER, when we first heard about YOU we all were sick, GOD Almighty! We were sick, FATHER. Every bone in the body was aching when I heard Your Name! I want to thank YOU, sweet FATHER, for healing this body. YOU healed all the bones in the body, GOD! This finger, the joints were aching; the arms were aching; my shoulders were aching; my flesh was aching; my feet were aching.

Oh GOD, I'm so glad today that YOU are here! I want to thank YOU, sweet FATHER, because doctors could not do me any good. No one could heal me but YOU! Oh GOD Almighty, YOU know, when the doctors perform operations on you and tell you to come back another time -- I went back the next time. He said come back five months later; there's another operation we have not touched. And when I went back to him the second time he could not touch me, I was in so much agony, GOD Almighty! Lying on the table, lying on the operating table, the doctors and the nurses could not touch me, I was in so much agony!

They had performed one operation five months before and when they tried to touch me they could not. They all went in the next room and shook their heads and came back to me and said, "Madam, we can't do you any good and there is not a man on earth can cure you." He said, "Every patient that we have had in this hospital with such condition, every one died."

That was the time when FATHER Personally used to go to Madison Avenue on Saturday night; and when this doctor told me that, it was on Tuesday. And Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I said, "I'm going Saturday night and I'm going to tell FATHER what he said." And when I went, I was in so much pain and agony I was lying on the floor at Madison Avenue on my side, and when the children ran to FATHER with the note, I could not go because the throng would hurt me.

And so I waited until the Secretary went up and came back down. When she came back down then I went to her and told her to tell
FATHER I'm down here, and I said, "If HE doesn't do anything for me I'll die!" FATHER had already called one list, and HE just stopped right there and told the Secretary to tell me, "Tell her to come right up." And when I went upstairs into His Interviewing Office -- YOU know Almighty GOD, I love YOU! Oh, yes Sir, my heart loves YOU! -- And when I went in, I said, "Peace, FATHER!" HE said, "Peace!" I said, "FATHER, the doctors said that they can't do me any good and there is not a man on earth can cure me." I said, "YOU can heal me! YOU can heal me!" I said, "YOU can HEAL me! Now heal me! Heal me! Heal me!" That's just the way I said it.

And when I said that, FATHER sitting in His seat, HE came to me and said, "Keep the Faith! You will be all right!" And when FATHER said, "Keep the Faith, you will be all right," the wound healed up! I'm telling you, the wound had went bad and the pus was running out and they could not touch me and they could not do me any good -- and FATHER, just the Words from His Mouth healed this body! I mean, healed me of cancer of the rectum! (Thunderous applause resounds as the sister leaps for joy as she says:) YOU ARE GOD ALMIGHTY! Yes, Sir! And when FATHER Spoke, I mean, all of that flesh jumped back up in my body and all the misery stopped, and I have not felt it since! (Again thunderous applause resounds.)

And I saw the doctor a few months later and he said to me, he said, "Oh, is this you?" I said, "Yes!" He said, "What did you do?" I said, "I can't tell you here out in the street." I said: "Come in the office and I'll tell you." And when I related the story to him, he said, "Well, that was GOD'S Work, that was not man's work!" He said, "And you don't have any misery at all?" I said, "No, no misery at all, and I have not felt any since!"

And I want to thank YOU, sweet FATHER, for all of YOUR wonderful Blessings! I thank YOU, FATHER, because FATHER healed the feet. HE took the corns and the bunions and the calluses and the ingrown toenails off! And I want to thank YOU, sweet FATHER, because I used to have a headache. I used to have a headache every day of my life. Sometimes it would hurt up here, sometimes in the top of my head, sometimes in the back of the head; but I'm telling you, the Name of FATHER DIVINE healed me! (Thunderous applause resounds.) I want to thank YOU, sweet FATHER!

I thank YOU, sweet FATHER, for YOUR Ever Presence -- YOUR and MOTHER'S Ever Presence -- the Ever Presence of GOD! I declare, It will heal you, matters not what! I'm not thinking about person but I'm just thinking about GOD, FATHER and MOTHER, and HIS Ever Presence! I want to thank YOU, sweet FATHER, to always keep us -- YOU Are GOD Almighty! -- and may we live so that GOD can always help us and hear us when we call HIM! I thank YOU, FATHER! I thank YOU, MOTHER!

(Ed. Note: I happened to be personally present in the summer of 1958 when the Sister was giving the testimony, and I can confirm that she made the impression of being at best health and full of vitality.)
