"We Shall Have a Citizenry of Honesty, of Competence and of Truth! A Citizenry
That Will Produce All the Fullness of Righteousness, Equity and Justice!"
---Father Divine

Our FATHER'S Sermon and Remarks of Mr. Wm. H. Kelly of the Pennsylvania Board of Parole
Whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School 764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA.,
Friday, February 11, 1955 A.D.F.D., Time -- 5:28 P.M.



Many visiting guests were present as usual on this occasion, including Mr. William H. Kelly and Mr. William C. Thornton, Parole Agents of the Pennsylvania Board of Parole. During the course of the Holy Communion Service, a significant Sermon of FATHER'S was played on the wire recording machine, also the famous letter entitled "FATHER DIVINE explains why His Followers do not accept Gifts and Tips" was read from the Supplement, page three, and other things of interest from same, including FATHER'S Letters from page fifteen of the Supplement which HE wrote in response to Communist appeals for His Support. HE replied in substance, "I AM not Interested In Receiving Any Literature from You or Your Concern. I AM a Real, True American, One Hundred Percent!" -- FATHER DIVINE.

Later on, several inspirational patriotic and democratic songs of Americanism were sung, and it was after one of these compositions, entitled, "We shall have the Same Rights!" that our Beloved LORD and Savior and Americanism- Exemplifier arose and delivered this profound Sermon for the edification and enlightenment of one and all!

Thank YOU, Almighty GOD, for Thy Divine Guidance to the Universe at large!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! I would just like to say at this instant, that little composition, though a composition in a melody of Thanksgiving and Praise, yet it is a prediction and a declaration! Long since, these promises have been made inspirationally and brought out in compositions and in declarations, but we are happy to say, these Fundamentals are being fulfilled and have been fulfilled in your hearing! (Loud applause rings out.)

For this cause we do rejoice and we are happy to present to the world a Sample and an Example of what we shall have all over this wide extended plane!

(At this point FATHER picks up a Supplement, saying:) I would like to say, from the Supplement you heard read a little while ago, it is depicting the mystery and the reality of GOD'S Actual Presence and what HE is doing for His People universally! After a while we shall have no more breadlines, we shall have no more lacks, wants and limitations, we shall have no more adverse and undesirable conditions, for GOD Himself is in the midst of this people and is fixing it! Aren't you glad! ("Yes, so glad, LORD!" came the joyous response.)

But we do not wish to take up all of the time from this point of view, and MYSELF as an Individual, as we have some visiting guests I see here. We want to give our visiting guests a chance to speak. They may move volitionally even as we do, if they care to. If they do not care to move volitionally as we do, if they will give us their names, addresses and professions we will introduce them according to custom.

There are many visitors, from time to time, drop in and look us over. We are happy to have them to do so, for I hold that Americanism, Christianity and True Judaism are synonymous; and the Sample and the Example being exemplified and lifted as a Standard, others should copy after it and make this world a better place in which to live! (Loud applause resounds.)

Therefore, as you learn of us and learn of the Spirit and the Presence of GOD as a Supernatural Presence, you will find that these things are stressful to be remembered and deeply to be considered. Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" came the immediate reply.)

So then, if our visiting guests desire to have something to say, they are welcome to do so; while yet, you are not required to do so unless you desire to do so. You are not obligated. Any person or persons are welcome to participate in our meetings; not only in our public meetings but in our private Holy Communions according to our system of service.

As I mentioned the copy of The New Day and the Supplement, a little while ago, the Supplement is an introduction of ME to you. (At this point one of the Secretaries nearby inquired if the guests seated at the Table had received copies of The New Day carrying the Supplement, to which FATHER replied:) No. We do not like to burden the people, but if they would like to look on while they are here -- and if they would like to take the place cards along with them, and the Supplement, they are welcome to do so. It will give you first-hand information by the daily correspondence of MYSELF and those with whom I AM concerned. (At this point FATHER passes the guests New Days with the Supplements, which they eagerly receive. They received place cards -- both International Peace and Woodmont place cards, earlier in the Service while inspirational songs concerning these place cards were being sung. FATHER at this time also passes the guests 1955 Calendars, as HE says:) This is also a 1955 Calendar gotten out by the Peace Mission Movement; in other words, by The New Day, that carries our Message verbatim. (Picking up the September 11th, 1954 copy of The New Day, FATHER says:)

In this copy of The New Day it also carries the Supplement and a number of the places -- pictures of a number of the places owned and operated by My Following and by our Churches. This is also an introduction, for not one of our places is bought on a mortgage. Our Church or Churches do not do it and My Following and Followers do not buy anything on a mortgage nor on notes or on credit, by any means whatsoever! (Loud applause rings out.) We mean to establish an Independence second to none! -- an Independence fulfilling our National Declaration of Independence! If we have not fulfilled it Nationally and Legally Universally, those who adhere to My Teaching they will fulfil it to the Letter Universally, Nationally and Internationally! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

So we desire to hear from our visiting guests. If they care to speak they are welcome to do so. In the Supplement there is one Letter that is stressful to be remembered. My True Followers do not buy anything on credit neither on the installment plan, and they do not receive tips, gifts or presents from City, from State and from the Federal Government; for we cannot according to My Teaching and Version, be Real, True American Citizens and express a True Independence if we are not Independent and Free from Gift-Taking and from Presents! (Loud applause resounds, sanctioning this. FATHER then turns to the guests, saying:)

If our guests desire to take the place cards along with them, and also that particular issue of The New Day and the Supplement with it, I think you will have a host of information that cannot be forgotten! I thank you.

(At this point Mr. Wm. H. Kelly, Parole Agent of the Pennsylvania Board of Parole and one of the guests at the Table, arose to speak volitionally as follows:)

FATHER and MOTHER: I came here on another purpose, but the young man here told me, I could come back and sit down to wait for YOU; that I could have dinner and I could meet a lot of people. It is far more than I anticipated! (FATHER replies, "Thank you." Mr. Kelly continues:) I want to thank YOU and everyone here for the privilege of sitting at Your Table and listening to the wonderful things that are being said here. I'm particularly interested in the part that the young lady read about tip-taking. I was interested in what YOU said, FATHER, about a true Follower of Yours not receiving any gifts from the Sate Government, the Local Government or the Federal Government. That to me is an indication that some real hard work has been done by Somebody! (Loud applause resounds.) And I think if that Same Spirit is carried to the communities at large, regardless to whether the people in the communities are religious or religiously inclined, I feel that as a nation of people with a tenet as YOU expound here, I believe that we will have a BETTER COUNTRY in which to live! Thank YOU.

(Loud applause rings out, then FATHER asks:) Anyone else care to speak?

(As it seemed that none of the other felt moved to speak at this time, FATHER arose once more, to the supreme pleasure of one and all, to speak as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! No doubt the songs that have been sung -- songs of Praises and Thanksgiving -- although many of them are patriotic, for Americanism is our religion! -- although the majority of the people do not consider Americanism even to be religious -- but we are happy to say, that the Pilgrim Fathers came to this Country seeking religious liberty, and I came to bring about this religious liberty and to develop this religious modesty, morality and character; to bring these qualities to fruition in the midst of this people, so that we might have a sample and an example for all humanity! (Loud applause resounds.)

I further wish to say in reference to not receiving gifts and presents: No doubt, our representative, yea, our honored guest and those with whom he is connected or in some way represented, no doubt they have come in contact with those of My Following that are living this Life; and in one sense of the word it gives lots of the officials and representatives somewhat of a disturbance, in a way of speaking! One came to ME yesterday and said they had striven to return or to refund all the money they received from the City that they did not give service for! It is Wonderful! ("Truly Wonderful!" came the response.) And they said it was no way they could receive it. Not only so, but others that have been giving service locally and domestically, they could not receive pay for giving service when they did not give any service!

We shall have a citizenry of honesty, of competence and of truth! -- a citizenry that will produce all the fullness of righteousness, equity and justice! (Thunderous applause sanctions this.)

A number of My Followers have worked at the Budd Plant. They refused to receive pay where they did not give service. And all of My True Followers will do the same! Some people may say, "That is working against yourself, for they could have much given to them without service and they could help Your cause!" I'M proving to the world conclusively, once and forever, My Cause is Independent, with or without a Body! (Thunderous applause, sanctioning this, rings out.) I have not as yet taken up a Collection! I know you have been hearing of ME for many years: I have not yet done any Soliciting or Begging! Followers of Mine do not go around begging on the streets and on the street corners. They do not go around trying to influence the people that they or their fellow citizens of their respective Religion are in lacks and wants and limitations, for I AM proving to the world conclusively, once and forever, this is the Sample and the Example for all humanity! (Loud applause resounds.)

Now I will not bore you longer, but if any of you desire to read after ME, it is wonderful, it is Wonderful! You will find that CHRIST is Rich and all you need! Therefore, not one of our places, the places owned and operated by My Followers, is under a mortgage! Not any of them buy anything on credit, neither on the installment plan! -- and this is a matter of course with us every day, three hundred and sixty-five days to the year! And we not just serve three meals a day but we serve banquet after banquet, second to none! ("So true!" came the sanction from the Assembly.) Just as we served here today at this particular setting, we have been serving all day long before I Personally came down. And anybody, any person is welcome to come and dine! Of course, if they desire to express our Honesty, they are free to donate for their meals and such service as given, but they do not have to feel as if though they are obligated to dine unless they wish to.

But it is a matter of course, and untold thousands are fed here daily at this particular place! ("So true!" again came the sanction.) This is one of the smaller places. Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" came the response.) Naturally, they come here because this is where I Personally Reside. (Thunderous applause and cheers ring out.) And, of course, it is not because we have anything different here than other places; but all are WELCOME to come and dine and enjoy the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good. No place is vacant of the fullness thereof!

So take ME along with you, and the place cards and the Calendar if you wish to; and if you desire a little information, as you glance your eyes over the Calendar you will get some first-hand information from some of our mottoes and from some of our compositions and praise! And in the Supplement you will find the center spread shows the Mount of the House of the LORD and the International House up here in Philadelphia, purchased, owned and operated by our Churches. And elsewhere you will find first-hand information that will be taken along with you, if you wish to vision such Beauty and the Abundance; and that which you visualize you tend to materialize! I thank you. Now I will not bore you longer, as the time seems to be quite well expired. It is now time for the six o'clock Table to continue! Those of us who have dined will arise, take the back seats or back stand or pass out and pass on and allow others to come and do even as we have done! I thank you.
