"These Great Expressions of the Peace Mission Movement as Presented and Represented
Are to Bring about Peace in the Hearts and Lives of the Children of Men
Wherever They May Be Found.

"God in Man Is the Essence and the Substance of Their Life's Existence."

Parable of the Railroad track

Our Father's Message Given at the Holy Communion Table Circle Mission Church of Philadelphia,
764-772 Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday, May 30, 1944 A.D.F.D. Time: 10:59 A.M.

Circle Mission Church, Philadelphia, PA.

Circle Mission Church, Philadelphia, PA.

Truly did Solomon declare that there is nothing new under the sun. This thought is clearly brought out in this glorious Message delivered by the Dean of the Universe, FATHER DIVINE.

In this profound Message, FATHER reveals the mystery of the Peace Mission Movement, what it is and what it should mean to all humanity. The mysteries divulged in this Message, if taken into consideration, are the Foundation for all living creatures to copy after.

Master of all masters, YOUR Creation praises YOU for YOUR Matchless Wisdom.


FATHER's Superlative Message follows:

PEACE EVERYONE: Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, with Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and all Prosperity, Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness, for under this Liberty you will have it!

At this particular instance I arise and did arise to say it is good to be here, to observe this great Universal Peace Mission Movement going on not only externally but internally and universally verified throughout our civilization in all humanity.

When I in the Name of Jesus nineteen hundred years ago, biblically speaking, in other words, according to the Gospel, entered in and the door was shut, it was but bespeaking and depicting the mystery of GOD entering into every field of activity and in every world of expression, where the door was shut to HIM. GOD will enter in if you allow HIM and the Wise Men, even before that time, caught a glimpse of the mystery in their revelationic and inspirationic prediction as was given to them, when they understood, or thought they heard the angels sing,

'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace (and) good will towards men.'

It was the Peace Mission Movement instituted in the conscious mentality of humanity through the Wise Men to be transmitted and sent down to all civilization, to every living creature, though it may have been deemed as merely a vision or revelation. But as astrologists, they carried weight in the hearing of the children of men; therefore, what they said they heard as they journeyed down to Bethlehem, was a message to be considered deeply and even to be remembered.

'Glory to God in the highest,'


'and on earth, peace and good will towards men.'


Beginning of the Peace Mission Movement

Therefore, the Peace Mission Movement began from this angle of expression, from the Sonship Degree as it was given, that, 'No man cometh to the Father,' said He, 'but by Me.' It is essential for it to come through and by the way of the Sonship Degree.

Then it is a privilege to observe the great unfoldment of the mystery, to realize it does not merely mean something suppositional or suppositionally discerned, but something that is real, something that is the very essence and the Life Substance and the intelligence of all mankind, even if they are not conscious of it.

GOD in man is the Essence and the Substance of their life's existence, and none can live without such a recognition and without building upon such a Foundation as this one, for they will fail and fall, or vice versa. Aren't you glad!

But with this recognition you can see every manner of expression, GOD, Life, Love and Liberty, and MY Spirit and MY Presence, paving out the way for the children of men to enjoy this great Peace Mission Movement to enjoy the Peace that was predestined to be. For even in the prophetic age, one declared,

'Kingdoms shall rise and wane'

in other words,

'In the days of those kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom and will not leave it to other people.'

The same Spirit is speaking today in the fulfillment of that prophetic prediction, as well as in the actuated words of expression we are presently predicting.

GOD is setting up a Kingdom where HE has not yet set it up and where it had not yet been set up, and HE is not bothering about other people doing it; but as the great Universal Peace Mission Movement is to bring about Universal Peace on earth among men and not some place geographically discerned, it was essential for Christ to come in the midst of the children of men just insignificantly discerned as one of them, one born as a Babe in Bethlehem and thence He grew up, as it was said, as though it was as a man (Aren't you glad!) but the exemplification to the children of men in the Sonship Degree among them portrayed and paved out the way so that mankind might have something to copy after.


The Commission of the Peace Mission

To bring about that or this great Universal Peace on earth, it was essential for a Commission to be instituted, that the Peace Mission might be inspired and sent out as an Inspiration of Peace on earth and Good Will towards men. But little did or do the religions of today realize it means Peace on earth and Good Will towards men; they think it means Peace in Heaven some place. You do not need any Peace in Heaven, according to the religions' version, for Heaven is Peace itself.

Therefore, you do not need to seek neither try to get it, but you need to call it down from that suppositional realm, from that spiritual or mental realm, to the material plane on the natural earth, where GOD alone shall reign, and peace on earth shall come and shall remain and shall stand and shall not be disturbed; then it is a Peace Mission.

It was essential to Commission the Work as instituted and demonstrated, commonly known as the Peace Mission Movement, because it is emphasizing, demonstrating and producing and reproducing Peace on earth among men, to bring that which you prayed for, to the earth plane. It could not be brought to the earth plane had not the King of Peace been recognized and established in the midst of the children of men.

By this, the Peace Mission Movement has been instituted, the same as the Christian Movement not merely to be called representatives of the Peace Mission Movement, neither merely to be called representatives or connected with or born under the Christian Movement, but to be recognized by realizing the production of that of which we speak has been reproduced through reincarnation, by the imbibation of the Spirit and the meaning of these great expressions Peace on earth and Good Will towards men.


Peace Mission Movement Must Be in All Government

These great expressions of the Peace Mission Movement as presented and represented are to bring about Peace in the hearts and lives of the children of men wherever they may be found.

Then I say, it is a privilege to observe the mystery; to dwell in the Actual Presence of GOD and see the Peace Mission, as exemplified, instituted in all government and established once and forever. I stress this thought to make it very simple and plain, though apparently complicated at times when by superstition it is explained. I call your attention to the fact that the Peace Mission Movement is as the Christian Movement, that must be instituted in all government, enacted and legalized and recognized universally as the Law that shall control all nations of our civilization, and every living creature, if they live on earth among the people.

I need not say more, but that thought is stressfully to be considered in your every movement and in your every activity, to institute Peace, Harmony, Unity and Tranquility, in all of your works, movements and in your activity. That is what I AM talking about. Do not merely talk about Peace, but let the works of Peace be effected in your activity, and the assurance of Peace be established once and forever with you. This is done by the reproduction of the Spirit of Peace not only by supposition, neither by theorizing, but by imbibation, the imbibation of the Spirit, and the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence as a living Person, as a Sample and Example for all persons in and on the earth plane.


Let Peace be in Every Act and Emotion.

Then produce Peace within in your deeds and your actions, in your words and in your transactions, in your movement and in your emotions and expressions. Your very expressions can be expressions and emotions of Unity, Harmony and Tranquility. Your expressions can be expressions of confusion by your emotionated expression, even of your personal emotions; but you can reverse your gears of thinking and enact Peace and Good Will towards humanity, through and to each other, by your every deed and everyday action, by being self-denied and by copying after the fashion that has been portrayed before you in the Person of Jesus as the Sample and Example.

Then how marvelous it is to be in this great Peace Mission Movement, to allow this Right of Way through you to have access in expression, not only in words but in deeds and actions; for when a railroad company runs a railroad track through your plantation, through your farm or through your personal property, they get permission from you for the right of way to have the track to go through, and they pay you so much for the privilege to do so. Can you not see the mystery?

GOD gets the Right of Way to have access through you to run this great Universal and Infinite Peace Mission Movement as the train, the Gospel Train of Salvation to the Celestial City, to give you your real emancipation, but you must give the Peace Mission Movement the Right of Way in your life, liberty and your activity. Then it can go through you to another. But if you do not allow it to go through you to another, it cannot go on as far as you are concerned. Can you not see the mystery?

But if you allow it to go through you to another and to another, and to another, this great Gospel Train track will not get a setback but will have free access for expression for advancing and for carrying on, and carrying the nation from one degree of Grace to another until perfection shall have been attained.


Make Ready for the Gospel Train

I heard you sing by composition, 'The Gospel Train is coming, it is coming!' You to whom it has not already come, therefore, make ready, for it must have access to build the track and have the Right of Way through your field, through your land or through your possessions, so it may not be handicapped nor prohibited from reaching others. That is the mystery.

Love and Kindness must be in evidence. The Golden Rule legalistically, has been presented to the other religions to some degree at present, if only theoretically; and democracy as an expression of GOD'S Presence, the Spirit that would bring liberty, has been instituted as an expression for the benefit of humanity to enact democracy in business and in activity. And that is an expression of GOD and the Law, or religion in humanity legalistically established. Can you not see the mystery?

By this, GOD is getting into every field of activity politically, legally, socially, intellectually and on every phase of life, whichever, and in every expression of life GOD is to be instituted. Hence, the Peace Mission Movement is to carry GOD into every and all of these expressions of life even into your thoughts and in your classes and in every expression in which you are connected; yea, with which you are connected. Oh, it is something to consider!

Then, the Peace Mission Movement being instituted from that angle of expression, it gets in your heart, it gets in your lives, it gets in every expression; and I have said of a very recent date, every desire, through this Light of Understanding, is abundantly supplied, with everything that your heart and your minds have desired. Can you not see the mystery? And by so doing, if you are unselfish, unbiased and absolutely impersonal by nature, you will extend it to others, as to you it was given. Can you not see the mystery? And then it is Peace on earth and Good Will towards men.

In your daily actions and transactions and emotions and expression, you find that the Peace Mission Movement is not a supposition but a living reality made real, tangible and practical not only for you but for all humanity, if not in others it is in you for them. Matters not what others may think or do or have done, to you and in you the Peace Mission Movement has free access and it is a blessing to the children of men.



Making the Movement a Reality to Others

As I say, in your every action if you meet a man on the street, the Peace Mission Movement in expression should be in evidence in your actions. Can you not see the mystery? In your very emotions and in your expressions you should express love and kindness to a person. By so doing the Peace Mission Movement is made a Living Reality to him. Not only to you, but through you it is made a Living Reality to him with whom you have come in contact. Because it has a free access for expression in you it reaches the other one with whom you are not concerned. That is what I AM talking about.

It goes on! It brings Peace in every activity and wherever it is instituted, and wherever it is enacted, GOD to them is made a Living Reality, even though they may be critics concerning the Movement, the Work and the Mission; but GOD to them has been made Real, Tangible and Practical. I AM talking about, so they can get a-plenty to eat too so they can get comfortable homes to live in, so they may not live in the slums, more than what you do, and will not be more than what you have been. That is what I AM talking about. So that the whole universe may enjoy GOD'S Presence among men. That is what I AM talking about!

Oh, how glorious it is to observe the significance of this Peace Mission Movement! As it goes on it has the Right of Way it has paved out the way and it has purchased the Right of Way to Life, Liberty, and for you to pursue Happiness and nothing shall handicap it. So then it is a privilege.

As I mentioned last night for your consideration not only here in this Hotel, nor at any other hotel under the Peace Mission Movement, nor any other place of business, or place of worship, such as the Fraternity Home down here on Broad Street, in that you would say, FATHER did not mean not to park the cars here or there or in the front of someone else's place; I mean, at the hotel and anywhere.

I came to bring Peace on earth and Good Will towards men, by doing what you should do, and as I have done. That is what I AM talking about.


Do What is Right Even When You Do Not Have To.

When I first moved to Sayville some twenty five years ago or more, they did not have a parking law in the vicinity in which I resided. You could park on either side of the street, but I would park on the right side of the street; if I found it necessary to drive in MY driveway and drive around on the right side of the street according to the law of parking in the city; and I established it, although I did not have to do it, but because it was a law that was good legalistically established, I put it forth into expression without legality.

I came without the law, to enforce it, without it going down on the statute book of this village or city that it must be a custom that you should park your car on the right side of the street. Do that which is just and right when you do not have to do it. Do not have to be forced to do the right thing. Where coercion begins the Work of GOD that moment ends.

Do the thing that is just and right for the comfort and for the convenience of men in words, deeds and actions; and in every emotion and in everything you say or do, do ye for the good of everybody as well as for those that concern you. That is what I AM talking about. Then you are connected with and allowing MY Spirit to have free access in establishing this Peace Mission Movement through you in carrying out MY Plan and Purpose to all humanity, that GOD is not a supposition, but a Living Reality.

Then I say, do not park your cars in other people's way. You are blessed to have the privilege to park around the places under the Peace Mission Movement. You are privileged and blessed with the privilege to park your cars in the gas stations and at places where you are permitted to do so, but whatsoever you do, do not do anything that will perturb and disturb another, for you are going to reap just what you sow.

If you cause anyone to be perturbed and disturbed or antagonized and dissatisfied or handicapped or disappointed in any way whatsoever through your carelessness or negligence you will suffer the consequences. That is what I AM talking about. MY Life must be instituted and it must be enacted in your every activity, or else you are not representing ME. That is what I AM talking about.


What It Means to Express GOD

Then I say, it really means something to express GOD and say you have GOD with you. You must express Perfection in every activity, in every deed and in every action and even in every emotion, and every thought of your mind should be an expression of Perfection as the sample and as the example for all mankind. Then you are representing ME. Then I have the Right of Way through your heart, through your emotions and through your expressions and through every deed and through every action. Then GOD has truly come as a Living Reality!

We do not want to disturb anyone. We do not want to make anyone else unhappy even if they need to be disturbed, let their own sins disturb them we are not responsible for their sins. Let their own prejudices kill them if it will kill them, but we are not to do it. We are not to make anyone else unhappy or dissatisfied whatsoever, unless they are dissatisfied with Righteousness, Truth and Justice. But we will not do anything wrong because someone else is wrong, to make them unhappy and perturbed and disturbed; then we will not become repulsive and antagonistic and conflicting to those with whom we are connected or with whom we come in contact.

We are to be the real expression of what I AM, GOD on earth and Good Will towards men, as your Redeemer and Savior of them. That is what you are to be.

Oh how glorious it will be when one observes ME, as one said a little while ago in the vegetable garden, in and everywhere, let ME express in you and in them with whom you are concerned, and even with those with whom you are not concerned let MY Actions and Expressions and Words and Emotions be GOD to them.


Moses as GOD

I told Moses to go down to Pharaoh and be GOD to him. Can you not see the mystery? Be GOD to him. Be Good to him. Be that which is right to him. Be the most superlative. Be the perfect to him. Be that which is the best of all creation to the 'other fellow.' (the d-v-l)

To be GOD it does not mean that one will have to be a cruel king to him. It does not mean that you will be a cruel master or boss to him, as men count bosses, but it means to love him, to be good to him, be perfection to him in expression, in deeds and in actions. And in every emotion express GOD as Good, the Real Ideal of Life and the Truth of Love to him.

Go down there and tell Pharaoh,

'I AM that I AM!'

I AM sent you! Tell him and let him see I AM you to him and you are ME to him, perfection, the best of whatsoever it may be. Tell him in actions and in deeds.

'I AM that I AM,'

in Expressions and in Emotions and in Words, in Deeds and in Actions. I AM Perfection. Be that to him. That is what I AM talking about.

Now wherever you go, not only here in this Holy Communion Hall, neither here in this Church of Philadelphia, but everywhere, express perfection in words, deeds and actions, and that which is the best of all creation for this and for all the coming generations. Now isn't that Wonderful!

When this is done, you will be desired and everywhere you may go, others will seek you, try to get a chance to get near you, because you will be GOD to them in your very deeds and actions and in the atmosphere and environment you will create. You create a desirable environment a pleasant atmosphere even the animalistic kingdom will be converted to the recognition of your presence as being soothing and the satisfying portion to adjust matters satisfactorily where they had not been adjusted.


The Healing Balm Even for Animals

Where I have resided, cats and dogs have been run over by cars and they would drag in at times with broken legs and broken limbs and they would stay in the atmosphere until they would get healed. Just the atmosphere of MY Presence under MY Spiritual and Personal Jurisdiction, would work as a healing salve and balm for the animals that had been hurt, or harmed. GOD is the Redeemer of all mankind, and came to seek and save that which was lost, not only those who were lost as human beings but whatsoever it is that has been lost. If they will seek HIM effectively, Christ came to seek and to save them and find them.

Now from henceforth, you will not park your cars in the front of the churches around, or any other place without permission, unless it is absolutely a matter of impossibility to park otherwise, and then it should be only for a few minutes, and then you should be ready to move out of the way if necessary, even as you are required to, if you park near the water hydrant. The policeman at times may not drive you out of the way of the water hydrant if you stay at the wheel and be ready to move at the instant you hear the fire horn or fire whistle.

Work harmoniously with humanity and humanity will work harmoniously with you. Make things pleasant for others with whom you contact and they automatically, willingly or unwillingly, will be obliged to do the same for you, for you shall reap just what you sow.


A Locked Car in Front of a Church Held Up a Funeral

I think it was a disgrace to hold up the funeral yesterday by someone leaving the car over night or early in the morning, as being termed all night, in the front of the Catholic church, and the people came to have the funeral and had to hold up the funeral to wait for the owner or driver of the car to come and move it out of the way, because the car was locked. Now that was not of ME, and no such thing or act is of ME that would do anything that would hinder or cause another to be disappointed, or that would cause another to be handicapped and prevented from doing that which they desire to do. Regardless to your feeling about it, you should feel the same for them as I feel for you.

We shall have a Righteous Government, and it can only be Universally and Politically, Legalistically and Nationally and Personally established through and by the Spirit of MY Presence having free access within you and with those with whom you are concerned, by you doing exactly what I have required of you and by you being what you should be and by others doing what they should do. I need not say more. The Gospel of Truth has been established.

The same as anything else not any of you should put disgraceful and disreputable cars and carts in the front of the places. We are representing Decency and Cleanliness and Truth which, in short, is Godliness among you. You should not park in the front of our own places, and you should not by any means park in the front of another's.


Express The Perfection of Sanitation

In your respective places you should express perfection of a real sanitation, then you are expressing ME. For I Spoke through Moses in the Leviticals and gave the children of Israel the law to go by, because they did not have ME as Spirit in them developed to perfection to lead them. I AM a Living Reality in this dispensation in expression the Entity in them. Let ME teach you and lead you and guide you Levitically as GOD did the children of Israel through Moses in the book of the Leviticus teaching the sanitary code.

When the Body called Jesus came, He talked with the lawyers and the doctors, did He not? Because He was trying to bring about the Sanitary Code in the city of Jerusalem. Therefore, it was essential to talk with the doctors concerning the sanitary system and it was essential to talk with the councilmen, in other words, the aldermen of the city, if so to speak, and the lawyers of that city to bring about the laws as handed down by Moses for the sanitation of humanity.

You should express a sanitation in all of your respective places second to none. You should teach your city the sanitation of perfection, and teach the Chief Executive and all of the executives to come down and take snap shots of your respective places in the secret places of your kitchen and of your dining rooms and of your cellars and of your basements, and tell them to come and look at it and take snap shots and motion pictures, and teach them how to do.

GOD is Perfection, and if you are with ME, that is what you will produce and bring to fruition as a Sample and Example for others to copy after. Tell the Chief Executive of our city and of our state to come and examine your places in every secret place that unsanitary conditions could exist. Tell them to come and look at it and take cognizance of MY Message, for I AM the Teacher and the Redeemer of Humanity. You have declared I AM the Dean of the Universe.

The Sanitary System of our City, State and Federal Government both mentally and spiritually and socially and economically from every angle of expression, needs to be taught by the Dean of the Universe as a Sample and as an Example for all humanity. I thank you!


