"I Shall Cover The Earth With Righteousness!

"And He Led Me up to the Banqueting House and His Banner over Us Is Love.

"All of Those Who Rise in Opposition Against Righteousness, Truth and Justice,
They Too Will Go the Same Way as Hitler and Mussolini."

An Excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Message As Given at the Unity Mission Church and Home Inc.
At 907 N. 41 Street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, November 11-12, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: 1:22 A.M.




Following the composition, HE's my FATHER! Oh, how we love HIM!'

FATHER DIVINE speaks on thus wise:)


PEACE, EVERYONE: Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite, Good Manners, Good Behavior, all success and all Prosperity! Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness! All Wisdom, all Knowledge and all Understanding! These and all other Blessings to you I bring, and a-full and a-plenty to supply them!

That little composition, if you say it and mean it, to you it will be a Reality, matters not who may criticize it; and you will find everything you desire in such a recognition, and your spirit, your body, your soul and your mind will be bountifully supplied and perfectly satisfied!

Just think of this marvelous supernatural, superb demonstration as a matter of course in the demonstration of the Holy Communion, which means the 'breaking of bread' and communing one with the other under the Banner of MY Spirit and love in the beauty of holiness! Aren't you glad!

Under this banner, you read about it somewhere in the Bible, someone did; for I heard someone say:

HE led me up to the banqueting House and HIS Banner over us is love.'

Aren't you glad! Have you ever seen any such an expression where there could be any comparison? Then you must believe this until something else comes along better!

'And HE led me up to the banqueting House and HIS banner over us is love.'

Can you not see the mystery? You can see the mental and spiritual banner waving high and bringing you into subjection to Righteousness, Truth, and Justice! You can see the fulfillment of the Scripture!

'And HE led me up to the banqueting House and HIS Banner over us is love.'

Have you ever seen a Banqueting House just slightly reflected in comparison out from under this Jurisdiction? And the beauty part of it is, it is free from all vulgarity! It is free from profanity! It is free from obscenity and immorality!

Aren't you glad! It is even free from immodesty, and GOD Himself produces virtue, holiness and HIS virginity and impregnates humanity with it so that they might live it and express it and reproduce it and become to be the personification of GOD'S holiness, virginity and virtue, motivated by honesty, competence and truth through which and over which within these walls you are controlled. Aren't you glad!

Just think of it! Anyone has the privilege to come under these roofs, under the jurisdiction of these dining rooms commonly known as GOD'S Holy Banquet Hall, Holy Communion Hall and the like, and sit and dine such as you have done and are not required to, nor obliged to pay more than fifteen cents for your meal, excluding salad dessert and other delicacies! Now isn't that wonderful! It is something to praise GOD for!

Someone may hear ME say that and think within themselves to say, 'HE is all the time talking about the food that we eat!' You were taught to pray as asking a blessing before you ate your breakfast. You were taught to pray that in your infancy and a good many of you prayed it:

'LORD, make us truly thankful for the food we are about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies and for the benefit of our souls.'

Aren't you glad! And you prayed it and prayed it and prayed it, but you did not get thankful until I made you. Then I heard you say, and I want to hear you say if now, 'I THANK YOU, FATHER!' Aren't you glad!

I did not tell you to get down under the ordinary custom according to the custom of men and say that when you sit down to eat, but you did ask that when you desired GOD to bless the food in your infancy! Now I have heard your prayers, and when you come to dine, I have quickened things and awakened things in your heart and your mind and caused you to say it volitionally, 'I THANK YOU, FATHER!'

When you were calling for it, you could not move volitionally and say it! GOD was obliged to make you thankful! I mean, make you volitionally thankful and caused you to say 'I THANK YOU, FATHER,' volitionally! Then you said it from the heart and not merely from the mind! Aren't you glad!

And when you began thanking ME in all sincerity as you have been doing, for the thanks you continue to give, your Blessings of food and of raiments and of houses and shelter were increased and multiplied by as many more! That is why we have so many Blessings here, because every time you say in all sincerity without prejudice, conscientiously and without doubts and fears, 'I THANK YOU, FATHER' your Blessings are increased, and then when you begin to talk about these wonderful Blessings here, when you look, over this vast audience and Holy communion Hall and begin to say, 'Why that is the most marvelous place I have ever seen or read of!' why, you will be praising GOD! If you praise GOD for these Blessings, I will multiply them as much as you give praise for them!

Then the time is not far distant when all who will hear MY VOICE and accept of MY Message and live Soberly, Righteously and Godly and do justly between man and man, I will bless their going out and I will bless their coming in and I will increase them an hundredfold more in the Blessings that I have given and still will be giving, and none shall lack in GOD'S Abundance! Aren't you glad!

I heard you say, and I have heard you say it down through Christendom; I have heard you say in the loins of your ancestors before you were born:

'Praise GOD from Whom all Blessings flow;
Praise HIM, all creatures here below!'

You could not praise GOD effectively because I had not made you a PRAISE in the earth at that time! Can you not see the mystery! But I have made you a praise in the earth, therefore, volitionally you will praise GOD! That is what it is all about! One writer said:

'In everything give thanks, for this is the Will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS concerning you.'

As you give thanks conscientiously and sincerely and rely on the FUNDAMENTAL definitely and be true and faithful, your Blessings will be increased and multiplied as said the prophet Malachi:

He said I said, 'Try ME' said HE

'Try ME and see if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out such a blessing, there will not be room to receive it.'

Aren't you glad! So, we do not have the room to receive the Blessings! I mean the Blessings of Spirit, the Blessings of Power, the Blessings of Wisdom, the Blessings of Knowledge, the Blessings of Honestly, the Blessings of Food, the Blessings of Raiments and the Blessings of the personages who come in these audiences! You see, we do not have room to receive all of them! Some of you standing around and we hardly have standing room here! Some have to wait until others get through eating before we can serve some of you! Can you not see the Mystery? We do not have room to receive all of the personages of humanity as they come to ME conscientiously and sincerely!

You have heard many of the compositions as declarations and as predictions, many of which mention and bear witness of what I AM doing, such as,

'We shall have the same rights,
Not only Equal, but the same!
Side by side we shall ride
In the SAME car, bus and train!'

We shall study in the same schools and play in the same parks! There shall be no division among this people, for GOD, your great creator is in the land! I did not just say it, I have been saying it!

Now you can see the FEPC Bill being instituted and the Human Rights Bill coming forth into expression, giving every citizen the very same rights! Aren't you glad! You can see the United Nations Charter in evidence of what I have been doing! If I do not cast a ballot, in the which I may not and may not tell you to do it, but I will put MY Spirit in the people and I will cause them to Walk in MY statutes if they do not want to do it!

There are many prejudiced people -- I mean those of whom have racial prejudice, prejudiced to the Jewish Americans and African descendants and others of the different abstractions, and yet I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to make laws and make rulings that will carry out MY plan and purpose, or else I will move out of them! I do not need to cast a ballot, but I send out MY word and they know what I demand! If they will not do it, I will move out of them! Can you not see the mystery?

Just tonight or yesterday I heard over the radio and saw in the press where down in Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma, the Supreme Court Judge ruled that so-and-so people and all would have the same rights to go to that University!

Such as has never been in that state before; and many other states of the union, because I AM moving in the minds of men; because if they will not judge righteously , I will move them out and put someone else in!

We shall have a Righteous Government and those who will not execute Righteousness, with Equity and Justice and Liberty and Justice for everyone, I will move them out of office and I will put someone else in, or else I will move by MY mighty supernatural power and control the hearts and minds of men without the law! Aren't you glad!

We do not need the law to do right! The law is for the lawless, but I will make you law-abiding citizens! I say, I will make you law-abiding citizens and you will not need a law to cause or to force you to do right, for I will put MY Spirit in you and cause you to walk in my statutes! And all shall serve GOD and worship GOD and bring the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men by adhering to HIS Teaching! That is what I AM talking about!

If they do not want to pass these Bills, it is immaterial to ME! Greater is GOD in the midst of thee than all of the pieces of legislation they are making or try to make! Can you not see the Mystery? GOD deals in the affairs of men with or without a Body and with or without legality!

Because I AM Who I AM, I Came magnifying the law and making it honorable. Therefore, without the Law I AM making you honorable! Can you not see the Mystery? Where nothing else could help you, nothing else could save you, nothing could make you honest and competent and true, all of your schools of training, of the training they give and of all of the Law Enforcement Agencies, even the Army and the Navy could not stop you from being dishonest, from being thieves and robbers! Can you not see the Mystery? But I came and I made you honest!

Now if there be any critics, tell them I said, lay off! Tell them I said lay off, for Mussolini and Hitler were witnesses or samples of the present time! And all of those who rise in opposition against Righteousness, Truth and Justice, they too will go the same way as they went or go in some way worse! These thoughts are well worth considering! Aren't you glad!

I told you many years ago, I Came to break that line of demarcation and bring an abolition to localization! I shall do it or shake creation!

I will move the localities out of their places if I cannot carry out MY Plan and purpose! The localities, I say, will move out of their places! I mean the earth will move!

We shall have a righteous government and righteousness shall cover the earth! I said, righteousness shall cover the earth even as the water the mighty deep. Can you not see the mystery? That is what I am doing now! I am pouring out righteousness in the earth, and I shall have a flood tide of it until it covers the earth, until it becomes universally as it is right here jurisdictionally and all shall recognize GOD'S Personal Presence and be happy and pleased and joyful to serve HIM! I thank you.

New Day: November 15, 1947 A.D.F.D. Pg 9-10

