"Get Your Minds Out of Imaginations. If You Will Only Shape and Mold Yourself
in the Likeness of Christ Christ Will Condescend to Shape and Fashion Himself
in the Likeness of You."

The Word of GOD Revealed

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come,
HE will guide you into all things. . .

FATHER DIVINE'S Words From The Notebook of John Lamb

Installment 70

Public Meeting held at St. Marks M. E. Church Union and Green Streets
Newark, New Jersey, Tuesday, July 26, 1932 A.D.F.D.


Sayville Commemorative Plaque

Sayville Commemorative Plaque

A woman had just testified that her minister saw her and told her she must come and bring him fifty cents, etc., and that he had nothing to eat, etc., etc.

FATHER sings "There's a full and a plenty." then spoke as follows:

It is Wonderful! When you realize that there is a full and a plenty for all, then you can be happy. There is a full and a plenty for all, and it is not that you must come to ME Personally, it is not necessary that you must touch ME, neither must I necessarily tough you from a personal standpoint of view, but there is a full and a plenty for all. It is Wonderful! I told you the other day that when you go down to the beach you do not say "Wind, or breeze, will you please breathe on me?" It is the nature of the breeze to blow on the sea beaches, that is why you go down there in order to catch the sea breeze. You go out in the sunlight to get a sun bath, don't you? You do not go out and say "Sun, will you please shine on me?" It is the nature of the sun to shine on you if you get out in the rays of the sun.

Get in Rays of this Love

'You have heard ME say about the wonderful Glo-Ray of GOD. Get in the sunlight of this Ray, and the Ray of GOD will shine on you, and you will be abundantly blessed. You do not have to say to the sand "Will you please give me a bath?" when you go down to the beach, if you want to take a sand bath. You go down in the sand. All of this love is right here now, all you must needs do is to get in this love; bathe your souls in the Sea of this Love; launch out in the Ocean Divine, out where the full tide flow! Get in the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD. Get in this Consciousness, this conscious realization that GOD is here and now, and if you get to this state in consciousness, the Spirit of the Consciousness will ray your soul. Then you can sing --not as I heard a party sing the other day, "There is rest on the other side of Jordan, There is rest for you," but you can say there is rest right here for you. Here is the rest for you right on this side of Jordan; in the sweet field of Eden, there is a tree of life blooming right here and now. Here is rest for you; you do not have to go any place! It is anywhere and everywhere right now in this sweet field of Eden; here is rest for the weary, here is rest for you. It is Wonderful!

All you need do is to get in the rays of this love and in the sunlight of this love; believe the message that you hear and you shall be abundantly blessed. It is Wonderful!

Sayville Commemorative Plaque

Sayville Commemorative Plaque

Seeing the Perfect Picture

Now if you are trying to contact GOD, GOD does not have to see any limitations; GOD does not have to see any lacks or any wants; GOD does not have to see any abominations or denominations, or segregations or divisions, or any of these undesirable conditions which you have produced in your lives, for that is only the mortal version of your human lives. GOD sees the perfect picture. I see the perfect picture, and if you see as I see, and will attune your heart and your mind to live as I live, believe as I believe, walk as I walk, talk as I talk -- then everything will be all right. It is Wonderful!

This Name a Strong Tower

You must put your trust in your FATHER if you believe that HE is everywhere on earth. That is what the Name of GOD is for.

'The name of GOD is a strong tower; and the righteous run therein, and are saved.'

That is what this mighty Name came here for, as

'A rock in the weary land a and a shelter in the time of a storm'

that when the winds and the waves begin to beat, and sorrow and trouble and limitations come, then this Name is a strong tower into which you can run and be saved!

Now aren't you glad? This Name came just in time. This Name being not only a word, but the Name by nature and the nature by Name.

'In my name you shall cast out d-v-ls.'

It is Wonderful!

What is Back of it All

The name is but a sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of what it really is. I mean just the name, the called name, the name that you are called by. The name of MR DIVINE, which I AM called by -- that is only a sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of what it really stands for. I give you that sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of that, so that you can see and realize what is back of it all. It is Wonderful! What is back of it and what is back of you, as the creator and author and finisher of both it and them, so it is the creator and author and finisher of you. It is Wonderful!

So you have something that is the Grand Principle, the Grand Total of your whole salvation. It can redeem you from A to Z ; it can redeem you from start to finish; it can clean you up in every way, spirit, soul and body, and preserve you blameless in this present body. Therefore, truly, believe.

'Believe thou this?'

And accept of this message and endeavor to live this Life in conformity in this instruction and the very GOD of peace will abundantly bless you here and now.

Get Your Minds Out of Imaginations

Now, I know you are happy and you are glad because you can bathe your weary souls in the sea of heaven's waves here and now, and you do not have to wait to go some place across the blue ether. As I have said before, the sky is nowhere and is nothing and is everywhere where there is nothing, so that wherever you go there, you will be going nowhere, but you will be going everywhere where there is nothing. So do not think you can go far beyond the skies, for the sky is nowhere and is limitless space and spaceless limitations. It is limitless empty space and is nowhere and nothing, so get your mind off and out of the nothing of nothingness, and get your mind on the foundation of the something of the something. Get your mind out of the imaginations and get it on the conscious realization of the materialization of real things, for all things which are, were made by things which do not appear and things that seem to be -- in other words that are visible -- were brought into visibility by the things that do not appear, by that which was invisible. Therefore, the invisible has been made visible because you are visible.

GOD visibilated you because HE was visible. Although HE was invisible, HE mad HIMSELF visible that HE might visibilate you -- that HE might materialize invisible things that were in the spirit realm and bring them into the material plane, that you might enjoy the blessed things that are here and now. It is Wonderful!

Picture of FATHER DIVINE at the Airport

Picture of FATHER DIVINE at the Airport

No Concrete Heaven

Therefore, everyone who believes and receives can be abundantly blessed here and now, not looking to go some place, as heaven is the state of heavenly consciousness which has been so far from the mortal version of the human mind that it could not be understood. Therefore, when we speak of heaven, all heaven is here and now and not in some geographical place above all the other planets in the sky some place; but here and now we are speaking with unknown tongues, tongues unknown to the mortal mind, although you are supposed to be intelligent people. The mortal mind still thinks there is some concrete heaven some place that is far beyond the other planets and a concrete sky some place like the ceiling of a house. They are still thinking that Jesus will crack the sky like a chicken cracks an egg, and comes out of the sky. But it is now given to you to know that heaven is here and now.

'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not'

because HE was invisible until He made Himself visible.

Necessary for an Appearance

John puts it in his record:

'Behold, what manner of love the FATHER hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of GOD . . . and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him . . .'

It was wonderful for the appearance to take place: An appearance had to take place some time and somewhere so that everyone would be like HIM. John said

'For we shall see him as He is.'

It is a wonderful blessing to know that you are the molds and you will be just like Him when He appears to you, for in His likeness you will be and in your likeness He will be.

When you deny your mortal, mental and spiritual views for CHRIST's mental and spiritual views, CHRIST will deny His physical and personal appearance for your physical and personal appearance, and CHRIST will appear in your physical and personal likeness as you appear in His mental and spiritual likeness. You know there is a common phrase used here in America, A fair exchange is no robbery.

Mold CHRIST in Your Likeness

CHRIST condescends to appear in your personal likeness a you will appear in His mental and spiritual likeness. If you put off your mind and your views and your spirit for CHRIST, CHRIST will put off His Body and His personality for you It is Wonderful!

That has always been the way.

'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew Him not.'

If you honor CHRIST, CHRIST will honor you. If you keep in CHRIST's Spirit and CHRIST's Mind, CHRIST will take on your body and your personality, and then verify that as the apostle said,

'Know you not that your bodies are the temples of the living GOD?'

GOD said,

'I will walk in them and dwell in them.'

Then GOD began to walk more in your bodies and dwell in your bodies as you walk in HIS Spirit and HIS Mind. Don't you see how it is?

This is your redemption. Then and there, and here and now, your redemption draweth nigh. That is the only way for it to draw night, by you putting on the Mind of CHRIST, the Spirit of CHRIST and allowing CHRIST to put on the body of you. That is the exchange. Then and there is a fair exchange. Then HE will appear from place to place like an old ugly man, or an old ugly woman, or looking like a little man, like a big man, like a beautiful woman, or a beautiful man or like a little child -- for

' . . . when HE shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see HIM as HE is.'

It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! Now aren't you glad? John did not say that HE would be like Peter, or like James. He did not confine Him to any appearance of personality or any nationality, but he said,

' . . . we shall be like Him and we shall see Him as HE is.'

Now aren't' you glad? You have been privileged to mold the CHRIST in your identical likeness. If you will only shape and mold yourself in the likeness of CHRIST, CHRIST will condescend to shape and fashion HIMSELF in the likeness of you.

Your Life Hid in CHRIST

Don't you see that in that way you can manifestedly be the sons of GOD? For in you CHRIST will appear and in your likeness He will ascend and descend from place to place carrying the message wheresoever He goes, blessing and saving the people. Imputed unto you He has come and gone, and imputed you unto the people. It is Wonderful! I set before you an open door. For lo, many years CHRIST has been appearing to the people in the likeness of this Personal Appearance.

That is a sample and an example to you of how CHRIST will form Himself in you and appear unto the people. I say I set before you an open door, that you may know your privilege in GOD, that GOD is no respecter of persons and GOD has no respect unto persons, and if in their personal likeness HE can, HE will appear in anybody who will subjugate their soul and their body to HIM, and will allow HIM to form in their personal body and their individuality or personality. Neither will their identity be lost, for it will appear in CHRIST in GOD. From the mortal version of the human mind you will be as the apostle said,

'Ye are dead, and your life is hid with CHRIST in GOD.'

And you will then appear in the nature of CHRIST with the characteristics and all of the qualities and attributes of the CHRIST in your identical likeness. Therefore, truly your life is hid with CHRIST in GOD. It is Wonderful!

Waiting for the Adoption

Now aren't you glad? Glad for such a glorious and golden privilege to be brought into the Sonship and established in this relation forever more. You are admitted into the Sonship degree of GOD's inheritance. This is what you have been waiting for. The apostle said on one occasion,

'. . . waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body . . . for the manifestation for the sons of GOD.'

Herein are the children of GOD manifested, and not the children of mortality -- better known in the mortal version as the children of the d - v-l

Now it is your glorious privilege in this great day to be adopted into the Royal Family. You have been waiting for the adoption into the Royal Family. You did not know how to get into the Royal Family. You thought you got there by praying and praying and praying, but not so.

'It is not by power, nor by might, but by MY Spirit saith the LORD.'

I will put MY Spirit in you and cause you to walk in MY statutes and if you walk consciously in MY statues, yea, even unconsciously, you will be called the sons of GOD. I do not tell you to call ME GOD, but you call ME that, don't you? It is Wonderful! I set before you an open door, that consciously or unconsciously you will be called the sons of GOD when you shall have been rightfully adopted into this Royal Family, and this is what you have been waiting for, have been groaning within yourselves; you have been waiting and yearning to be adopted into this Royal Family.

Then Someone had to come along to have the Name of the Adopter. It is Wonderful! Now I did not say that it was true sure enough, but Someone had to come along to have the Name of the Adopter, and had to have the authority to give their signature to the adoption The Blood has paid it all. The Life has paid it all, as being called the Blood.

The Name That Has All Power

Now you are just as well and healthy and happy as a little bird sitting on a limb. Once you were sickly but now you are healthy. When you believe ME, then you receive ME. All you have to do is to keep your mind stayed on ME. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! I mean a Name that has been tried by fire!. I mean a Name that has been tried by lynch mobs! I mean a Name that has been tried by the Atlantic Ocean! I mean a Name that has power to save; a mighty healing Name!

'The name of GOD is a strong tower: and the righteous run therein, and are saved.'

So the Name had to be brought forth into expression for your salvation, for your consideration, by bringing into conscious realization the Presence of GOD with all of HIS attributes. Now you can rejoice because it is a Principle, it is a Consciousness, and it is not confined or bound to the materialization of HIS Omnipotence and HIS Presence, but it is a Principle that is incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away. It is a Principle that is operative without the Personal Being. It is the Principle that was, and the Principle that is, and the Principle that is to come, and the same Principle that moved out upon the face of the deep and said,

'Let there be light: and there was light.'

Sayville Gardens

This is a Principle that is operative without any visible manifestation.

FATHER DIVINE at the Airport

Wrath of Man Praises ME

Is it not wonderful to know your GOD? Know ye your GOD? And then and there and right here and right now where you are sitting and standing is the true Light of GOD, and the Will is now being done. Not tomorrow, not this morning, not this evening, but here and now.

'Know ye your GOD!'

Truly the Light has come for the glory of GOD has risen upon you. Aren't you glorious? Do you not feel the Presence of GOD -- that all the fullness thereof is yours and all the joys that come with it and that satisfy your every desire, verifying the statement of Phillip,

'Show us the FATHER, and it sufficeth us?

You are being satisfied now as never before, aren't you? Everywhere I go, I find them being satisfied. There is no time to hear criticism; you are all so satisfied. I satisfy all your desires. Every time I AM criticized, you realize it more; every time I AM knocked, you boost ME more; every time anyone tries to hinder ME, they only give ME success and prosperity, and every stumbling block is a stepping stone. Let them throw all the stumbling blocks in the way they choose, for every stumbling block is a stepping stone; criticism are praises and curses are blessings; and the blasphemer only gives praise to the majesty of GOD's love. So none of the things can do ME any harm, for as David said,

'The wrath of men shall praise thee.'

It is Wonderful! It sounds like he was talking to somebody here and now. It sounds just like he was talking about ME.

Giving the Abundance

It is so wonderful that it is more blessed to give than to receive, therefore, I AM here giving you such as I have, which is the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good -- the consciousness of all good material and spiritual things for they are abundantly increased and multiplied. I have not enough souls and bodies to deposit all of these limitless blessings in. Five million souls cannot hold all these blessings. Far out in the ocean and down in the sea and the fish in the sea, they came at MY command. It is Wonderful! They will obey. The wind and the waves, they shall obey and all things shall come at MY command. From the mine, the gold and the silver, they will come and will say, LORD, here am I. The thoughts of the mind of man will come and say, LORD, here am I. For the Blood has paid it all, from the things that are in the highest heavens to the things that are in the earth from henceforth forever.



By My Spirit

Once you were sickly, now you are healthy. I say, you are healthy, and I AM talking to every one of you who believes and receives and obeys and who does what I say. You are healthy now! I do not have cause to touch anyone! I do not care if you are five thousand miles away from ME; and there are those who are in Australia, almost eighteen thousand miles from here, but still they are being healed and being given blessings just the same as you are right here. So it shows that it is not the personality that does the work, but

' . . . it is by MY Spirit saith the LORD.'

It is by MY Spirit which is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, a present help in every need. Now because this Spirit is Omniscient, do not think it is not Omnipotent. It is Omnipotent and yet it is Omnipresent, and is present with you in all its Omnipotence. All of it right here with you. That is a mighty power, is it now, to know that GOD dwells within, the great Dynamo of Salvation, the great Author and Finisher of all things with all the fullness of it right here and now, within and without and yet it is Omnipresent?

The Broadcasting Principle of Life

To make a long story short, just think about your radio.. You can get a lecture or message from someone, and yet there may be thousands and thousands of radios in all parts of the world tuning in on the same message at the same time, getting the same identical voice, the same message which is being sent by the same identical body. Now take in that thought and you will not have occasion to falter or to fear or to be in any way envious or jealous of anyone else because of their demonstration. Here and now you can get every bit of it because it is all here and now and yet it is all eternal. It is Wonderful!

Now that is what I want you all to see and realize concerning ME. I do not have to be here in Person; I do not have to be there in Person, for I AM here and I AM there and I AM everywhere. I AM the Broadcasting Principle of Life. I AM the Broadcasting Message. Everyone can tune in and reproduce the same in their lives here and there, and here and now, and everywhere. You see your glorious privilege! You see I set before you an open door that you might enter into the Holy of Holies even as Aaron. It is Wonderful!

Nothing Less Than GOD to Heal

It takes nothing less than GOD to bless you, and because you believe that, you receive that. Not like a man who came out to MY place some time ago, to be healed and he began to tell the angels, Why, don't you know you should be call that m-a-n GOD? I said, in your consideration -- not because what they say is true, and I did not say it was true or it was not true -- but I said, Because of your condition, it takes nothing less than GOD to heal you. I said, You will never be healed until you see GOD, for it takes nothing less than GOD to heal you. But if you see GOD, GOD will heal you, it matters not what kind of disease you have. If you really see GOD, GOD will bless you. It is Wonderful! Give your heart and your mind to GOD and if you see GOD, GOD is sufficient to heal and deliver you from every undesirable condition whatsoever it may be, mental, physical or spiritual for it takes nothing less than GOD to heal the people, and especially in that man's condition. It is Wonderful! Having even cancer, then tried to ridicule the angels because they said I was GOD, saying it was blasphemy. He wanted to have an argument as he was resentful. I said, Why did you want to argue with him? He said expressing his faith in GOD. It will take nothing less than GOD to heal you, but if you see GOD, GOD will heal you then and there.

Every Human Method Sought Without Results

So if one sees GOD, and rightfully sees GOD and will live in conformity to the Truth of GOD, it matters not what kind of disease you may have, GOD will certainly heal you. He will heal all of your complaints and will set you abundantly free. You will have no occasion to falter or to fear, for GOD will be continually with you. GOD has wiped away all tears. It is Wonderful!

You know there are so many people who have tried everything on earth -- all kinds of remedies and all kinds of treatments and every human method they could think of -- and they do not get any results. They made every human effort. Then they went and tried the different ones to pray for them, and they have been anointed with oil and with the ashes of the saints; they have used every method but did not get any results. It takes only GOD! They have to go to GOD some time, somewhere, somehow. Only in GOD can you be blessed!

That is why there are thousands and thousands of people coming to ME from all parts of the world. They are writing ME from all parts of the world and all parts of every civilized country, and I would tell them about the Presence of GOD, and then GOD in them would heal them, and then when I would come, then they would think it was ME. It is Wonderful! Now CHRIST in you and CHRIST in ME has made you what you ought to be and has set you free. Then your faith in ME, I say, your faith in ME, as though it was ME, has set you free -- as though it was ME. It is Wonderful!



Made Whole Through Faith

Jesus, the great Love Master said,

'Go into all the world, and preach the gospel, and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.'

Their faith in Him is what will make them whole. By being baptized and believing His word, He said, is what will save you. He that believeth not shall be d-m-ed. Now it does not take much for you to be d-m-ed, but it takes a little more to be saved. Now that you believed, your faith has made you whole. Because you had faith in ME, as though it was ME, then your faith has made you whole. There are many people, there are quite a number of folks everywhere that believed, and some who do not believe in ME. They were d-m-ed. It was not ME, but it was their unbelief, but it was not ME, as though it was ME. Their unbelief in ME, as though it was ME, d-m-ed them. I did not do it. They did not believe, and they were d-m-ed. Their unbelief in ME, as though it was ME, d-m-ed them. Your belief in ME, as though it was ME, has blessed you. (Demonstration here by the Spirit in Mexican women recognizing and bearing witness to GOD.)

Well, anyway, I AM glad you did believe. It is Wonderful!

'As many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of GOD . . . to them that believe on the name.'

So your faith is what made you whole, and your unbelief is what has d-m-ed you, so I thank you! I thank you! I thank you!
