"The Sky Is Nowhere and Is Nothing

"As You Move God Lives and Moves in Your Being!

"God Is a God at Hand"

FATHER DIVINE'S Message As Given at the Unity Mission Church and Home Inc.
At 907 N. 41 Street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, (Church Auditorium) December 9, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: 11:50 P.M.

The Unity Mission Church and Home, Inc.,
The Holy Communion Banquet Service

The Unity Mission Church and Home Inc.


(Present this evening were visiting students as well as their professors from Temple University and other guests from near and far)

PEACE, EVERYONE: Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite as it is just about time to dine! But at this instance I have arisen to say, we have visiting guests here tonight as usual -- visiting guests and visiting friends. If any of our visiting friends care to speak other than those who have spoken we will give space and place for you to speak.

A little while ago you heard one of our honored speakers say what the Spirit of GOD will do in the hearts and lives of men. It will make for you a better place on earth to live!

I have long since declared, those who are thinking about going up in the sky some place, science and the astronomers have declared that even some of the distant stars, it would take light-rate speed ten thousand years to ascend to those stars! And all of the stars you have heard of and all of the stars you have read of, and all of the suns and the moons you have thought of, if they are in the sky, I have declared,

'The sky is nowhere and is nothing, but everywhere where there is nothing!'

Then let us realize that the GOD of Whom you have been praying to from your early existence, if it is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the GOD of the ones other than those who actually gave us the Biblical history -- we know that, according to the Scripture,

'GOD is not a GOD afar off but GOD is a GOD at hand!'

We want to emphasize the fact that as you live and as you move GOD lives and moves in your being! Then GOD is not afar off!

Once upon a time you thought the lightning was only destructive; I mean, humanity did; but as the light of understanding came more and more, there was someone who would dare to try to catch that lightning that was destructive and only for the use of frightening men and mankind into doing that which was just and right!

But oh, how glorious it is to realize, that the very same expression that was considered as destructive and far away in the blue ether has been harnessed, and is used for the common good of all of the people! GOD in your midst today!

In some places you will find little flashlights, as I have often illustrated; you will also find many expressions of that same lightning working in the affairs of men; one of your greatest scientific servants for the good of all humanity! Aren't you glad!

I said I should refrain from speaking. I prefer speaking in the Actuated Words of Expression that are more profound and more explicit than what I can tell you Personally! But these thoughts I thought to drop for your consideration so that you might realize when I say, 'Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite,' those things, those expressions or qualities or character or characteristics I AM giving to Millions, and they do have Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite! Why? Because 'The Thing You Vividly Visualize You Tend To Materialize!'

What said the Gospel concerning this mystery of which I AM now speaking? Did it not say very profoundly and yet explicitly:

'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD,' and 'The Word was made FLESH and DWELT among us, and we beheld HIS Glory as that of the only Begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth!'

After that happened, because of your visualization, because of your concentration,

'Of all of HIS Fullness have all we received, Grace for Grace!'

MY fellow citizens, hearers and friends, I often have men coming, almost daily, who desire to take MY Picture -- but if they would only take MY picture by reproducing MY characteristics, MY life, MY love, mind and MY spirit, I would produce in them, yea, reproduce in them a more perfect picture than that of MYSELF you can see in the Flesh!

How marvelous it would be if these thoughts would be imbibed! -- I mean, the spirit and the meaning of them -- and reproduced and put forth into Expression by a million times a million times a million! We would live in the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence, and such a recognition and such a realization would solve humanity's problems universally, and none would lack in GOD'S abundance, for GOD would be uppermostly in the consciousness of humanity!

Why live in lacks and wants and limitations when the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, as I see it and as I have it, will reproduce for you every desirable blessing and will do it automatically if you are conscious of it! Can you not see the mystery?

That is why I do not make physical efforts nor use material methods, neither use material remedies to reach the condition of the people, neither to help Myself Personally. The blessings will automatically come forth into expression when you are actually conscious of GOD'S Presence!

For this cause those of whom you heard the speaker mention a little while ago, in the Conscientious Objectors' Camps, many of whom are followers of Mine, it is true -- one he mentioned especially -- it was through the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence all selfishness, graft and greed, dishonesty and Incompetence and inequality left those bodies, and they were willing to die, if they could die, for their religious convictions!

Then it creates in the hearts and lives of men, unity, brotherhood and tranquility! And when we sing that little composition,

'Every Day is Brotherhood Day.'

there are no more races, creeds or colors; we are not just using those words as a formula, but these are our conscious convictions; that we are living in a new day and there are no more races, creeds and colors! Aren't you glad! We know that the Spirit of GOD'S Presence and the recognition of it on Earth among men will bring an end to all division among them, and all mankind shall eventually realize that out of one blood GOD Created all nations of men for to dwell upon the face of the whole Earth! Aren't you glad!

Such a recognition will protect you from self-destruction, for as long as you desire to destroy another, you are destroying yourself automatically!

It is written in the Scripture -- not only in the Scripture but even in the Gospel,

'He that fighteth with the sword shall by the sword perish!'

Aren't you glad! Therefore, we do rejoice to present to the world a slight sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of an outward expression of what we are actually doing in the Hearts and Lives of the children of men! We are Changing them from that Adamic state of consciousness to the CHRIST Consciousness! We are impregnating in their hearts and in their minds the Life of CHRIST as portrayed in those and among these of Mine! Aren't you glad!

For this cause we do rejoice and we are happy to say, we will continue to lift up a standard, for this is the kind of world in which you would like to live! I mean, the kind of world where we are one nation, indivisible! Documentally I hear you rehearse it, but do you actually believe it? Those of My true followers and following actually believe It! We know we are one nation, indivisible! We shall not be divided!

Another composition a good many of the Christian world have sung, 'We are united, All one body in GOD!'

So the time has truly come that I have come to let the world at large know, GOD is not a GOD afar off some place far above the sky, but GOD is a GOD at hand!

Matters not what people may think or say, when this is once stamped in your memory and resurrected in your spirit and in your mind you will not look longer to die to go far above the sky! Aren't you glad!

One of our most recent discoveries of a planet a star, whichever it would take a million years for light-rate speed to ascend to those stars, going at one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second! Then I say,

GOD is not a GOD afar off but GOD is a GOD at hand!'

The commission of CHRIST in the Name of JESUS was to preach Good news and glad tidings to the world and to let them know GOD is with you! The prophet declared in the prophetic age,

'And HIS Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us!'

Can you not see the mystery? If they could have and would have preached the Presence of GOD continually from the time of the resurrection of JESUS, this world would have been a heaven to you! Why? Because GOD would have been here! It should have been handed down traditionally and impregnated in the hearts and lives of the offspring, and your descendants should have it by hereditation that GOD is here!

'GOD is not a GOD afar off but GOD is a GOD at hand!'

All of your offspring should have known by hereditation as well as by tradition, HIS Name is called Immanuel, being interpreted GOD is with us! -- and such a Conviction would have solved all humanity's problems!

There would have been no blood shed in this last dispensation; I mean, in this last generation, nor in this last century! All bloodshed would have been done away with, even as we expect to have it after a while anyhow!

When this Gospel shall have been preached into all the world, then cometh the end! Then shall the end come! --the end of all mortality's versions! all of the theories and doctrines of men in their superstition that teaches GOD as a GOD afar off and not a GOD at hand; as a GOD some place in Heaven; keeping GOD away from you and declaring that GOD is in Heaven and Heaven is far above all of the planets and stars you ever heard of! Now we are not preaching that, we are preaching and teaching the same GOD of Abraham, Isaac and of Jacob -- the GOD of all the holy prophets! but we know they did not tell you to go up to Heaven some place far above all of the stars!

For this cause we do rejoice to show you just a pre-evidence of the future experience and the kind of world in which we shall live, where a man is a man and not a color, creed nor a race! All of these abominable divisions of men have brought warfare and bloodshed since the world began! Aren't you glad! Because of jealously and prejudice and division you can plainly see, according to the scripture, there was bloodshed in the beginning of the creation almost, when Cain slew his brother, Abel, because of jealousy! And when we live to love each other and unify together and live in unison, there will be no more warfare and no more bloodshed and all will be Happy and Free -- for just as it is with ME and with Mine, so shall it be from shore to shore and from land to land!

All the critics may criticize all they choose, but how marvelous it is for you, MY co-workers and followers, adherents and friends, to live in this abundant life, knowing that the food you eat, GOD is giving it to you! Knowing that the clothes you wear, GOD is giving them to you! Aren't you glad! Knowing within yourself the prayer you prayed from your infancy has been heard and answered,

'Give us this day our daily bread!'

You know GOD is giving you your daily bread and not mortality!

So upon this Foundation if you will stand and continue to give thanks and give praise for the blessings you have received, your blessings will continue to multiply and increase and then you will pass them on! Aren't you glad!

So it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and be conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence, knowing within yourself,

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is truly the source of all Supply!'

And since this has been made a living reality in the conscious mentality of humanity -- or millions -- we find

'The Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the Fullness thereof!'

I need not say more, for the time cometh and is near at hand when I will speak more explicitly and more profoundly in the actuated words, and those words will be so plain in deeds and in actions, all mankind will see and plainly understand them. I thank you! I thank you! I thank you!

New Day: December 20, 1947 A.D.F.D. Pg 5-6
