"We Have Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness Over and above Every Opposition,
over and above the Traits of Hitlerism and All of his Oppression

"The Barriers and Limitations That Are Put up from Time To Time on Account
of the War Measures, We must Be Willing to Suffer it to Be So for the Present."

Our FATHER'S Message Given Whilst at the Holy Communion Table Philadelphia Hotel 764-772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Friday, August 28th, 1942 A.D.F.D. Time: 10 P.m.

The Word is Made Flesh

ringing the dinner bell

MOTHER DIVINE ringing the dinner bell

This is indeed the day when GOD is claiming His own, and consequently the 'other fellow' is stirred and not willingly relinquishing the bodies and territory which belong to GOD. Having held sway in the Hitlers and Doubting Thomases for centuries, he stubbornly tries to maintain dominion, but Almighty GOD. the Creator of heaven and earth and all things therein, in this dynamic Message, gives man his emancipation from the 'other fellow's' bondage, if he will but receive and believe, for now he can handle and feel and see the Personified Savior, as did Doubting Thomas, and see that a Spirit hath not flesh and bones.

For Thy REDEEMING GRACE, DEAR LORD, we thank Thee!

The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER'S Message follows:


PEACE, EVERYONE! Good health, good will, and a good appetite, good manners, good behavior, all success and all prosperity, life, liberty and the reality of happiness! These and all other blessings I bring, for we have them and that is not a supposition! It is a declaration made, verified and confirmed by the materialization of what I AM saying. I have brought into outer expression and into materialization--I have personified and universalized the reality of that of which I have spoken! Therefore, I say, we have life, liberty and the reality of happiness over and above every opposition, over and above the traits of Hitlerism and all of his oppression he consciously or unconsciously is actually reflecting.

When you are suppressed and oppressed through and by the cause of the oppression of the war, I deem it to be caused by the spirit of Hitlerism and the warmongers that brought us into this war and have caused the nation to be under great struggle, and even caused ourselves as real American citizens to be oppressed by the system of Hitlerism in a great measure.

I often think of this country as a land of the free. If the spirit of war and bloodshed and the system thereof would continue, the same system of warfare and the emergency with its customs, would be as expressive here in America as in Germany. But not so! This is a land of the free and a home of the brave! Hitlerism shall not put a barrier upon our civil liberties and our freedom of expression and freedom to spend our money as we please. Even when and wheresoever that system is enacted, it is motivated from and through and by the cause of warfare that causes us to do what we would not desire to do--I mean causes us to enact laws that we would not desire to have enacted because of the great emergency--but we have passed through the waters of mortal limitation. I say, we have passed through the waters of mortal limitation, and Americanism truly is the Wayshower to salvation to show you the way to be emancipated from barriers and limitations and from the oppressions of the systems and customs of men that put a barrier and a prohibition to them in living freely and expressing themselves freely in a land of the free.


Freedom Shall Flow Like A River

Even the measures that we have to go through presently, that seem to be necessary on the account of the government, the nation, being under law measures by the government, which is according to the common consideration of the majority of the people--such must eventually be eliminated and freedom shall flow like a river, as peace in evidence in your experience, and you shall rise above the barriers and limitations you have been obliged to undergo presently because of the crises and the great emergency.

But the time will come when we will transcend the effects of Hitlerism and we will ex- press our real democracy again. The time is coming and is near at hand when the influence of the warmongers will not affect our freedom of expression to spend our money as we please and be nationally prosperous again. We must enter the inlet of economic prosperity. The barriers and limitations and the bans and prohibition that are put up from time to time on account of the war measures, we must be willing to suffer it to be so presently, but the Spirit of MY supernatural Presence shall give everyone who will, their emancipation from the oppression of the influence of Hitlerism in this nation.

We are representing a free America and we, as our Chief Executive said in his Atlantic Charter, shall have the freedom of speech and the freedom of the sea, and we shall have religious freedom according to our Constitution. This is it for which, as it may be termed, our Fathers fought. This is it for which the nations of our democracy are presently seeking; but oppression of the emergency may cause us to apparently be obliged to make sacrifices, but the time is not very far distant when you and all real American citizens shall enter the inlet of economic prosperity and shall no longer be limited in the necessary comfort and convenience and the necessary things that life demands, for the Spirit of GOD'S Presence so freely gives them in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

But as a sample and as an example I stand. With or without a Bodily Form, I AM realizing we have passed through the waters of mortal limitation; we are entering or marching on to an inlet of economic prosperity. By being and living soberly, righteously and godly, you can be healthy, successful and prosperous; you can have free access to and for the expression of the things that life demands, and this freedom of which I AM speaking, man cannot give it, for by man it has not been given.


Free From The Law Of Sin And Death

But truly did the apostle say on one occasion:

'There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the SPIRIT; for the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.'

This is the freedom of which I AM now speaking! Permit this law that was in Christ Jesus to be developed in this people by living soberly, righteously and godly--in short, evangelically--and by living evangelically whole heartedly, the legalisticness of your evangelical life is put forth into expression under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When we live them and express our independence according to our Declaration of Independence, we are expressing, as I said, Christianity legalized and put forth into expression legally established. For this cause we rejoice and we are glad exceedingly.

Just think of what it really means to be in this great country where you have the freedom of speech--where you are not limited except to a very limited degree in proportion to what the people are in other countries, and even the limited degree under which we are presently limited, those barriers will be removed eventually and the freedom of our nation will take its rise again where you will be free bo express yourself independently, soberly, righteously and godly as you please.


Recognizing GOD'S Presence With Or Without A Body

But, I may say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition, recognizing GOD'S Actual presence with or without a person, but through the personification of Himself in evidence, you have convinced yourself and others, GOD is no longer a supposition but a living reality; for that which was merely invisibly imaginary was not a reality. As it was an invisible and imaginary concept, it could not be a living reality in consciousness until it was brought into outer expression and made convincing to your conscious mentality. Can you not see the mystery?

When things are made convincing to your conscious mentality with your intellectual ability and with all of your understanding, there and then it has passed from that state of imaginary concept and imagination as I might term it to be, but it is brought into the recognition and the realization of your fondest imagination.

Then I say, it is a privilege to live in a place in consciousness where you can enjoy and realize GOD is a reality! Dreams and visions create ideas and opinions that are not real but imaginary, and those imaginations will cause you trouble superstitiously at times; but when your imagination is made real by things that you have imagined being tangibilated, materialized and personified, then you can say you truly realize the reality of GOD, of His Work and of His Mission. GOD is no longer an imagination, a supposition, but GOD is a living reality, for the Word when it was invisible and intangible, it was not a reality to humanity, but when the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us, we could behold His GLORY as the glory of the only begotten of the FATHER, full of grace and of truth; and by observing and beholding or visualizing the fullness of GOD'S glory in Him Who liveth forever, of all of His fullness have all we received, grace for grace. Now, aren't you glad?

'Handle ME And Feel ME'

The fullness of the thing of which was imaginary has been made a living reality by the tangibilization and the personification of that which you had imagined; of that which you visioned; of that which you concentrated on. It was merely an imagination, but when the Word was made flesh, it was made real; it was no longer a supposition; it was no longer to be looked upon superstitiously, for Jesus said:


'Handle ME and feel ME and see....'

I say: handle ME! Handle My Work and My Mission, My activities and all of My Mission! Handle it and SEE it! Handle it scientifically! Handle it mathematically! Handle it intellectually! Handle it mentally and spiritually!--and see that Spirit has not flesh and bones; a SPIRIT has not the tangibilization of that which you have visioned.

But GOD as a living reality has the tangibilization or the personification of your fondest imagination.

'The WORD was made FLESH . . .'

Aren't you glad? The great mystery and the great significance of GOD on earth was that He made Himself FLESH and dwelt among us that we might behold His glory as the glory of the Only Begotten of the FATHER, full of grace and of truth. You had something to behold! Can you not see the mystery? You had something to visualize--perfection in the flesh of Jesus!

Oh, how glorious it is to observe it and understand it, and by visualizing it vividly, you tend to materialize it; for the thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize. Take these thoughts to consideration.

Then I say, visualize the perfect, but visualize it by bringing it into outer expression in your fondest imagination, through the tangibilization and the materialization of His MAJESTY. GOD materialized Himself that you might realize the glory of GOD as was in Him. Can you not see the mystery? GOD is your REDEEMER and SAVIOR and a living reality! GOD is as real as any other person! GOD is as real as any other person, I say! GOD as a PERSON, not merely as a supposition, not merely as a SPIRIT; but GOD as a PERSON is as real as any other person!


GOD Is The Controller Of Your Destiny

By this He has the mastery over the economic conditions and over circumstances and the consequences that rise from selfishness, bigotry and all adverse and undesirable oppositions. GOD is the Master of omnipotency; GOD the controller of your destiny! Realize these things and you will have the victory, for I will declare unto you, we have passed through the waters of mortal limitation; we are going or marching on to an inlet of economic prosperity.

I have it for you and for all of the people! Those who will but accept of it and live it and express it, concentrating on the perfect picture, you will tend to reproduce it and bring it into expression in your experience even as did the apostles of Jesus when they beheld Him--

'And we beheld His glory as the glory of the only begotten of the FATHER, full of grace and of truth.'

Just think of it! As the sample and the example, CHRIST came among the children of men and He showed Himself to them. Copy after the fashion I have shown you, as so to speak. Those who copy after the fashion and vividly visualize it and sincerely and conscientiously harmonize with it, you tend by concentration to materialize it and bring it to fruition within. There and then you have the victory with Him! Aren't you glad?

Why live in confusion? Why live in a deluded state of mind? Why not let the Spirit of My Actual Presence cleanse your deluded minds?--purge you from superstition and cause you to observe the things that we are actually enjoying? They are real. They are real!


When The Word Was Made Flesh Christ Was Real

GOD was not real to humanity until He tangibilated or materialized Himself, but when the WORD was made Flesh, I said, CHRIST was real! To Thomas as a doubter, as a delegate of one representing the whole doubting world of the doubting Thomases, Jesus said:

'Handle Me and feel Me and see . . .'

Handle Me, you who believe GOD merely to be a Spirit! Handle Me, I say, and see! The Word has been made Flesh, and GOD has through His condescension come to the earth plane to bring into your fondest imagination the conscious recognition and the realization of the tangibilization of the fondest imagination that you ever had. Some had imagined CHRIST but they had not realized CHRIST, but when He was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we could behold His Glory, there and then your imagination turned into a recognition of His Actual Presence and the realization of His Majesty and Mercy. Can you not see the mystery ?

'The WORD was made FLESH . . .'

Take these thoughts to consideration, live in this recognition and build upon this foundation, and fret not yourselves because of the workers of iniquity, for truly GOD has declared even in His Psalmic prediction:

'I will be with you. Call on Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you.'


The Enemy Will Try To Keep You On The Psychic Plane

The invisible enemy and the invisible one will get you to doubt GOD'S Actual Presence if he can; try to get you to believe that GOD is merely a supposition, something imaginary, trying to keep you on the psychic plane because the visible enemy and the invisible one want all dominion. For the greedy gain of filthy lucre and dominion and authority geographically, the visible enemy desires territory or land and desires the dominion of the sea. Can you not see the mystery? And he will to keep you on the psychic plane if he can!

You have been living in that concept long enough. Come down from there! The psychics are not for the human beings that live on the face of the earth! What said Jesus concerning this mystery of which I AM now speaking?

'No man has ascended up to heaven but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.'

I AM calling you DOWN from that imaginary heaven, for this is your home! I say, this is your home--not up in the sky some place in the psychics, but on the material plane where CHRIST actually came and blessed the existence of mankind. This is your home!

just as I have it here, so will I have it from shore to shore and from land to land, and if you choose to be among the wicked, naturally you will be cut off and will not inherit the land; but if you are true and faithful and live soberly, righteously and godly,

'Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.'

The enemy succeeded in a great measure in getting the Christians to believe that they had to go to heaven some place, for the greedy gains of dominion and authority over the whole earth. The 'other fellow' tried to take it, tried to make Jesus think he owned the whole earth too. Can you not see the mystery? And someone said the Kaiser had said in his day, he was going to take full dominion of the whole earth. Someone said Hitler has tried to do it and endeavored to do it.


The 'Other Fellow' Tried To Claim The Earth

The 'other fellow' said to Jesus when he carried Him up on the exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all of the kingdoms of this world he must have shown Him this Kingdom too, and said:

'All of these things I will give YOU, if You fall down and worship me.'

So the 'other fellow' tried to get humanity to think that the earth belongs to him and all of the kingdoms hereof, but what said GOD through John in his revelationic prediction? He declared that--

'The kingdoms of this world have become to be the Kingdoms of our GOD and His CHRIST, and GOD shall reign forever and forever.'

That sounds like putting the 'other fellow' out of business, doesn't it? I said, the earth belongs to GOD and His Children! I say it belongs to GOD and His Children! Now, I want you to stay here and enjoy it!

'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.'

The wicked shall be cut off, but the meek shall inherit the earth and the righteous shall dwell in the land forever.

Take these thoughts to consideration and you will be obliged to harmonize with Me, for the very Spirit in each and every one of you is bearing witness to what I AM telling you. I say, the Spirit in each and every one of you is bearing witness to what I AM telling you. If the people as persons do not witness the Truth, the Spirit I demand, for it is of Me! The SPIRIT is the thing that GOD controls, and the SPIRIT is it that belongs to GOD ! Can you not see the mystery?

'All Souls Are Mine'
The Spirit is GOD'S Spirit!
'The soul that sinneth, it shall die, but the Spirit goeth back to the GOD Who gave it.'

Even one better I go you, I declared:

'All souls are Mine; the souls of the fathers and the souls of the sons, they are all Mine,'

says He.

So when you realize the Truth concerning the things that concern you, you can relax your superstitious, conscious mentality and still yourself, for it is a living reality and is wheresoever you are.

For this cause, dark clouds of doubts and fears disappear. Disappointment and failure and all adverse and undesirable conditions, they get out of the way by the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence. As the light dispels darkness, even so does GOD'S Actual Presence dispel the 'other fellows' and the results of him, and GOD puts forth into expression harmonious conditions wheresoever He has dominion. I thank you. I thank you. I thank you!

