"The Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good,
No Space Is Vacant of the Fullness Thereof!

"Take up the Fragments That Nothing Be Wasted!

"All These Houses And Lands Owned And Controlled By My Followers
Are The Fragments That Are Being Taken up And Put Into Use
For The Good of The People." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sunday Evening and Monday Morning August 28-29, 1949 A.D.F.D. Time: 4:40 A.M.

The Holy Communion Table of
The Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc., 
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Truly can all mankind declare,

'The LORD is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth keep silent!'

for today is the day of GOD'S Administration, and HE it is that has come in all Majesty, Dominion and Authority to teach mankind in all simplicity the mysteries of healthy, happy, successful and prosperous living!

Down through the ages kingdoms have risen and waned, governments have been made and broken, humanity has come and gone; but now in this day and dispensation GOD is here on earth and is having His Way! HE is bringing forth a Righteous Nation which cannot be destroyed, for its Foundation is built on the Government and Principles of GOD which cannot fade away!

Read, therefore, this marvelous Sermon and discern the mysteries of success and prosperity to be found in the parable-ated illustrations set forth by GOD Almighty not only in words, but which are backed up in actuated expression by facts and figures too universally stout to be denied!

O blessed LORD, our Holy Creator, we do humbly thank Thee!.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE: Here we all are again, there I sit and stand! In the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose I AM bringing you into this great at-one-ment of which I AM. Therefore, it is good health, good will and a good appetite; good manners, good behavior, all success and all prosperity; life, liberty and the reality of happiness for the very words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life if you will but accept of them!

At this particular instance I would just like to say, I brought to MY attention yesterday, Sunday, an inspiration I gave a sister. The inspiration was something that is simple after it is understood. It was that the external and abstract blessings you all are now enjoying, are the fragments that were taken up and are being daily taken up after all have well dined!

Remember the parable in the illustrated Scripture, tells you about a little boy, a lad having two small fishes and five barley loaves on one occasion. He did not have a basket full, a lunch basket full, but two small fishes and five barley loaves the kind of loaves that are depicted in the Scripture very small. But after Jesus took those two small fishes and five barley loaves and blessed them and had them all sit down on the ground, He had the food passed around and all did eat and were filled. They ate without forks and knives some five thousand, one writer said, on one occasion, besides the children and wives; but they all ate and were filled! And after all of that, on one occasion seven baskets full were taken up when it was not even one basket firstly given to Him! The fragments were much more than all of that which he had I mean which the lad had; and all of that which Jesus received from the lad to bless and to give to all who were an-hungering.

So it is very marvelous to see as this sister caught a glimpse of the mystery by My Spirit as I transmitted it, these are the fragments that are being taken up and being daily taken up!

The story goes, seven baskets full were taken up on one occasion. It shows you definitely even on the material plane the blessings are increased and multiplied and returned to the children of men an hundredfold more than what they had at first!

So the sister said MY Spirit revealed it to her, all of these houses and lands and all sorts of personal property owned and controlled by My followers are the fragments that are being taken up and put into operation and into use for the good of the people in general! Isn't that wonderful? ('Truly wonderful, Lord!' came the joyous response.)

So then I verified My Own Inspiration as I gave it! It was truly an inspiration from the Fount of GOD'S own Omniscience, revealing the mystery to His people!

The fragments did not come forth until all had dined and well dined; had a-full and a-plenty and to spare and their hearts and desires were satisfied! Then I say,

'Take up the fragments that nothing be wasted!'

Can you not see the mystery? But I did not tell them to take up anything until all shall have or should have dined! You see the mystery? The same as I say to you, it is true, the Bible does say,

'It is more blessed to give than to receive!'

Nevertheless, I bless you to be successful and prosperous and have a-full and a-plenty and to spare economically and from every other angle of expression, until your souls are bountifully supplied and your minds and your desires are completely satisfied! And when that is done, still you have so much, at least seven times as much more to take up, as the fragments!

The boy's lunch basket was not full, but if you think it was filled and was actually full, it was only one lunch basket! But we have the Scripture record of it at least, the fragments, there were seven baskets full taken up after all had bountifully dined and had been bountifully supplied! Can you not see the mystery? So it was obliged to be at least seven times as much taken up after all had been satisfied!

Those who are living in this recognition and those who are participating and co-operating in thoughts, words, deeds and actions, you have been requested to satisfy your heart's desires in every capacity before you start to try to pick up the fragments! Can you not see the mystery? ('Yes, Lord!' came the instant response.) The fragments came from the Abundance of the Fullness wherewith you have been supplied, and after you have been completely and bountifully satisfied you are privileged to take up the fragments; that which you do not want. But do not take up anything you want. Just take that which you do not want which you don't have any need for! That which My followers have taken which they do not have any need for were sufficient to buy the Greenkill Park near Kingston! That was what they picked up that they did not have any need for! You see the mystery? ('Yes, GOD Almighty!' exclaimed the joyous congregation merrily.) After they had been supplied with food and with raiments and houses and comfort and convenience and everything that their hearts desired they had been bountifully supplied and after they were satisfied, they were allowed to take up the fragments that nothing be wasted. And that was just what would have been wasted! Can you not see the mystery? Just what would have been wasted!

The Greenkill Park; Krum Elbow on the Hudson; Milton-on-the-Hudson; Divine Farm in Ulster County just a little further; all of these many places in a bountiful supply to satisfy every desire were just that which they did not need; just what they were going to waste! They took those things up! That was years back. And even before that time I had taught My followers how to pick up the fragments that nothing be wasted and put the fragments into practical and profitable service for the good of humanity in general, for they did not need it. They were bountifully supplied in food and raiments and in houses and lands, in comfort and in convenience and everything that their hearts desired; they were bountifully supplied; and their hearts and minds were satisfied. And then there was so much left! You see the mystery? There was so much left I told them to take up the fragments that nothing be wasted and it is still flowing that way!

That is why My followers have unlimited purchasing power I mean, from a monetary point of view. That is what I AM talking about! Because they have picked up the fragments and nothing is wasted. They have used the fragments, what they did not need after they had been bountifully supplied from every angle expressible until their hearts and their minds were perfectly satisfied. There was so much left one time, after all of those many places in all other parts of the Country and in the Promised Land, they came on down to Brigantine and bought the Brigantine Hotel out of the fragments that would have been wasted; but they put it into practical service for the good of humanity in general that nothing be wasted.

They had everything their hearts desired! Their desires were satisfied. They had been bountifully supplied from every angle expressible and they picked up the fragments so nothing be wasted; and with just what they would have wasted, why they bought the Brigantine, they bought Krum Elbow, they bought the Riverton retired teacher's home. They had to do something with it! They bought the Pine Brook Hotel, better known to the world as the Belmont Country Club because they had so much of the fragments after they had been supplied with everything that their hearts desired. That was the results of the fragments that they picked up. You see the mystery? ('Yes, GOD Almighty!' unanimously exclaimed the congregation.)

And also they did not desire cosmetics. They did not desire intoxicating liquors. Can you not see the mystery? They picked up all of those fragments that they did not desire the value thereof and that which would have cost them untold thousands; they picked that up and just put into operation for the good of humanity in general. See the mystery?

Then some people wonder, 'How can He do it? How do they do it?' Because they pick up the fragments! They do not spend a dime as long as they need it just don't spend a dime but for what you actually need, but spend everything you actually need to eat, drink and wear before you pick up the fragments and do anything else with it.

Now isn't that practical, scientific Gospel? for they sat on the ground. They did not sit in the air somewhere, they sat on the ground. And after they had well dined and all were perfectly and completely satisfied; had everything their hearts desired, there were seven baskets taken up seven baskets full taken up when the little boy only had a small lunch and did not even have a lunch basket full! You see the mystery? And the little boy turned it over to Jesus to bless and so Jesus blessed it. (At this point FATHER laughs and merrily claps His hands several times, and the audience cheers and applauds with delight.)

That is why they can't understand, in the City of Brotherly Love and elsewhere, concerning the work and the mystery and the Work of GOD scientifically going on in the City of Brotherly Love. Divine Lorraine Hotel is a few of the fragments that were picked up, what they did not need. Those who bought the Divine Lorraine Hotel and are on record as owners of record, they did not need that, and GOD blessed them so they could get it but they did not need it. They had been blessed to have the abundance of the fullness of the Consciousness of Good sufficient to satisfy them in food and raiments and houses and automobiles and everything else that their hearts desired, and they were fully and completely satisfied, and so there was enough from the blessings they had received to pick up enough of the fragments to come into possession of the Divine Lorraine Hotel. Hotel.

The Divine Tracy, (see the mystery?) and all of these Churches! And not a one is in lacks and wants and limitations. They were completely satisfied. They did not go in lacks or wants or limitations to acquire these blessings they have acquired, they only bought these things and came into possession of these things that they are now enjoying through the fragments they had left after they had gotten everything theirs hearts desired. And I mean in every manner expressible. Those who had children when they gave themselves over to ME and recognized My Deity, I blessed them and their children and educated them and made all of their children graduates of high schools, and many of them are going to college and go if they wish to having everything from an intellectual standpoint of view that was to and that actually does satisfy their hearts' desire and still there are so much of the fragments left, sufficient to buy millions and millions of homes and yachts and airplanes, and yet their children are educated. Yet their children are educated and have had decent clothes and homes in which to live from infancy up until now.

If any person or persons under My domain or jurisdiction, under My teaching, did not have a full supply and enough to satisfy their desires, it was because they were not living according to My teaching. The guardians and those who have had control over them have been instructed and implicitly demanded not to even chastise the children maliciously and violently; not to even spank the children; but train them in a way that they should go. That is what I AM talking about.

Then I say, it is something to consider! The fragments are being taken up that nothing is wasted. And from the fragments there is enough to satisfy every good desire, for

'The Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the Fullness thereof!'

Take these thoughts to consideration and live in this recognition, if you wish to, for everyone that hears the Name of GOD and liveth according to His Teaching can be blessed abundantly from every angle expressible; and their children that were called their children, when they were willing to forsake them and yet being obedient, they cared for them; they were educated and had comfortable homes in which to live. Can you not see the mystery? And everything that their heart desires, until all have been completely satisfied. It is really something to praise GOD for! But they did not take up the fragments until they were satisfied not until they had paid all back bills! You see the mystery?

They did not take up the fragments until they had paid all legitimate and evangelical back bills. They did, in the actuated words of expression, parable-ly speaking, in the illustration, in the act of paying their bills, from a socialistic point of view, from an intellectual point of view; in other words, from a monetary point of view. From all of the different angles of expression they sought diligently to obey My Command by sitting down on the ground and eating in the actuated words of expression, by doing that which was just and right and what they should have done before they take up the fragments.

Therefore, they did all of those things. They went back and paid all the old back bills and came square and clean before GOD and man from an economic point of view and from, I might say, a point of view that might would be considered as being indebted; they satisfied the indebtedness in every way; and still they had so much left they could do what I have said they have done not only buying the Brigantine Hotel and all of the places I mentioned in the Promised Land, and thousands of others, but even here and now the Divine Lorraine Hotel and all of the other properties right here in this city they bought these properties with the fragments that were taken up after they had been bountifully supplied to satisfy their credit debtors and to satisfy their every desire to educate their children and to curb vice and crime and child's delinquency in the community and did all of those things, and yet they had a-plenty and to spare of the fragments to be taken up, to come into possession of these unlimited blessings!

Then I say, take cognizance of what GOD is doing in the midst of the children of men, and give thanks and praises to HIM at the remembrance of His Holiness and His Compassion and Mercy in the midst of them, and you will see that there will be blessings increased and multiplied; for I did say prophetically, even by the minor Prophet Malachi:

'Try me and see if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out such a blessing there will not be room to receive it.'

My followers who have tried ME implicitly, conscientiously and sincerely have received and are receiving such blessings, they do not have room to receive them!

So then I say, it is something to praise GOD for not going around begging and stealing not going around buying things on credit neither on the installment plan because they know within themselves if they live according to My Teaching there will be enough of the fragments such as they do not need for the sustenance of their bodies and for their own comfort and convenience, to take up and supply millions of others as well as supply themselves and theirs firstly, until they shall have been fully, completely satisfied. Isn't that wonderful? ('Truly wonderful, dear GOD!' came the instant response.)

'Take up the fragments that nothing be wasted.'

As long as you owe a just debt, according to My Teaching, you will not even go from here to Trenton on a pleasure trip. Therefore, you are sitting down, counting the cost and doing that which is just and right, to satisfy your just desires and the just desires of others until you shall have been satisfied abundantly and completely. Then you can take up the fragments. You will have much more than you started with. See the mystery? ('So true! Yes, GOD Almighty!' replied the enthusiastic congregation.)

So then I say, live in this recognition! Truly might I have said in the Sonship Degree in Jesus:

'Simon, I give you the keys of the Kingdom!'

When he believed like you all believe, I said,

'I give you the keys of the Kingdom, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'

We find these facts and figures, and they are being fulfilled completely! I thank you.

(When FATHER entered His office, HE uttered the following significant thoughts on the same subject, speaking as follows:)

This is not strange to those of you who know. You are all familiar with it. If you want to wait on the dining room or help in any way, get what you need. Do what you need to do in anything; then after you have done all and have so much left of all you don't want and can't use and can't eat in the illustrated parable of eating it was speaking of cannot consume or cannot use in any capacity. When you have all you can use and when you have been bountifully supplied and you are satisfied, then you can pick up the fragments that nothing be wasted.

And the little boy's lunch was not a lunch basket full, because it was two small fishes and five barley loaves and there was seven baskets full taken up, at one time, and another time there were a great number taken up among them. It is wonderful! So many times more! Even if the little boy would have had a lunch basket filled, still they had seven baskets full left over seven times as much as he had given Jesus to bless for him or to bless to give to the people.

(And with this dynamic thought for consideration stamped indelibly in our consciousness, FATHER ceased speaking on the subject.)
