"We Should Let Our Political Leaders Know That We Want a Righteous Government;
We Want Men Serving Us That Are Christ-minded, That Want Peace,
and Will Seek for Us a Just and a Fair and a Lasting Peace.

"When We Are Righteous, We Do Set up a Very Powerful Force That Is a
Deterrent to Everything That Is Negative."

Sunday, January 27, 1991, A.D. 45 F.D. Time: 7:00 to 8:30 A.M.

This Radio Dialogue Between Mother Divine and Mrs. Humphrey
Took Place During the Early Phase of the War Around the Persian Gulf in the Middle East.
Several References Are Made to the War in the Broadcast.


The Program opened with the recorded singing of a song by FATHER DIVINE's International Rosebud Choir.


Mrs. Mattie Humphrey: That was a recording by the Rosebud Choir. The next voice you hear is that of MOTHER DIVINE. Peace, MOTHER DIVINE; welcome again to the Breakfast Show.

MOTHER DIVINE: It's Wonderful to be here, Mattie, and to join your wonderful Breakfast Club.

Mrs. Humphrey: For those of us who may have been unfamiliar, could You just give us the words of the song?



' Pray, America, pray. Pray, America.
What shall I pray?
Pray for Righteousness, pray for Justice;
Pray for the Light that once you knew
Pray for Love and pray for Brotherhood;
We will stand by you.
Pray that men of every nation may come together in One,
Work and eat and sleep together,
Just as GOD's Own have done.
Pray for Victory over the common enemy,
That burning evil of division and strife
Pray for Peace flowing like a river;
Pray for the Mind of Christ.'

Mrs. Humphrey: Fine! I always just go with the flow when I hear that song; it's really one of my favorites.

In all of my opportunity to experience the Peace Mission, it's just a constant praising of GOD in song, sort of a plea for mankind to wake up to his relationship with GOD, whether it's man as an individual who is downtrodden and desperate, or whether it's man as a leader of nations speaking for nations, and somehow I think the music--it's kind of like, soothing--but it's a real strong message here, and I want You to speak out of Your Own Conviction, but I want to ask a couple of things to kind of focus it for me.

'Pray for Victory;' what is Victory? There are so many born-again people out there in Christendom to whom Victory is one of salvation or whatever, but there's some of us who just get energized with this peace mission thing, and we feel we have got to do certain things, and so, is Victory a question of sitting back, being comfortable, because GOD has won the spiritual battle long ago, or is Victory a real mission and a challenge, a real, energetic passion?

The other thing I want to ask...

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, let's start with that.

Mrs. Humphrey: You want to start with that? OK. Fine!

MOTHER DIVINE: Like we say, 'Pray, America, pray!' We want GOD to answer our prayers, but GOD only hears the prayers of HIS Son, the Christ. Now there's Christ in each and every one of us and the more we live a Righteous life, the more we deny ourselves of our prenatal influences and tendencies of prejudice, resentment and anger--all of these things that cause division and strife, especially of our selfishness and graft and greed; then we are closer to GOD; we are expressing the Christ Nature and Characteristics, and therefore GOD will answer our prayer. We do want the victory over these things because then GOD will give us the Victory over our national and international enemies.

Mrs. Humphrey: OK. So these things that are warring within us, that is the Christ within, which is within every man according to this statement, and the division of graft, greed and selfishness is also in there...

MOTHER DIVINE: That's right!

Mrs. Humphrey:...so this is an internal division and strife that's going on, not just among nations, where you have the good nations over here and the bad nations over there, but it is in every man.

MOTHER DIVINE: That's right! Jesus came to show us the way, how to get the Victory and to live a Righteous Life, that we would be acceptable in the sight of GOD, and GOD would have mercy on us.

Mrs. Humphrey: So the Victory is not over other men and other nations, i.e. but in fact it's an internal drama; it's a Victory over those mortal, as You say, prenataled elements within us which make greed and selfishness and graft the highest priority. But the Christ has to be the highest; the Christ is within and we must make the Christ the highest in our own behavior, is what I hear; it's not just a Sunday thing.

MOTHER DIVINE: Then we will be speaking the Will of GOD for the people and we should speak out. We should let our political leaders know that we want a Righteous Government; we want men serving us that are Christ-minded, that want Peace, and will seek for us a just and a fair and a lasting Peace.


Followers Are Living Sacrifices

Mrs. Humphrey: Now, if I could ask--because You've answered my question there and we can get to the listeners a little later on--but I'm really taking advantage of my position right now, because there is the passive aspect of the Victory, namely the knowledge of the Christ Spirit and the Christ Consciousness, and that Christ is heard by GOD and will respond to mankind

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, the prayers of the Righteous availeth much.

Mrs. Humphrey: Right! OK.

MOTHER DIVINE: That's why--excuse Me--that's why the Catholics pray for Mary to be an Intercessor. We don't need an intercessor; we just need to get in line with the Christ Nature and Characteristics and GOD will answer our prayers whatever they are--whether they be in our own personal lives or whether they be our sincere desires for our nation.

Mrs. Humphrey: This is what the members of the Peace Mission are dedicated to?

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, we're dedicated and consecrated, and really we're offering our bodies as a living sacrifice to atone for the injustices, for the wickedness of man, and I fully believe that if there are enough of us, then we will throw the balance of power in a different direction. We, as a nation, have brought this war on by straying from the Laws of GOD, and if we would get back in tune with the Laws of GOD, I know things would be different.

Mrs. Humphrey: And the way in which the nation gets back in tune is to re-balance its role in the whole world of nations. It is for the bodies of the individuals in the nation to tune themselves up and the Peace Mission members all over the world--because I want to get to the internationality of the Movement--have made their bodies a living sacrifice. If you want to call it 'violins,' then OK, then to be violins for this chamber orchestra or whatever, but the harmony and accord that comes from within can be expressed outwardly and become a vibration that is heard by so many, that is felt by so many, that in fact can feed and stimulate so many.

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, I might call attention to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and when GOD went down and said, if HE just had forty Righteous people, Sodom and Gomorrah could have been saved. I think HE asked first for fifty, but then went on down to ten--if HE could just have ten. But it took ten Righteous people to save the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and there were not ten Righteous people, and that's when HE told Lot and his two virtuous daughters to flee the city, because the city would automatically bring destruction upon itself because there were not enough Righteous. When we are Righteous, we do set up a very powerful force that is a deterrent to everything that is negative.

Mrs. Humphrey: And I thank You for that!


We Reap What We Sow

MOTHER DIVINE: So it is worth while. It really is worth while to deny yourself and do what's right--what you know is right and what is just. GOD will be with us when we do this, but when we know better--and we as a nation do know better--then we have to reap the fruit of our own doings.

Mrs. Humphrey: So that the issue of cause and effect is very deep here.

MOTHER DIVINE: Oh yes, Cosmic Law, what you sow you shall reap.

Mrs. Humphrey: Sometimes you sow it in ignorance and this is what I think is happening for a lot of people. The generation out there now, say, on the battle field, I think a lot of those young people were raised up thinking that the Authority could do no wrong, that is, the mortal Authority. They were raised up to almost worship it.

You know patriotism has gotten used in a lot of ways, because if GOD is blessing our nation--and HE has from the very beginning--then it is not the nation that you should praise for that but rather the GOD that is blessing the nation. It just seems to me from the time of Kate Smith-'-GOD Bless America'--when some of us were growing up, to the time of now, it's like GOD is America almost; it's kind of misleading to a lot of young people.

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, we have a right to be patriotic...

Mrs. Humphrey: Right!

Courage To Stand For Principle--Not For War

MOTHER DIVINE: ...because this is a country that is born to fulfill GOD's Plan and Purpose for us to live in Peace and Brotherhood. Here in America we have every representation of humanity and it's our challenge to come together in Unity and Harmony, and the only way to do this is to live by the Laws of GOD. We have strayed from this, we have deviated from these principles. I wish that there would be people as courageous to stand for Principle today, as we are courageous to go and fight the enemy abroad!

Where we have lost contact with our real purpose of finding fulfillment with the Victory over these common enemies of poverty and disease and everything that is plaguing our nation, is that we do not serve the True and Living GOD; we serve the God of money; we serve the God of selfishness; we really do. We have to learn to trust in GOD and do what's right, be more willing to have an attitude of giving instead of always wanting to get and see that self is in a good position, and not care how you go about getting what you want. We have to get the Mind of Christ and be willing to trust GOD and be willing to serve our fellow man and do what's best for the general welfare of the people.

It's not right that we have so many ultra-rich people and so many poor--and the poorer class of America is growing. We were a proud nation because we had an affluent middle class and hoped that it would get bigger so that we could wipe out poverty entirely. Everybody should have a full and a plenty--the necessities of life--and that is what FATHER really demonstrated without the help of Government, by trusting in GOD and doing what's right.

Those who were destitute, downtrodden, and nobody seemed to care, FATHER gave them the faith. Sure, HE put HIS Spirit in them and caused them to walk in HIS Statutes, so that they knew they could work and be independent because GOD would find them a job, and they would pay their way and not be stealing and begging and doing things that would bring worse conditions upon themselves. It can be done because FATHER demonstrated it.

Mrs. Humphrey: And that's really what the International Peace Mission Movement is about, showing through demonstration the sample and the example of what could happen on a world scale. In Philadelphia, in one way, and in the United States, in another way, is a mixture of the world's people.

MOTHER DIVINE: That's right.

Mrs. Humphrey: This past year, MOTHER, we celebrated the Fiftieth Anniversary of Circle Mission at Broad Street, which was FATHER's Headquarters here for meeting, talking with and greeting people over the years, and I'm thinking about the fifty years of the Jubilee in the Bible when Liberty was proclaimed to all the inhabitants.

What I'm hearing in my mind is that the people are--through the Christ in them--many of them like the little girl, like the mother and her son, manifesting and expressing this GOD Consciousness, and circumstances of war and poverty are sometimes in the background of what makes people realize they've got to make a choice; they've got to do something; they've got to overcome this misfortune.

So we now need to learn more explicitly these lessons, given all this entertainment; that is, like a lot of people are watching this war the same way they watch other things on the media. It becomes entertainment or a substitute for it. Do You get that sense that we're sort of like oriented to entertainment? Then when we get things coming into our mind, a lot of it is in the form of entertainment, but really it's not entertainment.


Wake Up! Take A Stand For the Right Thing

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, we need to wake up! People need to wake up and they need to be aware of what is happening to them and to this country. It's the forces of good against the forces of evil, and we have to take a definite stand for whatsoever is just and right.

We have to create the world in which we want to live, not be waiting even for our City Government or our State Government or our National Government to do it. We have to take steps ourselves to produce the kind of world we want to live in.

This is what happened with the followers of FATHER DIVINE. FATHER DIVINE didn't take all the cigarettes away from us or all the liquor or put us in a place that we couldn't get them. But have the Spirit in you; then you refuse to smoke, you refuse to drink, you refuse to gamble, you refuse to segregate and you refuse to live an immoral life, and when the people stop doing it then all of the Underworld will stop putting all of this before them. They put before us what they think that we would like, so that they can make the money off of us. They're just trying to commercialize on these weaknesses of human nature.

Mrs. Humphrey: Well, I'm hearing a great deal and I hope our listeners are too, because in about ten minutes we'll get back to the phones. But I wanted to go on a little further when You spoke of the affluent middle class. And this brings up the economics of the situation, because I think class in that context is based on being able to afford a certain life style, enough shelter, enough food and enough whatever, and then time left over for a weekend's vacation, holidays, sharing and various kinds of things that are not necessities but that are in fact a way of expressing a life style.

MOTHER DIVINE: A part of living.

Mrs. Humphrey: This somehow has gone wrong in that it's now a matter of greed and selfishness rather than a decent life style. I want to say that the economics--you know it's kind of easy to get men worshiping money. It just seems to me to be really easy, because I've seen people, in a couple of short years, go from need to greed--if you understand what I'm saying--be in a position of bemoaning a misfortune and then have the opportunity to overcome the misfortune. Then instead of wanting to share with others how to overcome the misfortune, they just turn around and never get enough, never get satisfied.


Healing Of the Fear of Lacks and Wants

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, that's why FATHER came demonstrating this abundance, that's why HE spread HIS Tables and fed the people so abundantly. I always say, many people were healed that came in FATHER's Presence, or that contacted HIM mentally and spiritually. They were healed of all manner of diseases and they were healed of their economic problems, but I think the greatest healing that FATHER gave the people was really the healing of the fear that they had to live in lacks and wants and limitations.

FATHER came demonstrating a loving FATHER Who produced the abundance and said, 'There's a plenty, there's a plenty, a full and a plenty for all.' If people have that in their mind, then they can free themselves from the selfishness and greed that we all are a victim of, until we become aware and let the Christ Nature free us to express in Love and Sharing.

Mrs. Humphrey: So the Christ Nature is like any other element that is capable of self-expression. It can get shut out or closed off or overshadowed by unlike forces that are also there attempting to get our minds and attention.

Focusing on the economics of the abundance that FATHER is constantly generating and demonstrating, that is not to be confused with the main-stream, middle class that is dependent on credit cards--I would say, usury-type mechanisms out there in the market place, deception, fraud, misrepresentation of professionalism. I mean, this abundance is built on simple righteous principles of caring and sharing, honesty and integrity, because we've got a real 'expanded' middle-class but it's not self-reliant or self-sufficient or GOD-oriented. I mean I think this is where the problem is.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, it's not...

Mrs. Humphrey: FATHER took these people who had nothing, took people who were on Welfare, people who were in prison, people who were in the street, people for whom fortune was on the downside, put HIS Spirit in them; HIS Statutes grew in them and they took on the Character and the Behavior of Righteousness in response to following and obeying HIM.

The Modest Code to me is the key in that it specifies 'no bribes, no gifts,' and many of the problems of our Government today are the question of these Political Action Committees or these bribes, or these gifts. I remember You sent me, or someone from the Peace Mission sent me, that newspaper about the Feds and the whole thing that is going on with the Monetary System. So we've got a pseudo middle class that's out there almost controlled by their debts....

MOTHER DIVINE: That's right!

Mrs. Humphrey: And that's not the way that FATHER presented economic development.

MOTHER DIVINE: No; they must get on a cash-and-carry basis and then cooperate together, pay cash as you go and owe no man, and know that whatever you sacrifice for Righteousness' sake, GOD will bless you a hundredfold. If you trust in GOD, HE will put you on a sound financial and economic basis.

Mrs. Mattie Humphrey: Then in a couple of minutes--the issue of education. I know that FATHER has a lot of people who came into the Peace Mission as children, and grew up under the code, the standard of the Mission, and have become professionals and have become functionaries out there in the rest of the world. They're not segregated--you know in the sense of only working among their own community--but in fact they are a light to people in lots of workplaces around Philadelphia. I wonder if You can comment on the way in which FATHER brought people into a work world out of almost another world in some cases.


Submit To A Higher Authority

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, it's the Conscious recognition of GOD's Actual Presence with you; like I often hear you say about being 'born again.' Abraham Lincoln prayed that this nation might have a new birth of freedom under GOD, and it takes an awakening within them to be motivated to want to do right.

It's wonderful to have a vision and have a hope--a vision of a world of a full and a plenty, where you will have plenty of work, and you will have an opportunity to have the things that you want or that you need. All of your dreams can come true, and FATHER gave the people a vision that they could get the Victory, that Christ in them was sufficient to give them the strength, and with their conviction of FATHER being the Second Coming of Christ in the Fathership Degree, then they were willing to obey and this is what people have to do; they have to submit to Authority.

We have to bring ourselves into subjection to a Higher Authority, and it's up to each individual to find that Higher Authority. The followers of FATHER DIVINE have found it in HIM, as One Who has expressed the Mind of Christ in Love and in Righteousness, and we are willing to do what HE says, because many times you do not know what is right. Maybe you have a good intent, but you do not know.

And so it's very important that you have Someone that you can obey. After you do obey, then you understand what you didn't understand before. In this day and time it seems that people are so afraid to lose their freedom. They have to have the freedom to do what they want to do, but we have to bind ourselves to obey GOD, to obey the Righteousness of GOD; then we will be free.

Mrs. Humphrey: All right! This is the Breakfast Show. I'm Mattie Humphrey. Please stay tuned.

(After an interlude) This is the Breakfast Show. We're talking with MOTHER DIVINE here this morning on FATHER DIVINE's International Peace Mission and how it is a Sample and Example to us. She has been telling us to submit to the Highest Authority we recognize as GOD for there be many creeds, disciplines and whatever. She's saying, submit to the Highest Authority of Almighty GOD and create the kind of world for ourselves that GOD has given us in a vision of the Brotherhood of Man under the FATHERHOOD of GOD.

In light of the problems that we're having as a nation, being very divided over the Middle East situation and our response to it and our initiatives in that regard, I asked MOTHER to make a comment and following Her Comment I'm going to take some of your calls. (Here Mrs. Humphrey gives the phone numbers.) Now we're going to hear from MOTHER DIVINE on the Middle East crisis and then we're going to hear from You. MOTHER?


Use Energy and Ingenuity To Produce Peace--Not War

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, it's so regrettable that we're having to fight in the Middle East. We as a nation are a nation of Peace and we do believe in defending ourselves, but at this time I do not feel we should be over there. I feel that the people of the Middle East are of a different culture and that they should have a chance to work out their own problems. It's different from when we got into the Second World War. They bombed Pearl Harbor and that's how we entered the War. We were not attacked in this case.

Mrs. Humphrey: You mentioned something about the other War when FATHER had made comments. I want YOU to just express Yourself, though.

MOTHER DIVINE: I just want to say, in the beginning of World War II, FATHER proposed the purchase of coveted Czechoslovakian territory, substituting Cooperation and Peace for terrible inhuman warfare consequences, and when War broke out, then FATHER proposed that we unite the Three Americas for hemispheric defense; then we would have sufficient manpower and natural and national resources here in the Western Hemisphere so that it would be a national defense for us, and I feel it is the same today.

We have the technology and we have the ingenuity to not depend on the Middle East for oil. We were born of that Spirit of Independence. When I think of how this fledgling nation, or this colony, stood up against the powers of that time and expressed an independence that gave us birth! We should have the same independence now.

We should be self-sufficient, we can be self-sufficient, and that's where I feel it takes courage to take a stand against these forces that are entrenched in the economy. We are studying war. We want Peace, but we're studying war. How can we have Peace when we're developing all these sophisticated weapons? When you vividly visualize it you tend to materialize it. I'm sure, in the back of these people's minds there's an urge that they want to see how they work, and they are unconsciously drawn to do so.

We should refuse to make weapons of war and really make the same effort to produce Peace. With the same energy and brain power we should find out what we need to do to produce Peace. We could do so much to lift the Standard of Living of this whole Western Hemisphere. I think this is where we need to address our energies. If we do it here in the Western Hemisphere, then I'm sure it will have an effect on them in the Middle East.

Mrs. Humphrey: Just something that You said struck me. We forced Japan to stop making weapons as a part of the Second World War Surrender, and so her mind has been on other things and she has succeeded with technology such that if we continue the way we're going, and make people obsolete by killing them off in war, we'll have to buy the robots to make war from Japan, the way this thing is going! The point is how we could prosper in other areas if we stop visualizing these weapons. It seems to me that is what Japan has done.

MOTHER DIVINE: Absolutely!

Mrs. Humphrey: They were forced to stop making war.


GOD Must Be In Government, Business and Science

MOTHER DIVINE: A price has to be paid for Peace, and I feel that the real Price is to take a stand against everything that creates war, within ourselves and within our nation. We cannot be making war and expect to have Peace, because Peace is an end result.

It's what we do in many different areas to bring about that result.

Mrs. Humphrey: So just as these manufacturers have visualized weapons of war, and then they have to research them and test them out and use them against real people--that is to say, under real war conditions--then there's a Vision and a Thought Process that makes Peace come into existence as well.

MOTHER DIVINE: Definitely! Definitely!

Mrs. Humphrey: I'm thinking; we can't leave that to religion. That is what has happened. A lot of people just leave that up to religion. A lot of people leave that up to religion.

MOTHER DIVINE: No, we've got to have GOD in Government. We've got to bring GOD into the business world. GOD is the Law of the Spirit of Life! It's the Law by which we are created. When I say created, if we're in harmony with the Law that created us, then everything will be prosperous: GOD cannot be confined to the religious world. GOD is just as much in the scientific world and in the business world. GOD is Principle that can be personified.

Mrs. Humphrey: We're going to ask our listeners to talk with us, and hopefully on the topics that we're involved in here, but a lot of you may not have experienced the Peace Mission before and know that much about it; but if you do call I want you to talk with MOTHER DIVINE about some of what we've said, and before we go off the air we'll give you the phone numbers and addresses so that you can get in touch with the Peace Mission itself.

Mrs. Humphrey: This is the Breakfast Show. Thank you for calling.

1st Caller: Good morning Mrs. Humphrey and MOTHER DIVINE.


1st Caller: About 7 years ago, my first day in Philadelphia, I lived at the Divine Tracy Hotel, and the Peace and Serenity that I discovered there, I have never forgotten it.


1st Caller: It set the stage for the rest of my life in Philadelphia.

MOTHER DIVINE: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that, and I'm sure all the coworkers at the hotel and all the followers are too. That is what we're about!

1st Caller: Now, I never became a follower. They did give me a couple of newspapers and I read them, and it had an effect on me and that's possibly one of the reasons I moved to Philadelphia.

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, we don't believe in proselytizing. FATHER really came to lift the people, and what the Peace Mission demonstrates gives people an opportunity to experience it and take with them whatsoever they can receive. Let it be infiltrated into their lives so they can benefit and be lifted

1st Caller: You're very good people. I thank you


Mrs. Humphrey' Thank you for your call. Peace! This is the Breakfast Show!

2nd Caller: Peace Mattie!

Mrs. Humphrey: Peace!

2nd Caller: I want to speak in reference to the Incarcerated Viet Nam Veterans.

The gentleman was on the air for some time while Mrs. Humphrey tried to elicit from him the facts and purpose of his call. He himself has been incarcerated along with other war veterans because of this psychological disease, which he named, stemming from his war experience. He felt that they had been forced into war and were suffering the results of it, and that because of Mr. Bush's arrogance and dominance, the case of the incarcerated veterans was being swept under the rug. He spoke also on behalf of those engaged in the Gulf War who would also become victims, as well as those to whom they were closely related. Finally Mrs. Humphrey said:

Mrs. Humphrey: What I'm trying to get down to is that one of the things we need--some kind of Peace School or something, some kind of way of learning the ways of Peace.

2nd Caller: Right! Well, I think people will have to be made more aware of their so-called leaders and their motivation and inventions.

Mrs. Humphrey: OK. MOTHER, isn't the idea of leadership right inside you, just like the idea of Christ and just like the idea of greed and selfishness. These are things an individual has to learn how to handle within. Or wouldn't you think?

2nd Caller: Yes, I would think.

Mrs. Humphrey: Stay on the hone. I want to hear MOTHER's response to you.


Teach Peace--Not Destruction

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, we have to be led into paths of Righteousness, and I think as far as learning Peace in our schools, I think we should get back to the basics of true Americanism and the Constitution and its Amendments and Declaration of Independence and the studying of our Founding Fathers--and their thinking at that time should be as the Catechism in our schools.

We should really be able to impart to our young people what America is all about. The people fled the barbarism and the brutality that they were suffering from and created this nation. We need to let the people know that this nation was formed to let the people experience--not brutality, inhumanity, graft and greed, but Freedom, Equity and Justice. I think we will do much toward creating a world of Peace.

Mrs. Humphrey: Now MOTHER, in relation to that--Now caller, you correct me if I'm wrong--I think what the caller is saying, these are adults who've already come out of a war and been in prison. They're not going to go back to the same school that the public mandates, but in fact there needs to be--aren't you saying that there needs to be an education process out here at the same time? At the same time we reorient how we teach younger children, we've got to do something about the population he's talking about that.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, the soldiers have been taught to hate and to destroy, and that has to be undone. It's really a sad situation, but I do feel some concrete practical effort has to be made to undo what has been done to these people. They have been done an injustice.

Mrs. Humphrey: Sir, if you can sort of put in a letter what you said this morning--if you could put it in a letter and send it to me, I will discuss it further and talk to our people here at the station and people of the Peace Mission, and find out what we can contribute to that kind of a learning process, either through our public affairs radio or through newspapers or actual workshops or seminars--when you were taught to go out there and kill and then you were brought back home.

MOTHER DIVINE: That's right!

2nd Caller: I think people should be made aware when a President takes a stand to tell our young people their dreams are going to turn into nightmares, the American people have to really take a look at this. Now here's a man who is sheer arrogant, going to go into another country--and something that other country has done for thousands of years--all of a sudden he's going to take the leadership to right this wrong, but he refuses to right the wrongs within his own country that he's supposed to be the head of.

MOTHER DIVINE: That's right!

2nd Caller: So I think it's hypocritical to lead the American people on the one hand and mislead them on the other. That's all I'm saying. The public has got to be made aware of the Incarcerated Viet Nam Vets who fought for their country. Most of them are heroes and they are being lodged in prison, some of them going through the most inhumane treatment and they are just being forgotten, and the Government is weeping them under the rug.

Mrs. Humphrey: To me it's not a Sunday morning conversation; to me it's a challenge and a real responsibility. So I think we've got the gist of what you're saying that's important and we've given it a good deal of time and if you'd put it in a letter, I'll make sure that MOTHER gets a copy of it and I'll share it with a few other interested people that I know and try to follow up.

2nd Caller: O. K. I'll start the letter immediately.

Mrs. Humphrey: We'll respond to that.

MOTHER DIVINE: It's a good idea, a very important point.

Here Mrs. Humphrey took time out for a brief announcement and then continued:


Re-connect with the Consciousness of GOD's Presence

Mrs. Humphrey: I'll go back to the phones. This is the Breakfast Show. Thank you for calling.

3rd Caller: Thank you! In reference to the last caller, the only way that we, as Veterans of the Viet Nam era can reconnect ourselves with reality is to reconnect ourselves with the GOD Consciousness. I saw that because when we first went into the Military at that time--or any war for that matter--we are trained as assassins. When you are given military training you are so intensified after that training, you can be home on leave and somebody will suddenly wake you out of your sleep and you're about ready to harm that person. That's just how intense you are! So to get out of that and reconnect yourself with what is right, you have to have that GOD Consciousness.

What I like about those things of MOTHER DIVINE and FATHER DIVINE--I don't know that much about the organization per se--but they are about GOD, and that's the only way that we can make it out here as people is to keep in line with the GOD Consciousness. That's all I have to say. I'm a Viet Nam Era veteran, I just think--Oh my GOD--and taking the time, you know--seeing the things that I done during the time I was in the Military--to more or less reconnect with HIM. Thank you!


Mrs. Humphrey: Wonderful! Thank you very much. This is the Breakfast Show.

4th Caller, who customarily expresses herself on Mrs. Humphrey's Show, called in to say Peace to MOTHER DIVINE. She told of how as a follower through 24 years she had adhered to FATHER DIVINE's Teaching in paying cash on time. She testified that this was the Kingdom of GOD, that GOD was real, and told of how MOTHER would appear to her at times when she called on FATHER DIVINE. She thanked FATHER and MOTHER for keeping her and making like pleasant.

Mrs. Humphrey: Thank MOTHER and FATHER, Peace. (Then after station identification:) We're back live with MOTHER DIVINE on the Breakfast Show. I know YOU have a response and also other things that You want to do while we're still here, before we go back to our callers. I will ask our callers to please stay on the line while we go back to MOTHER DIVINE here in our studio. That was Miss Love, she calls us all the time.


Prayer Changes Things

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, well, GOD is real.

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply and it will and it does actually does satisfy every good desire.'

I would just like to say before I take My leave that prayer does change things, and I was very happy to know that WDAS allowed that long prayer session to take place.

Mrs. Humphrey: Yes, that was organized by the Reverend Louise Williams who is a regular person here at WDAS and she was here the entire time. There were just hundreds of people that came through here all night with those prayers.

MOTHER DIVINE: I Am sure that that will have an effect, because prayer does change things. I just want to read what FATHER DIVINE said in 1941. This was when World War II was going on:

'It has never failed in any emergency, when the American people have called on GOD by Proclamation by the Chief Executive of the State and of the nation, when it is made official, they are blessed legally or officially and all the people are blessed for they, the officials, are in the place to cause its people to be blessed of GOD, or to cause them not to be blessed of GOD.'

So I think it would be wonderful if we would write the President and ask him to proclaim a day of prayer, for all of the people. It is Wonderful! So prayer, being the heart's sincere desire, unuttered and unexpressed, if we sincerely pray from our hearts that speedy and lasting and just Peace might come and save us from the onslaught of inhuman warfare, it would really be wonderful!


Information About the Peace Mission Movement

Mrs. Humphrey: I want people to have the phone numbers and the locations of the Peace Mission. Someone mentioned the Divine Tracy already and I keep telling people about Woodmont and the Circle Mission Church. Do you have to leave before we go off? We go off at 8:30. I know that You are committed to 8 o'clock and I don't want to take advantage of Your Presence. I know those callers would like to talk to You, but I want to know how people can contact the Mission in case You do have to leave.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, and I would also like to say that this current issue of The New Day that carries FATHER DIVINE's Words that HE has spoken on war and Peace, they can pick up at The New Day which is at 16th and Oxford Streets--the corner of 16th and Oxford, or they can call 763-9940 or the Divine Tracy Hotel, EV 2-4310, the Divine Lorraine Hotel, 765-0521 and the Circle Mission Church, PE 5-1917, or Woodmont, 525-5598.

Mrs. Humphrey: Those are numbers you can contact if you want to call the Mission and get The New Day. And as far as services for the public are concerned, there is a Service today at 2 o'clock.

MOTHER DIVINE: At the Circle Mission Church.

Mrs. Humphrey: At Broad and Catherine, and you just simply present yourself there about 10 minutes to 2 and even a little later, but the Service actually starts at 2. It is a Banquet in the fashion of FATHER DIVINE. And MOTHER, mention a little bit about the other countries where there is a Peace Mission, because You've got people in Switzerland and various other places.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, well, FATHER hasn't Personally traveled to these different countries. HE has actually Personally refused to go there because he wanted the people to know that they didn't have to contact HIM Personally to get a Blessing. They can make a mental and spiritual contact and it really has been true. These people in these foreign countries are witnesses of how they have contacted FATHER DIVINE mentally and spiritually and their prayers have been answered and they have been 'born again' through getting the Teaching of FATHER DIVINE.

Now these are people in Switzerland and Germany and England and France and Panama and many of the Central American countries and New Zealand and Australia. They recognize FATHER's and My Presence there. They set up a Banquet Table. We have very little ritual in our worship of GOD, but the Banquet Table is the one ritual we have because Jesus said He would come and this Love Feast we would experience again. He said, 'Take, eat, this is My Body. Do this in remembrance of Me until I come again.'

FATHER really did come feeding the people, and the Banquet Service is really a beautiful thing to experience. You sit down and you are served--one serves all and all serve one. It is a demonstration of the world in which we live and which we would like to see universalized; the Brotherhood of Man is exemplified and the recognition of the Fatherhood of GOD and the abundance. FATHER's Tale represents the Standard of Life HE desires everyone to experience.

The Table is set with fine chine from the head to the foot, glassware and silverware. We often think of that beautiful Table at Circle Mission Church, which FATHER DIVINE would Personally serve many times daily, and we share our thoughts, and we welcome visitors to express themselves, because that is how GOD comes to us HE moves on the hearts of the different individuals.

Mrs. Humphrey: And in the certain season there is Open House at Woodmont where people can see . . .

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, well, Woodmont is open to the public and it is something to experience and you can come there every Sunday during the summer, that is, from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October, and you can have a tour of the Manor House and certainly visit the Shrine to Life where FATHER's Body is enshrined, learn of the Peace Mission, and experience the atmosphere.

Woodmont was purchased by the followers in 1952 and FATHER dedicated it on September 10, 11 and 12, 1953. On September 10, 1968 the Shrine to Life was dedicated and hallowed, and so on those days the people are always welcome to come and join in the celebration and learn of FATHER DIVINE. It is a Wonderful experience.


Americanism is Our Religion

Mrs. Humphrey: And I would like to urge everyone to take advantage of the fact that you are in the vicinity of the World Headquarters of the International Peace Mission Movement, and almost any time you go to Woodmont or to any of the Banquets you are just as likely to see somebody from some other country in the world, because all these people are coming here, maybe for the first time in their lives or maybe for an annual visit, but it's impressive to me when people come here and a lot of times they're not even speaking English, but they know FATHER DIVINE. MOTHER DIVINE, do they display the American flag in their celebrations in the other countries?

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, in all of our places of worship we display the American flag because FATHER has said, Americanism is our religion.

We believe that Americanism, Brotherhood and Christianity are synonymous, so in these foreign countries, they display the flag along with the flag of their country, and we know that America is not just a geographical location, it's an ideal; and that's what people in foreign countries relate to and they are happy to unify with us, and FATHER has even said that the Constitution of the United States should be the Constitution of other nations, and this is how we should unite, on the Standard of the Constitution.

Mrs. Humphrey: Well, this is why I feel this 'born-again' American attitude--just like GOD, FATHER--is a Principle, a persistent Reality that is a Fundamental Principle to everything else that is, and that Eternity is right here the whole time and everything is an Eternal Perfection, and that we have to begin to learn, in our mortal limitations, how to begin to participate in that Infinite Reality, rather than to romanticize the little place that we occupy, the little person that we might be, and see the wonderful I AM that's here for all of us, and I think as a 'born-again' American it's saying, we want this Ideal to penetrate; we want this Ideal.

In fact as FATHER HIMSELF has placed it, it has penetrated on a world scale, and we are now maybe getting the feed-back that we are One World and it's not going to be controlled by economy; it's going to be controlled by GOD.


'No More So-called 'Second-Class Citizens.'

MOTHER DIVINE: Well, I feel that . . . in fact I know that if people can get this concept of being a real, true American, it will be the means of unifying us. We have to be willing to let our nationalism and our racialism and whatever ethnic background we came from, be dissolved in the Spirit of true Americanism, and I know that those of the darker complexion, as we say, they have been disadvantaged and I think that through FATHER DIVINE they really can be inspired and lifted from that burden of being second-class citizens or being rejected, because FATHER DIVINE took all that upon HIMSELF and HE bore the burden of being one of the under-privileged and the disadvantaged, and yet HE demonstrated the Victory. It's just marvelous how FATHER did what HE did.

Mrs. Humphrey: Even in this color, as a man, as a form, as an appearance and a Body that visually is just like a lot of people who consider themselves visually disadvantaged, because of what they look like and the form in which they manifest.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, and HE said, 'I came to America that I might be called an American.' When people are lifted from that curse--of being segregated and discriminated against then they can enjoy all of the benefits that are here for them and the legal rights under the Constitution of the United States.

Mrs. Humphrey: Then condescendingly . . .

MOTHER DIVINE: Condescendingly FATHER came, and that's why HE came as HE did come, and I think those of the dark-complected should be so happy and know that this does mean their real emancipation, because man will not give us our emancipation. It takes GOD and it's really Wonderful!

Mrs. Humphrey: So Abraham Lincoln spoke about it.

MOTHER DIVINE: But FATHER DIVINE brought it about.

Mrs. Humphrey: (After she and MOTHER DIVINE have laughed together) Absolutely! This is the Breakfast Show and you are listening to MOTHER DIVINE and I'll give you those numbers again and we do have a few more minutes so I would ask our callers to stay on the line, and MOTHER, I really appreciate Your sharing this morning with us, and I hope also that You and our Station and other Stations begin to use the media and the technology to reinforce what we're doing here this morning, what Rev, Louise Williams has done over the night.

MOTHER DIVINE: That's Wonderful!

Mrs. Humphrey: Thank FATHER and MOTHER. We're going to continue with our program, so please stay tuned.

After a brief interlude, Mrs. Humphrey spoke again: MOTHER DIVINE is still here in the studio so we'll go right back and we have some calls lined up and we'll take as many as we can. Please be brief. This is the Breakfast Show.


If GOD Is It, It Is Better Or the Best

5th Caller: Good morning, Mattie. I'm calling you for two consents. One is that GOD has to be everywhere and if HE's in Government and the person in office is not in touch with that Peace, then we should impeach him and get someone in office who is in touch with their GOD Consciousness.


5th Caller: And also, the other thing, if you want to help the Veterans you have to get in touch with the Veterans Administration. And I just wanted to thank you, because you took me to one of the Banquets and I understood what they were about. Peace to you and Peace to MOTHER.

MOTHER DIVINE: Thank you very much.

Mrs. Humphrey: Thank you for calling. The Breakfast Show! Peace!

6th Caller: Oh yes, good morning and Peace! I enjoyed so much listening to MOTHER DIVINE's Talk this morning. I was introduced when I was a child--you know, years ago--and She said something that's really true. I'm glad that they do not proselytize, but that feeling of Peace, once you're introduced to it, I believe it stays with you, and that's the way I feel about it myself. I won't say what--I believe in GOD.

Mrs. Humphrey: Peace, it's truly Wonderful, oh?

6th Caller: That's right! And GOD rules this world! And I know that in my mind whatever comes or goes, that GOD does everything--whatever happens--and that when GOD gets into it, it turns out for the better or the best.

And you know, to talk again about our living room, the war's coming to us in, like, entertainment. I refuse to have it come into my house in that sense. I believe in a peaceful nature. And I'm not saying I'm not doing anything to try to help things, I am. But for the Grace of GOD, there go I. And I feel this feeling coming across from MOTHER DIVINE--Their work--and once you're introduced to that, that Cause, it stays with you forever.

MOTHER DIVINE and Mrs. Humphrey (in chorus): Wonderful!

6th Caller: That's right! Thank you!

Mrs. Humphrey: Thank you! This is the Breakfast Show with MOTHER DIVINE.


Teach GOD and Prayer--Not Fast Living

7th Caller: Peace, MOTHER DIVINE, and Peace Mattie: You know in listening--it was on the media, how they're picking little children who are afraid of war and having them to draw pictures and what not. I think that's a terrible thing to do, and if little children draw pictures of the bombing and of the mother coming out the door hollering for help, why don't they teach the children about GOD, prayer, Peace, Faith and what they can find within themselves to help? Us grown-ups should be more mindful of Peace and the Commandments of GOD.

The man who called about the incarcerated veterans, now that's a good lesson to learn in following man in war, rather than keeping the Commandments of GOD: 'Thou shalt not kill.' If that had been the conscious mind of the children that are there now--we grown-ups we fail the children; we fail to correct the media; we fail to correct the so-called religious orders.

Like MOTHER DIVINE said, you know, Truth is Truth and the Principles of Truth should be in our curriculum and where they aren't, we shouldn't send our children. It's a shame that we as individuals will listen to men and women who are untrue, and don't have in us that Constitutional Principle of 'Thou shalt not kill.' It don't make any sense that the command of men be greater in us than the Will of GOD; so when we as grown-ups do what we're supposed to do and set the Standard and make that greater in our environment than our rock-and-roll, our boogie-woogie, and everything else, our children would be able to stand on their own two feet and voice and say: 'No, I won't go to kill another human being.' Thank you very much indeed, and Peace!

Mrs. Humphrey: Right! Well, I know You had touched those callers, MOTHER!

MOTHER DIVINE: Amen! Well I agree wholeheartedly with what she's saying. That is really Wonderful!

Mrs. Humphrey: I wonder too. We keep talking about what we should teach our children. Maybe we all, as American citizens, need a re-indoctrination.

MOTHER DIVINE: Oh absolutely, we need a re-indoctrination. Absolutely!

Mrs. Humphrey: Because I look at the political scene. I look at the economic scene. The gentleman who was speaking at the Veterans spoke of taking the case to Court, but I don't think the courts are geared to solve these problems. I think the courts are geared to really exploit the problems in the sense that they stay in court for years and by the time the issue gets resolved, the original plaintiff has probably already suffered all the effects of the injustice. So I think that Americans need to be indoctrinated into Principles of Peace and Justice, because it seems to be that with a Democracy at work, we should not have gotten into this position that we're now in, as Americans.


Principles of Americanism, Christianity and Judaism

MOTHER DIVINE: No, we really should not be over there. I feel embarrassed as a human being that in this day and this time we are killing people--I mean we're at war when this is an advanced civilization. But how far have we advanced when we can be so inhuman?

The United Nations was a wonderful attempt, after World War II. There was a consciousness then that World War II was a war to end all wars. People were determined at that time to live in Peace and we have lost that. I think it's because we have let money be our God and we have strayed from the Principles of true Americanism, true Christianity and true Judaism.

We have not been taught the Basic Laws of GOD and we do need to be re-indoctrinated and I'm so happy that FATHER DIVINE came on the scene and HE made it so plain. In the smallest things, FATHER told us what was right and what was wrong, and I'm so proud to be able to follow HIM, be meek enough and humble enough to bring Myself into subjection to Someone that has Something to offer that is better than what I could see as a young person of what was happening to people who followed the leaders of that time.

Mrs. Humphrey: Well, You know MOTHER, because I do mention so many times FATHER's Words and I'm often at the Peace Mission, and people say: 'Well, are you a member?' And I say: 'Well, I'm not qualified to be a member of the Church but,' I say, 'I certainly am of the mind, aim and purpose that I understand here, and my theme has been where--I tried to write it down because I woke up with it in the middle of the night. It was like: 'Show me the Bride and I will know the Lamb.' I say that because of having experienced Your Work, Your Selfless Dedication as You have just articulated it.

You're totally in subjection to FATHER's Will and Spirit and are the Embodiment of those Principles that HE projected for people, and I've come to know through You a great deal of that. I think a lot of us are willing to know, through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, about the Christ in the historical Jesus. Well, then, why is it so difficult to know the FATHER--the Work and the Mission that has been demonstrated for us here in Philadelphia.


Do Not Expect More From GOD--Expect More From the Churches

So I think it's like where the Christians say the Church is the Bride; then I should be able to look at the Church and see GOD. And that's not as true a statement as I would like it to be at this point, and I do get encouraged when ministers come together as they did with Reverend Louise Williams. It's not that I expect more from GOD, it's that I know that GOD is capable of so much more than what our churches in this country are now demonstrating.

As far as the Day of Prayer is concerned, I think that's been called for, and I do believe, as You said, FATHER has called for it before. I see the Peace Mission Movement and Yourself as a Season of Prayer and Peace, and I appreciate the dedication that the followers of FATHER DIVINE have made of themselves as living sacrifices.

We have only a couple more minutes, but it just occurred to me, we'd better mention the Anniversary of the Righteous Government Convention that comes every year.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, in 1936 there was a Righteous Government convention in New York City and there were delegates from all of the different states of the Union and different parts of the world, and at that time the Righteous Government Platform was drawn up through the Righteous Government Department, and it was endorsed by FATHER DIVINE and sent out, at that time, to many officials and organizations. Through the years we've had Righteous Government Meetings and we're very happy that many of the Planks and Righteous Principles that were called for have been enacted in this day; but there's still more to be done, because we must have a Righteous Government, for GOD deals in the affairs of men.

Mrs. Humphrey: The Righteous Government Meeting for this year will be next Sunday. As I understand it, the Circle Mission Church will dedicate it to Righteous Government.

People who want more information about the Righteous Government Department within the International Peace Mission Movement can call Miss Mary Justice . . .

MOTHER DIVINE: at the Circle Mission Church, PE 5-3917.

Mrs. Humphrey: That's Pennypacker 5-3917. Or you can write to her at the Circle Mission Church; it's located at Broad and Catherine Street, Philadelphia.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, Broad and Catherine.

Mrs. Humphrey: And Miss Mary Justice is the Coordinator of the Righteous Government Committee.

I'm Mattie Humphrey. This is the Breakfast Show. We've been talking with MOTHER DIVINE this morning, and hopefully you will follow through and learn about the International Peace Mission Movement. The number for Woodmont is 525-5598, and hopefully we're going to be doing more programming from the Peace Mission Movement, and maybe we could even do a program from Woodmont.

MOTHER DIVINE: Yes, I heard you and that sounds good.

Mrs. Humphrey: Thank You, and please stay tuned to the WDAS FM Program with Karen Warrington. Peace!


