"As Many as Are Led by the Spirit of GOD They Are the Sons of GOD."

"Everything Will Be All Right When All of My True Believers Remain In the Consciousness
of My Actual Presence." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table The Promised Land, Hope Farm, N. Y. Thursday,
November 11, 1937 A.D.F.D., Time -- 10:20 P.M. Friday, January 19, 1934 A.D.F.D., Time -- Noon

Hope Farm

Hope Farm.


The Message delivered by FATHER at the Banquet Table at the conclusion of several inspiring testimonies, embraced a number of important principles which must be instilled in us and predominate in all of our expressions. Of these, the most vital in our quest for Salvation, is the recognition and the realization of the Ever Presence of GOD, for when this is actually firmly and permanently established in the consciousness, automatically everything else desirable follows; the conscious mentality is relaxed and GOD'S Omniscience flows in to answer every problem and adjust all matters satisfactorily; healings are instantaneous, joy abounds, and all personality and individuality is lost in the INFINITE ONE.

Praise His Holy Name!

(The foregoing statement is that of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)


PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" replied the assembly.) Here we all are again and there I sit; as I stand I come. Whilst listening to one of the first songs we sang, I thought of how marvelous it is to create the Atmosphere of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, how awakening it is, and of how it lifts and heals every ill!

The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply! When and wheresoever you are, when you raise your vibrations to contact the CHRIST Consciousness and express consciously in actions GOD'S Actual Presence, such a vibration is so far-reaching it changes your physical system as well as changing your mentality and the things that may be from, and in the mental realm.


Consciousness of GOD'S Presence Will Satisfy

How glorious it is to realize the very Consciousness of GOD'S Presence will satisfy! The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply, and by the Consciousness of GOD being openly expressed and being fully manifest in you and in those with whom you come in contact, it actually adjusts matters satisfactorily! I satisfies the desires of every heart and every mind! It is manna to the hungry soul! To those who are weary it gives rest! It heals the wounded spirit and it calms the troubled breast.

Whilst beholding the vibrations as they expressed in the individuals, I thought of the Name of GOD, and to convince others of your Consciousness of It, you also convince them of the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence, which dispels the belief in the "other fellow". So long as you are conscious of the "other fellow" having power, so long as you are conscious of there being any other power in expression, you cannot relax your conscious mentality readily and peacefully to allow the Spirit of My Presence to work harmoniously for you, but when you realize, as said the Scripture in the Name of Jesus:

'All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth.'

. . . you can Relax yourself and Still yourselves as individuals, and yet be Conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence, knowing the conscious consideration of the "other fellow" is no longer in existence.

When your conscious thoughts Unified together in expression and when you Unified yourselves together in actions in the act of singing and speaking in Unison, the very vibrations of the Spirit were lifted so high until you could feel as though you were in a new world. "Happy" produces the expression of his nature, his name, and puts it forth into actions in his physical bodily form, for the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD caused him to express himself by nature in the actuated expression of happiness, since that is his nature.

As in the experience of "Happy", even so it was and so it is with each and every individual who will bring his or her body into subjection. Realizing GOD as Ever Present, a Living Factor in the hearts and lives of humanity, adverse and undesirable conditions are eradicated and GOD Himself comes forth into expression in the extreme reverse expression to that which you and others were expressing firstly.

For this cause we are rejoicing and we are exceedingly glad! If it was only for the purpose of convincing humanity Universally, yea individually, GOD is Actually Present with you, My Work, My Mission and My Influence would not be in vain. To be conscious of GOD'S Presence, the Atmosphere is made lighter -- the very Atmosphere is no longer thick, a thick atmosphere in which you cannot breathe, but the Atmosphere is made so free and clear you glory in exhaling but more so in inhaling the Atmosphere in which you are living. It is true exhaling is essential, but you regret the thought of exhaling at times in certain atmospheres in which you have been living, for if you exhale the sweetness of the Joy and the Pure Air, which you have inhaled, you must needs inhale some of the atmosphere wheresoever you are; hence, you regret to exhale for fear that you might have to inhale some unclean germs. But in this Atmosphere in which we live, the Atmosphere that the Spirit of GOD creates when you are conscious of GOD'S Presence, and put it forth in deeds and in actions, the Atmosphere is lovely to breathe. The Atmosphere is healthy to breathe, for it is cleansed from all filthiness of uncleanliness, and the very Spirit of GOD'S Presence being the expression of it, the Atmosphere in which you are then living is the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence!

Just look at this beautiful Dining Room and behold your surroundings whilst you sit and sing and praise My Name! The very Atmosphere in which you are now living is the Atmosphere of the CHRIST, in other words the Creator of all Creation. The Atmosphere has created and re-created, produced and re-produced these things that we are now enjoying -- the Actual Presence of GOD expressed, to give you comfort and convenience with Joy, Life, Peace and Health! That is what this Atmosphere has done for you!

I need not say more -- I need not say anything, for My very Presence, with your conscious Conviction and Realization of it, is quite efficient to meet the issues and to adjust matters satisfactorily; to cause you to be Conscious of GOD'S Presence and to cause others co- operatively to be Conscious of it, and to cause you to stress it vividly. The very expression of stressing your conscious conviction creates an Atmosphere such as this in which we are living, which will cleanse all of the nations of the earth from all filthiness of the flesh.

How marvelous it is, then, to be in such an Atmosphere -- the very transmitted Spirit and Presence of GOD! Through your conviction and conscious recognition of His Presence, the Atmosphere is transmitted from the Infinite One and inculcated and reincarnated in the hearts and minds and lives of the children of men. It will cleanse them from all of their sins and redeem them on earth among men, from among them, and cause them to be New Creatures to walk with GOD in White!

You can SEE it! Everything will be all right when all of My True Believers remain in the Consciousness of My Actual Presence and reckon this Presence to be the Infinite One by their Conscious Conviction. It is not anything to do to make it be true, saving to be Conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence and express yourself volitionally as I lead you, for

'As many as are led by the Spirit of GOD they are the Sons of GOD.'

You need not take any thought what you are going to say or do. You need not take thoughts what you will express in a gesture or in an action, but be governed by your highest intuition through the relaxation of your conscious mentality and through the Conscious Realization of GOD'S Actual Presence, you will have nothing else to lead you but your Savior!

Then, this Consciousness will bring about every desirable Blessing! This Consciousness will root out and root up everything that I have not planted! This Consciousness shall establish your going in the Land of the Living! This Consciousness will give you Victory continually, and GOD Himself will be reckoned among you, and other things in opposition will be failures, even though all earth oppose you!

How marvelous it is to Know your GOD! How marvelous it is to be Conscious of GOD'S Presence, the very Work and the Mission of CHRIST your Savior, as being termed Jesus!

'His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us.'

To get this Conviction and Realization in the consciousness of the people, I can see the very physical system clearing up to be free from blotches and from every adverse and undesirable condition, for the very Spirit of GOD'S Actual Presence, by your Conscious Conviction, will do the cleansing! Aren't you glad! . . . adjusting matters satisfactorily from every angle expressible -- not only mentally, but physically as well as mentally and spiritually!

Then I say, "Rejoice in the LORD always, and again I say rejoice! Let your moderation be made known to all men, the LORD your GOD is at hand", and none can and none shall hinder HIM!

How marvelous it is to Know your GOD! How marvelous it is to be Conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence . . . to see all undesirable conditions and chaos eradicated and GOD Himself in evidence as the only Redeemer, as the Sample and the Example for all humanity! For this cause we are rejoicing to see the out-picturing of the Spirit of My Presence put forth into expression in the person I mentioned -- "Happy". It came forth into expression by the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, for wheresoever there are many together Conscious of GOD'S Presence, as the mist went up from the earth, the Atmosphere of GOD'S Presence and the Atmosphere of the Consciousness of it, Unite together and go forth in expression, expressing Joy, Life, Peace, Health and Happiness and causing the other expressions to the reverse of such expressions to be eradicated and dispelled from among us. That is what it is all about!


How Dare You Say I AM Not Here?

That was about all I had to say -- to stress this Thought vividly that you might see it and know it definitely, "Lo, I AM with you now, henceforth and forever", that is, if you will but let ME and live it and express it, "Lo, I will be with you." When this is established once and forever in your consciousness, if I AM apparently absent according to the mortal version, you could not be slipped upon by individuals speaking to you for you to deny My Ever Presence when I AM apparently absent. If I AM Ever Present and if I AM with you always, how dare you say I AM not HERE! How dare you tell the President of the United States of America I AM not HERE! If he, by his profession, business or trade or official duty, can cause you to deny My Presence, there is something on the earth can bring a separation!

My Mission was to convince you and all mankind of GOD'S Actual Presence! And if you convince yourself and others by this great Conversion I AM Actually Ever and Eternally Present, then you can and will be the same, act the same and say the same and do the same at My Personal Absence as you would do in My Personal Presence! And if you can do the same, say the same and will do the same and act the same in every way of expression, in every word, deed and action, when I AM Personally absent the same as you do or would in My Personal Presence, then I will be the same to you as you see ME to be!

When I AM Personally absent you have just as much to eat, to drink and to wear as you do when I AM Personally Present! You would have just as much Happiness and Joy and Peace and Pleasure, if you Recognize My Ever-Presence and live and express it in every word, deed and action! Then you would see "Happy" and others just as happy and just as faithful and just as obedient and just as loving, just as kind; and sickness and disease, displeasure, discords and adverse and undesirable conditions could not come, if you would be conscious of My Presence at all times. That is what I AM talking about! "And His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, 'GOD is with us'."

That was the Mission of CHRIST, to convince you of GOD'S Actual Presence! When this is once established in your memories, and you act and express and think and do everything the same at My Personal absence as you would in My Personal Presence, I will be there in Evidence in the act of Blessing, in the act of Demonstration, in the act of Healing and in the act of every other good and desirable Blessing, because you are conscious of My Ever Presence! That is what it is all about! And if this would be, why nothing could come in opposition to hinder any more at My Personal absence than it could in My Personal Presence, and that which would be in opposition would no longer have an existence, for you would be firmly, consolidatedly Unified Together in your conscious conviction of My Actual Presence both mentally and spiritually and Personally.

GOD is Omnipresent! If GOD is Omnipresent geographically, GOD is Omnipresent Personally . . . and that is to say GOD is Present in your Flesh on the material plane, in the mind and in the spirit; GOD is in all of these different realms of expression, and GOD is as active at His Personal Absence as HE is in your personal presence, if you are Conscious of His Presence and live it and express it from every angle expressible. How marvelous it is! Then you would know GOD is Omnipresent; you would know GOD is as much in the Flesh as HE is in the Spirit! You would know GOD is as much in the Spirit as HE is in the Flesh, and you would know GOD is as much in the mind, in the mental and on the mental plane as HE is on the material plane. You would know GOD is in whatsoever I AM! You would know GOD when HE comes; you would know GOD when HE is apparently gone, and you would know GOD at all times at Home! Then the same would be in evidence. The powers that be would be brought into subjection, for the Omnipotence and Omniscience of the Omnipotent and Omniscient One would be in evidence, would have free access and have dominion to express and would express Himself in His Own Omniscience and Omnipotence when HE would be Personally absent, the same as HE does when HE is Personally Present!

I mentioned eating, I mentioned things pertaining to that which we may consider as for the sustenance of the body because those things we enjoy. Then you have company at all times . . . the COMFORTER has come to ABIDE! You would have the same Company all of the time! You would have just as much to eat, just as much comfort, just as much convenience at My Personal absence as you would when I AM Personally Present! Then convince yourselves of My Presence and Conviction . . . bring yourselves into this Recognition by living it and expressing it scientifically and accurately, and the reaction of your conscious conviction, your Conversion, will bring the desirable Blessings for you.

How marvelous it is to be in the very Atmosphere of GOD'S Presence; the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence! Carry it with you daily! . . . carry it with you hourly! . . . carry it with you momently! How marvelous it is to have the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence with you momentarily, and the very Spirit of GOD'S Presence is put forth into expression according to your conscious religious conviction. You will not have an occasion to lack for anything, for I will be the same as you Believe ME to be, and live it and express it accurately and scientifically and Personally! I will be in turn expressing on the material plane, for your comfort, for your convenience, for your consolation, for your information and for your knowledge and for your understanding, and for everything that is necessary for you at My Personal Absence the same as I would express in My Personal Presence.

When this established, as you go you will carry your LIGHT with you, as the automobile or as the train carries its light along with it. They carry their lights with them for they have their lights within; therefore they carry them. You all could see the outward expression of apparent change for better since I came Personally. You can see more comfort and more convenience . . . you can see the Abundance of the Fullness in evidence! You can be more Peaceful and more Contented! You can be better satisfied! Why? Because GOD is nigh!

Convince yourselves of GOD'S Actual and Abiding Presence now, henceforth and forever. When you speak it and when you act it, when you live it and when you sing it, and when you work it out by physical exercising, and any other expression, GOD'S Presence will be in evidence, and GOD'S Presence will be reckoned, and GOD'S Presence will be the ONE to be counted upon henceforth, now and forever. Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" assured the hearers.)

How marvelous it is then, I say, to live in GOD'S Presence! How marvelous it is to Know your GOD! How marvelous it is to lay aside every seeming difference and every seeming selfish tendency and RELAX your conscious mentality. How marvelous it is to still yourselves completely, that GOD might be seen with you! So long as you are seen, GOD cannot be seen. Truly might have one said:

'O for a closer walk with GOD, a calm and a heavenly frame,
A Light to shine upon the road that leads me to the Lamb.'

It also said:

'A heart submissive, meek and sweet, my great Redeemer's Throne, Where CHRIST alone is heard to speak, and Jesus reigns alone.'

So long as there is anything else reigning there, GOD cannot be seen effectively, GOD cannot be your real BLESSER, for even the Blessings that will come from the Almighty, they will be adulterated by your adulterous mind. But when you shall have Let go and Let GOD completely, and realize GOD'S Actual Presence sincerely, the reaction of such a conscious conviction will bring the desirable Blessings beyond measure. GOD Himself as in His Personal Presence will be put forth into expression in the act of bringing about every good and desirable Blessing, in the act of adjusting matters satisfactorily, in the act of making you Successful and Prosperous, in the act of making you Joyful, Peaceful and yet Happy; in the act of making you LOVE Ye ONE ANOTHER and express it in the act of increasing your limitless Blessings until you will not have room to receive them.

Keep this Consciousness of GOD'S Presence in evidence. Reckon it as a STANDARD of your status of thinking, of your actions and of your mission! When this shall have been established once and forever when I AM Personally Absent from your personal presence, lo I will be with you now, henceforth and forever, and you will not have an occasion to fret nor worry. Just as it is in this Dining Room, so will it be wheresoever you are. Just as it is under My Personal Jurisdiction when I AM Personally Present and Personally Officiating, even so will it be wheresoever you are, for there will I be expressing in words, deeds and actions and I will be in evidence and I will be reckoned even to the unbelievers and the sinners.


Be Convinced and Believe

The Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, as the sister said in reference to her instantaneous healing of the T. B. and other complications of diseases. When the song was sung -- although she admitted she had said she did not believe I was GOD -- but when the song was sung vividly by the conscious conviction of other individuals, their thoughts and conviction were transmitted to this individual and she automatically conceived it, for it was contagious and carried within itself a conviction that she was obliged to be convinced and believe. Even if she did not wish to consciously believe, she believed subconsciously and she was instantaneously healed. Because of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence and the conscious conviction of many co- operating together, speaking and singing in unison, it created an Atmosphere that was so contagious it healed her of her incurable diseases! This is was should always be done.

This is just what can be done in all of the places! This is just what can be done wheresoever you are -- if you are alone apparently, your individual personal presence at a place would not prohibit My Infinite Spirit and Presence, if you are Conscious of My Infinite Presence and Ever Presence with you, for when you would go to a place or be at a place personally as an individual, just individually alone with such a conscious conviction and realization as you have established in your consideration, you would carry with you the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, the Atmosphere in which you are living in this My Personal Presence and in and under My Jurisdiction, and you would carry with you the conscious conviction of millions of souls; the spirit and the presence of their conviction, therefore you would carry with yourself the Atmosphere of the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, that would Heal them the same at all others' personal absence as you would and as the Spirit of it would, in the presence of the audience, when they are assembled together in praise and in thanksgiving to the Almighty.

It would be WITH you! You would not need to worry about not having another to bear witness of it, the very Spirit of My Presence would be with you, and the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, as millions are conscious of it and live it and express it. From such a conscious conviction the very Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD would be with you and would be just as effective and just as operative in the absence of all other persons who are sincere believers with you, as in their personal presence and as in these different assemblies.

That is the significance of the Independence of GOD and the Independence of the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence and of the conscious conviction of millions. Their conscious conviction would be with you, and their Atmosphere and their impersonality would be with you. Aren't you glad! Their un-individualities would be with you, for the expressions of the individuals would not be confined to their expressions as individuals, but the expressions would be with you; therefore it would be the un-individualities of each and every personality, which would be the Impersonality of each and every sincere believer. It would be WITH you.

They could not be identified by persons . . . those different expressions could not be identified by persons, but they could be identified by the Spirit of GOD'S Actual Presence that will lift those with whom you come in contact. That is the mystery, and that is why millions are lifted by such a recognition. One individual can carry with himself or with herself millions of the Impersonalities and the Un-individualities of the millions -- the Spirit and the Presence of such an expression coming and going with you, whithersoever you go, that you might not be comfortless. "Lo, I AM with you!" When I AM absent I AM Present in Spirit with you!

This would be so far-reaching it would be convincing to any person, for the very Atmosphere of GOD'S Presence you would carry with you! They could not identify the Un- individualities and the Impersonalities of the different individuals, as they may be termed, for they are Redeemed from persons and individuals; therefore such expressions would be only known as the "Visitations of Angels" in the fulfillment of the Scripture, they shall only be known as Angels; such Visitations shall only be known as Angels. I shall not let them be known as "this one" nor "that one" nor the "other one", that you might lean on the arms of men for help, but the Individualities of the persons shall be lost, and I shall carry you through the psychic plane directly to GOD, where the personalities of individual persons and where the individual Individualities of the different individuals have no longer an existence in their expressions, for they shall be Redeemed from materialism completely and shall only be known as the "Visitations of Angels" in the Heavenly state of expression. When and wheresoever you go, from that angle of expression, I will be with you!

Heretofore, before you knew ME, when you would be destitute at times, you would have a presentiment of an individual, and the personality and the individuality of such persons would appear to you; but their individualities and their personalities must be Redeemed from mortality and from the mortal version completely, and be hid in the Infinite; and they shall only be known as the "Visitations of Angels" in the Heavenly state of expression where I AM now calling you! When this is accomplished, you will no longer lean on the arms of man for help; neither reckon yourselves with individuals and individualities, with personalities and mortal versionated expressions pertaining to the mortal world of affection; but you will reveling into the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of GOD, where all things of the old world from that angle of expression are forgotten. Aren't you glad!

How marvelous it is to live in this recognition! But all of this is accomplished by your conscious realization of GOD'S Actual Presence and by being consciously lifted by your vibrations being lifted from mortality to Immortality, from individualities to Un-individualities and from the personality of individuals to the Impersonality of the individuals, that you might not lean on them nor claim them as something to you or to yourself by your mortal version; for from those things you shall have been lifted, and you shall be in a New, Bright World in which I AM now living!


Now Become to Be in Reality New Creatures

Now, keep this Consciousness with you! Express it in deeds and in actions! Be the same at My Personal Absence, exactly the same in words, deeds and actions; exactly the same in thoughts, in ideas and in opinions; exactly the same in every gesture, every expression and every emotion, and you lose your identity completely and will become to be in reality New Creatures; and when this shall have been accomplished, naught will be able to hinder, for the Scripture will be fulfilled:

'His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, 'GOD is with us'.'

. . . and all will be Conscious of it, and all undesirable conditions will be completely done away; for when GOD is with you and has His Sway, it will be Eternally the same as it is here tonight, or today -- all things are well throughout all Eternity! I thank you.
