"....Americanism, Christianity, Judaism, Democracy and Brotherhood are Synonymous!"

An Excerpt from FATHER'S Message Given in 1953 and FATHER'S Lecture Given March 9th, 1954
During the Annual Business Meeting In the Auditorium of the Unity Mission Church, Home and Training School of Pennsylvania
907 N. 41st Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tuesday Evening March 9, 1954 A.D.F.D. — Time 8:00 P. M.



(The Meeting has been in progress.)

Miss Fern: At this time while you are viewing those of the candidates, thank FATHER, FATHER gave a few words last year that should be forever stamped in our memory, concerning the impersonality of holding an office in our Church; and I thank YOU, FATHER, to read just a few brief words that YOU gave, that we might refresh our minds concerning our obligation.

(FATHER nods in assent, and Miss Fern reads FATHER'S Words into the Record, as follows:)



"I would like to say, I believe we all enjoyed the meeting, and I further wish to say, we wish to keep it up! (Loud applause resounds from the enthusiastic  Congregation.) We want you to feel we will be able to say, from now henceforth, one will serve all and all will serve one! — and One is for All and All are for One! (Again applause resounds.) So long as you recognize this great At-one-ment to which I have brought you all to, and stay self denied, consecrated, a living sacrifice and unified, you will rejoice and be pleased to serve under one of the officials that may be elected, as you would another, or the other, for you realize in the prayer  Jesus in the Sonship Degree prayed,

"I pray that they may be One, even as we are One!" 

We are happy to say by the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose all things are possible, and nothing can be restrained from you to do, that which you have imagined to do when you are One in reality! ("So true!" agreed the congregation.)

I further wish to say, that the election of these officers — each of you — it is for the purpose of placing each of you in some capacity as Co-workers and as Officers together, to let you see and know there shall be no divisibility among us. We represent E Pluribus Unum and we represent the very same as inscribed on our coin otherwise.

"In GOD We Trust!"

We are happy to say, as you have been elected for the next annual year, in other words, the next fiscal year, it is not for the purpose of you feeling as though you are elected as an Officer for eternity! One may fill the office one year, and the next year, if it is proven to be pleasing to the Board of Trustees and the members of the Church to re-elect you, it is a blessing to you; and if it happenes to be that the Officers of the Board of Trustees shall have been re-elected through and in some other personage — know within yourself the President is the President! (Loud applause sanctioning this rings out.) The President of the United States, though there have been many Presidents elected and have filled the office of President, but when he is filling that Office of the Presidency he is known to be The President! You do not customarily say "A President" but he is The President! Aren't you glad! ("So glad came the reply.)

An officer is not elected to fill that particular official duty eternally. You have been honored to be elected for one year, and if you prove yourself efficient and proficient and prove yourself desired and desirable, it may be possible to elect you several different times

The President of the United States has succeeded himself, on occasions, the same as Miss Blessed Mary did, but it does not say that any one officer of our Church is expected to fill the office throughout eternity! ("So true! sanctions the congregation.) Some may not fill it but for the one term — for the time of that election. Some may be re-elected and re-elected and re-elected, until you find someone whom you think can fill the office efficiently; then they may be elected to fill your place, or their place!

So therefore, I say, it is a blessing to live in the Kingdom of GOD, of which the Democracy in which we live is a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what we really represent! — for Americanism, Christianity, Judaism, Democracy and Brotherhood are Synonymous! For this cause, Democracy in its expression, when it is demonstrated perfectly, it does reflect a sketch and a reflection of the Kingdom of GOD, and how you may be elected and fill offices in your Church and in your connections, as a pre-evidence of the Universal Establishment of a true Democracy, where the Kingdom of GOD on earth is established! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

I need not say more at this instance, but I thought to drop these few thoughts for your consideration. As members of this Church you may find yourselves desirous of electing different officers, but whomsoever you choose to elect, be as you heard ME say: work with them  systematically, sympathetically and harmoniously, Democratically and Evangelically and you will be Successful, Prosperous and Happy! (Loud applause, sanctioning this, resounds.)

As the Vice President said, when personality gets into anything, then MY Spirit may get out of it! — for I have called you up higher to transcend all personality and all individuality and even transcending the unindividuality and the impersonality of the individuals and live in the actual Presence of GOD without a visible concept in your consideration; recognizing the Infinite and Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence of your Savior, now henceforth and forever! I thank you.

(The above mentioned words of FATHER can be found in the Annual Meeting of last year, as published in the March 7, 1953 issue of The New Day, on page nineteen.)

(As Miss Fern finished reading, our Beloved Savior arose to the supreme delight of all, to speak as follows:)


Peace, Everyone: At this instance I have arisen to say, the last reading of the statement as made, may be re-considered and reiterated and re-established and recorded for this meeting and for many more meetings to come! — to keep personality and individuality out of the way and off of the screen and established no longer in your consideration, but the recognition of the Impersonality and Unindividuality of all Personages, though perfectly manifested, so that that which is personal and individual, with such a nature and characteristics, might not be stressed in your memory and considered, but stressful to be considered, the Impersonality and Unindividuality and Reality of that of which you have stressed personally; have emphasized and requested — let it be recognized as an Impersonal Issue. And when this is done, GOD in the midst of you can and will be Recognized, and will be understood, and you will be able to stand in the Presence of GOD undefiled!

By working Impersonally, unselfishly, democratically, Evangelically and Brotherly, you will find all of the Powers of Righteousness unselfishly will stand for you! (Loud applause rings out.) And as I have often stressed and reiterated recently, let the Words that came from GOD many years ago,

"Behold, the is One!"

If you are One in Reality, and have brought yourself to your individual and personal destination, and be united consolidatedly as required, naught will be able to sever you, and you will be blessed in Righteousness with the Blessing of the Declaration of GOD concerning those who were building the Tower of Babel, trying to build it up into Heaven erroneously; but to you, whatsoever you may do, it will be done Righteously, Accurately and Perfectly and no longer led erroneously! ("So true, LORD!" came the sanction.)

How marvelous it is to know you are One by living our Constitution, our Church Discipline and our By-Laws! You are One by living the Ten Commandments religiously and by living the Sermon on the Mount and by building on such a Foundation that cannot be shaken! When you are One to that end, as mentioned very recently, all things are possible with you; for it is written,

"Wheresoever two or three are gathered together in MY Name, touching and agreeing upon the one thing that is needful, there I will be in the midst of them to bless the needy!"

(Loud applause resounds.) This is true, even though you may not see ME! If your eyes are blind with materialism and the mortal version so you cannot see ME Impersonally and Ever Present, it is true— I will be in the midst of you to bless the needy! (Loud applause rings out.)

I will not further go at this instant, but as you all seem to be quite well satisfied with the Officers of this Church that are filling the office now, and the Trustees whose term expires at this present meeting, no doubt you would like to make a move to have others replace those whose term has expired, and replace any of those  who might be otherwise eligible or should be discontinued. We do not have to keep Members, Officers or not even Trustees if they are not evidently expressing their desires to remain as they have been, and if they are not present — as they have been called to fill such official duty and such Membership, as it may be; whether it be a Membership of the Board of Trustees, or Membership of the Church, or the Membership of the Officer's Staff of the Board of Trustees. Anyone or everyone you may find or feel that they are un-eligible to fill the Office they have been filling, it is your privilege to discontinue their service by voting them out, if they are not giving service!

Again I would like to say, there are many Officers and Members, as I have often said, that are replaced and sufficient to replace all vacant offices; but if you desire to keep up the good work and always have a-plenty to fill the Office, it is your privilege to re-elect by nomination and by election any Officer to fill the ones whose term expires at this meeting! (Loud applause resounds.)

I need not say any more at this particular instant, but I rose for that purpose and to let you know we are here to see the good work go on, and it will be going on! (Thunderous applause sanctioning this, rings out.) Because of any Officer or Member refusing to attend any of the meetings it does not cause the deterioration of the work of the Church and of its activities, for GOD is absolutely independent and is not bound nor confined to individuals! ("So true, GOD Almighty!" came the joyous sanction.)

Now let these thoughts go with you, and if for any cause there be any connected to this Church you desire to have excommunicated, by the violation of any of the laws of the Church or by failing to attend the meetings, it is your privilege to move and so do, if you wish to.

Take these thoughts to consideration and let this be your Guide, and realize, GOD in the midst of you is Mighty to Save! — but as far as doing anything from a Personal point of view, I need not do so, for the Spirit of MY Presence and the Presence of MY Spirit should have access to work among you — and as it works among you it helps to build you up; in other words, it does build you up! When I'M not Personally Present you are led to speak, to preach, to read, to sing and to do many things. Be the same when I AM Personally Present as when I AM Personally absent!

Since you have heard the reading of the Minutes and the Reports, and also the Church Discipline, Constitution and By-Laws, it is your privilege now, to vote! I thank you.

