"It Is Very Important that Every Believer, Co-worker and Friend Represent ME
In Words, Deeds and Actions, Expressing Perfection."--- FATHER DIVINE

"The Long Pilgrimage from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City."

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table 468-470 Broad Street, Bridgeport, Conn.
Friday, May 20, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time -- 3:10 P.M.


FATHER DIVINE in His Office.

That not one may lack or need for even a minute portion of understanding that would tend to advance the traveler on the long pilgrimage from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, FATHER DIVINE gives forth freely from His Omniscience whereby all may have the same privilege and access to follow in the wake of the light HE has brought and of which HE is, for the redemption of their bodies, minds and souls.

Such unfoldment of wisdom can only come through and by One Source, from the Infinite One, the Understanding of every mentality, therefore are we blessed to be one in the number that follows the Lamb whithersoever HE goeth, for it is in HIM that we live, move and have our being.

For further enlightenment to the children of men, once again our Savior has condescended to explain and bring forth new Mysteries for the advancement of civilization. His Message delivered at this time, is as follows:


(The foregoing statements are made by the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE: Good health, good will, good appetite, with good manners, good behavior, all wisdom, all knowledge and all understanding -- these and all other blessings to you I bring if you will allow them to come into expression by the recognition of the Presence of GOD, as the redemption of all mankind.

While sitting I thought of what I had thought of last evening, as the majority of My followers, hearers, co-workers and friends, but especially the co-workers and followers among them stress the beauty of GOD, that they see as ME.

I was just thinking of the Magnificent Presence of GOD as observed by you all -- the magnificence of GOD put forth into expression is not from a physical observation especially, but beyond the comprehension of the human understanding, it goes into Infinitude, beyond the conscious and the subconscious mind of the individual. It is a vision that is observed through the individual -- the Impersonal Presence of GOD transmitted, the mental and spiritual sight of GOD, observing His Magnificence in expression as though it is a Person -- yet Personifiable it is true, but with or without the Person it is just the same. It has always been and always will be; hence, the beauty you observe I wish to stress -- the beauty of Spirit, of Mind, GOD'S Magnificence put forth into expression in the midst of this people, it causes your versions concerning ME to be painted with Beauty. When you look through your versions in My Direction concerning ME, you observe the beauty painted on your versions as glasses decorated with the different decorations and designs of the designers -- so the Mystery of GOD is now being revealed. You observe such beauty from the Magnificent One; you observe the Magnificence of the Infinite One transmitted, as a declaration of your versions concerning the Mystery -- therefore you see ME and you say it is ME. That is the Mystery!


Observation Tends to Materialize Beauty

It is good to observe such designs in your versions concerning things, for when you can observe through the different designs of beauty, naturally you tend to materialize such in yourself, according to your versions through which you are looking.

Can you not see the Mystery? Then I say, it is a wonderful privilege to live in such a recognition and to dial in on such a Fundamental continually -- but it is a glorious privilege for ME to observe that of which I AM and know it is not confined to the mortal version according to the mortal versions of men; it is according to your versions and the versions of others who are inspired, together with you in the same versionated state of expression where they, as you can, observe spiritual things, but apparently material or physical.

When they think in the positive direction concerning the Mystery they may observe the beauty of GOD transmitted and through the versions of GOD in this way of expression, according to the way they are directed, their minds and attention, their versions concerning ME may be painted beautifully, that they may observe the beauty of ME as a Person -- but it is merely the Reality of the Impersonal designing your versions with beauty, the Magnificence of the Infinite One transmitted as the decoration for the designers of spiritual and mental things.


Express the Best

It is a privilege to observe this and to live in such a recognition. Dial in on it continually, I will teach you Wisdom. At this instance I would like to call your attention once again to something that is very significant. It is very important that each and every believer, co-worker or friend represent ME in words, deeds and actions -- express Perfection, express the Best, express the Best the world can afford.

In all of your actions and expressions and in all of your endeavors produce the Best -- whatever may oppose, produce the Best, in opposition to the oppositions and bring the Best to fruition in your daily actions that man might observe GOD as Perfection, instead of observing GOD as the inferior or imperfection in your consideration. In that you produce the Best in all of your expressions you will tend to bring into outer expression to the conscious recognition and the realization of others, GOD as a Living Reality among you. By this they will be convinced to believe as you desire them to believe, that GOD is with you now, henceforth and forever, being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.

Then I say in regard to being self-respecting, law-respecting and law- abiding citizens, we are to produce the laws, rules and regulations for the people. If you retrace your thoughts back to My Message about six or seven years ago, in one of My articles I wrote for the "Light" at that time, I think it was, or the "Metaphysical News". It was a message telling of My Personal experience when I went out in Sayville.


A Law Maker Among Men

While going out in Sayville, in a place that was not incorporated as a village in the part in which I lived -- we were not obligated nor required to park our cars on the right side of the street -- there was not any such thing as traffic regulations in that part of the village at that time. But, going out there, by law-abiding and law-respecting and the Hope of the Redemption of mankind, as a Law Maker among the children of men, Just and Right laws I set up by the enactment of My Dealings and My Doings among them.

I, there and then began parking My car on the right side of the street and requested others to do so -- those who would visit My place at 72 Macon Street. This was done as an act of bringing about a Righteous Government firstly in our village and elsewhere, as an abstract expression, but internally it was to be within inculcated; firstly inculcated in the hearts and minds of My followers and then reincarnated in them that they might act the law of Rightness, of Justness, which is Truth put forth into expression when it is inculcated and worked out characteristically and dispositionally. Therefore I requested of all of My followers and drivers and Myself -- as I was driving at that time a good bit -- Myself as a Person, to always park My car on the right side of the street, facing the way I would be going; the right side in whatsoever way the car would be directed. If it was necessary for ME to drive in My driveway and back out and turn around to place it on the right side of the street, I did it.


Reckon the Presence of GOD Among All

This was the making of a law, a regulation, a traffic regulation that was well worth considering, for the benefit of the citizens and other people. Hence, I worked it out that way accurately and requested all co-workers to do the same. This I have spoken of in My lecture a few days ago, concerning My followers in High Falls, which is another village without laws, rules or regulations, traffic regulations to force men, chauffeurs and chauffeuresses to park the cars and trucks and vehicles on the right side of the street, without they being required to do so I have requested it. Not only such, but other rules and regulations that are required in cities for the safe-guard of the people, I have requested the enactment of such as the Magnanimous Presence of GOD should be reckoned among you all, and the Magnanimity of GOD'S children should be reckoned as a sample and as an example for others.

For this cause I have called the attention of My co-workers and followers to work and act accordingly that we might lift up a Standard for the people in law and in order, as well as in true Spirituality as a mental and spiritual character to be reckoned for consideration.

How marvelous it is to see and to know what GOD is actually doing for you by His Magnanimous Presence among you and by His Magnanimity of His followers' presence, of them working with HIM, being willing and ready to cooperate and qualified to lift up a Standard even as HE has and qualified to produce the Magnanimousness of His Presence in them, even as HE has produced in Himself for them.


Lift up the Standard Continually

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition and to dial in on the Fundamental continually. Oh, it is a privilege to observe the Mystery and to live thus accordingly. Then I say, lift up the Standard continually! In all of your daily activities produce Perfection, in every word, deed or action; even as it is not observable in the beginning bring it to fruition that it might be observable and that mankind might understand Perfection is in it, if it is not observable, for I will bring it to the surface and demonstrate it. Aren't you glad?

The Magnanimous Presence of GOD, as a sample and as an example for you all, will cause you in all of your actions and all of your dealings to express GOD'S Omniscience, if you will but let HIM. That is the Mystery! Then I say, in the cities, villages and county, even in the country places such as public highways and elsewhere, in driving our automobiles we will endeavor to abide by rules and regulations that are not written, so long as we know they are evangelical and for the benefit and the good of the people.

Without the requirement of the law to do so we will park our cars on the right side of the road in places wheresoever we may be, because we are to be the law- makers for others, as you have recognized the Magnanimous Presence of the Almighty. In the Magnanimous Presence of GOD you will observe the Magnificence of His Presence in expression and you will say, "HE is Beautiful."


You Need not Ask Another

Why do you say it? It is because it is, as aforesaid in the beginning of this Message -- it is the Magnificence of His Presence reflected in your versions concerning HIM, decorating your version with the beauty of the Almighty as transmitted. Concentrate on it and GOD to you will be everything and when and wheresoever anything is necessary, it will come forth into expression from HIM. You need not ask another as GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent -- GOD can answer every problem and GOD and will adjust matters satisfactorily, as GOD is the Master of Omnipotency and the Controller of all mankind's destiny in all ways, words, deeds and actions and in all of their expressions. GOD will produce and express Perfection for the good of all humanity.

How marvelous it is to make laws, rules and regulations mentally and spiritually and cause mankind to become to be the reincarnators of that of which HE is creating and that which HE is making, and after they shall have reincarnated, reincarnated that which HE has spoken into consideration through His creative forces of nature, by His Own Omniscience, mankind will also reincarnate them and bring them into expression characteristically and dispositionally until we shall have a Righteous Government in reality, within ourselves as individuals, that GOD Himself might be the Speaker and the Expresser of that which is desirable for all of us.


You Have the Seed Idea

Then I say, wheresoever we are, now, henceforth and forever, produce the desirable qualities and put them forth into expression, for you have the seed idea of each and all of the desirable qualities and the attributes of the Almighty.

The Law was given by Moses firstly, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus lastly. The first was the earth, earthy, the second is the LORD from Heaven. The laws, rules and regulations of our advanced civilization should be the laws, rules and regulations of Heaven transmitted -- therefore, the laws, rules and regulations must be given from the Legislative Body of the Infinite One, where HE has organized mentally and spiritually those who are righteous, according to His Righteous Government Platform,

Therefore we will hand down laws to the children of men. Even if we are not legalizing them I will transmit them and cause such laws and rules and regulations to be considered, for the Magnanimous Presence of GOD among you shall produce such an expression so far reaching it will be convincing to all humanity to know with you and My co-workers, combined with GOD'S Magnanimous Presence and your Magnanimity presence and activities we will bring into actuality laws, rules and regulations for all humanity that they might copy after the fashion I AM showing them, for laws, rules and regulations that are for the good of the people and for safety and for protection and for help and aid; such laws, rules and regulations, they all come from GOD.


Under the Royal Laws

The law that was even given by Moses, or came by Moses -- the law that even came by Moses, of which was a sketch and a reflection, it came from GOD from that angle of expression and for that dispensation and for that age, that mankind might obey the Voice of GOD even under the Royal Law that they might have a sense of feelings to fear GOD; to fear not to do according to His Blessings, according to His Word. For this cause GOD allowed the law to be sent down through and by Moses for them, in that age. Of course, it was not for the advanced spiritual civilization, it was the Antediluvian law, ancient law for those who were living in mortal consciousness who had not advanced scientifically and spiritually and mentally to a degree where you are today, with the moral training of CHRIST, with His Modesty and His Virtue transmitted -- therefore it was essential for the law to be given by Moses. But, as the Grace and Truth of which we are stressing as a law for this advanced spiritual civilization was given by Jesus, which is commonly known as the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in CHRIST JESUS -- since this law has been so freely given it is essential for you to copy after this law, for this law will not only reform you theoretically but it will transform you characteristically and naturally and cause you to become to be new creatures, for it will work internally for the purpose of changing you.


Wisdom by Inspiration

How marvelous it is to observe the Work of this Law that I AM putting forth into expression, the exactness as an executive of Righteousness transmitted, His rules and regulations according to His Righteous Judgment. Aren't you glad! These laws, rules and regulations as they are transmitted they are being reincarnated for this people, those who live it and express it and bring themselves into subjection, such as may not have been revealed to them. The Magnanimous Presence of GOD'S Majesty and Mercy will be unto them an inspiration to teach them Wisdom that is necessary for the establishment of rules and laws and regulations even on the material plane.

The traffic regulation must be controlled by the Master Mind in the future. They must get their laws and regulations to be handed down, even to the County officials, the Justices of Peace and others must be governed by the Law of the Spirit of Life as given from the Magnanimous Presence of the Almighty, from His Omniscience, yet with His Mercy and Compassion for the Good of all humanity.

For this cause I request the Honor of all of My co-workers, followers and friends, in driving on the highways, in the cities, streets and elsewhere, rules and regulations that are according to My version as being evangelical, with rules and regulations that are for the good of all of the people -- such rules, regulations and customs should be adhered to and abided by; parking your cars on the right side of the road -- even the highways where there is not a law or regulation there to regulate traffic. You do not have to be forced to do right by the laws of man to do it, but within you have the law within yourself, the Law of the Spirit of Life that will adjust matters satisfactorily and will lift up a standard for others that they might copy after the fashion I have shown you and they will see and know definitely the Magnanimous Presence of the Almighty is a law within itself to you and to them, through the Magnanimity of GOD'S Presence in you as individuals, that you might express your quality of being Magnanimous, even as your FATHER.


Partakers in Establishment of the Law of Heaven

By living in this recognition and by instilling these qualities in you, through harmonization with ME you also will be partakers of the establishment of the Law of Heaven, for what said the Gospel, yea, the Epistle concerning the Mystery:

'The saints shall judge Angels",

in other words,

'yea are made ministering spirits, for GOD makes His ministering spirits Angels and His ministers flames of fire.'

Then I say as you judge, judge angels, you are judging yourselves and judging others, for what said HE in another quotation concerning that particular Mystery of your Judgmentship degree:

"Know ye not that the Saints shall judge the world?"

And again by a prediction as given to Isaiah in his prophecies: "Behold a King shall reign", he declared, "and Princes shall rule in judgment and a man shall be as an hiding place and as a cover from the wind and the tempest that blows."

You can see these things are to be fulfilled among you as each of you live according to My Teaching and do as I bid you do.


My Spirit Will Adjust Matters

There are many things I could say along this line -- it is not necessary for ME to say them to you Personally but the very Spirit of GOD'S Presence will adjust matters satisfactorily. Live in and harmonize with it, by concentration you will produce the quality, the Nature and the Characteristics of your Savior and you will become to be the actuated expressers and partakers of GOD'S Nature, for all of these things are transmittable, and as they are transmittable they are reincarnatable, reproducible and re personifiable. You should personify them -- you should even materialize them and become to be the materialization and the personification of that of which you have been stressing in actions and in deeds.

How marvelous it is to be in the Presence of the Name of GOD! For what said the Scripture in the inspirationic prediction: "The Name of GOD is a strong tower and the Righteous run therein and are saved."

This Inspirationic prediction was and still is well worth considering for the very Name of GOD of Whom you say I AM, this Mighty Name is Magnanimous in your presence -- this Mighty Name causes you to be the expressers or have the quality of it, as the expressers of the Magnanimity of GOD'S Actual Presence.

How glorious it is to observe the Mystery and live thus accordingly and build upon this Foundation, for in GOD dwelleth all of the fullness of the GOD-HEAD Bodily and you as co-workers and as being termed obedient servants, but as co-workers in My consideration, are partakers of the identical nature of your Savior and His Magnanimous Presence will not be limited to His Person as observable at this instance, but will be expressed in each and every individual who bring his or her body into subjection and live exactly according to His Teaching as given through His Actual Presence this afternoon.


Speaking In Many Ways

There are many things I could say along this line but that which I have spoken into consideration, permit ME to speak silently -- permit ME to speak Intuitively, permit ME to speak Inspirationally, permit ME to speak vision-ly, permit ME to speak dreamily and every way of expression within you, that you might be the producers as well as the Producer -- yea the reproducer is also a producer, for when others see the expression of such things in you they will impute them to be you; they will be reputed as your expressions, as your statements, as your versions -- if they have not heard them in any other. That is the Mystery!

The gestures and expressions of individuals are all transmittable When they are spoken stressfully and volitionally through you as individuals, those who see them in expression in you will see them to be yours, they will think they are yours; but they were before you. They will be after you, if you do not continue to be as you should be and do as you should do. That is the Mystery! But they will see them to be you and yours. They are not you and they are not yours, for they all are impersonal as GOD Is! But through His Condescension, with His Love and His Mercy and tender Compassion GOD Imputes Himself in His Own expressions in the different expressions of the different individuals, giving honor and praise to individuals as they give honor to HIM, as the Infinite One.


GOD Praises You Through Others

When you give all of the glory and the honor to GOD -- give all praise and thanksgiving in all of your words, deeds and actions, GOD through His Condescension works through your individuality and through your personality, although your personality and individuality is an expression of your person and of you as a person and all of this is merely for those who are living in mortal consciousness -- who can only observe to the psychics and into the psychics, but cannot forge their way through to the Infinite One, where personalities and individualities cannot come. You are getting Honor as you Honor GOD. GOD Honors you as you Honor GOD. GOD Praises you through others as you Praise GOD wholeheartedly. In your personalities and in your individualities GOD is expressing, GOD is functioning, GOD is demonstrating and GOD is speaking. But remember, it is an honor to you and a dishonor to GOD for GOD to speak in any of you all; to speak in your likeness, in your image and likeness as individuals -- it is a dishonor to the Majesty and Magnanimousness of the Infinite One.

Oh, it is something to consider! By GOD'S Condescension to speak in you and to act in you, in you may be observed the Magnificence of GOD'S Presence transmitted and you may look beautiful. It is dishonoring and disbeautifying the Majesty and the Magnificence of the Almighty, but it beautifies you, it honors you, it blesses you and that which I have spoken concerning you as a person I speak even concerning Myself, as I had afore related concerning the Mystery of the Magnificence of My Presence observable in the decorating of your versions concerning ME and My Presence. Your versions are decorated with the designs of beauty in your consideration.


"Lo! I AM With You"

I have declared My Personal Presence is not a reality saving as the declaration of the beauty of the versions of the people concerning ME. That is the Mystery! Now you can see I have not left you in that place where you would be dishonoring GOD to be the expresser or reflector, but I have shown you definitely, I Myself, as a Person, as it may be termed, would be the same.

Can you not see the Mystery? Truly might have Jesus said:

'Lo! I will be with you." Or, "Lo! I Am with you.'

In the lowly state of expression, wheresoever He abases you as a person, even so abase I, Myself Personally, that you might not observe the personality of individuals; that you might transcend personalities and individualities, even the Personality of the Infinite One, that you might revel into the Reality of the Infinite One with or without a Person, with or without a Bodily Form, where the personalities and individualities of the Infinite One cannot come and where the personalities and individualities of mortality cannot come. For the personalities and the individualities of mortality will come wheresoever mortal consciousness will allow them to come; and when they go into certain places in your imagination, they are detrimental to you, they are antagonistic, they are conflicting, for you are carrying those personalities of certain individuals in the likeness and the image of some individual person in your imagination. Therefore, you are not giving all of the glory and honor to your Maker, as requested in the first and the great Commandment:

'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.'

Do you not see the Mystery? How glorious it is to live in such a Presence! Where the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience is open wide; where GOD is speaking continually in His actuated Words of expression, materializing Himself and His Impersonal Presence, that the Personification of that which is Impersonal might be a living Reality, that you might copy after the Impersonal when it is characterized as the Person and made visible, made real, tangible and practical, as a Sample and as an Example for others. Then and only then can you copy after the Perfect. I thank you.
