"How You Can Let the World Know That the LORD is At Hand

"Your Standard Will Show That You Have Been With GOD"

The Word of GOD Revealed

When HE, the Spirit of truth is come, HE will guide you into all truths...

FATHER DIVINE'S Words from the Notebook of John Lamb

Installment 6l


Home of the Soul

Home of the Soul

I Represent Nothing Less Than CHRIST and Nothing More Than GOD

I AM the One, I AM the One, I came treading the Winepress all alone. I say I AM the One, I came treading the winepress all alone and of the people there were none to help. I say I came all the way from Bozrah with dyed garments on, treading the winepress all alone. I AM not out here to preach anything less than CHRIST and nothing more than GOD. I AM not out here preaching races, creeds and colors, denominations or any kind of abomination. I AM here to represent nothing less than CHRIST and nothing more than GOD, and CHRIST and GOD are just alike and the very same One, and so are you or everyone that is born of GOD.

I AM just as operative for one as I AM for another. MY Spirit, MY Life, MY Mind, it is Wonderful, it is just as operative for one as it is for another and as I said, maybe, some thirty-odd years ago, I would throw off this Body before I would let anything exist in ME less than CHRIST. I said if I had any human blood or racial affection or human affection, or race or pride, I could cut MY throat and let the blood run out . . . I won't stand for anything less. I'd come out of the Body first. I say, I would come out of the Body first.. Before I was in the Body, I was just as I AM now. And I will be the same without a Body. I don't want any foolish moods around ME. It's truly Wonderful! There shall not be any race, any creed, any denominations, any color, in MY Kingdom. Every bit of that d - -nable racial pride, denominational pride, color pride, or any other kind of pride has got to go back from whence it came . . . I don't care if I don't have anybody!






I didn't intend to say anything but MY zeal was stirred and the determination of MY Zeal and MY Love carried ME away in the Spirit of MY Mind. It is Wonderful! I told you when I first arose, while the brother was talking, I did not rise to interfere with his testimony, for I love him, but I rose to go to look for this body right here. I mean this body that I recognized GOD in here and any of you that don't recognize GOD in him, you will go down. I say so long as Mr. Titus* recognize ME and MY Word, he is always welcome in any of MY meetings and he has the same right that any of you have. I mean what I AM talking about! Every one, every last one of you that has a mind to stop MY Spirit in another, it shall be stopped in you!

Someone said that the LAMB is meek and lowly and it is true, but one records, that the day of His wrath shall come and who shall be able to stand. I don't want wrath, but if you call ME into it, I shall have to execute it on the Righteous Lamb.

I AM trying to gather you into MY garner. I tell you I AM Love. I tell you, I AM not representing the person. I AM no race, I AM nothing to you, according to the flesh. I AM SPIRIT. I AM no race, no color, I AM no nationality. I AM Spirit. No creed shall rule here. No color shall rule here. No race shall rule here. Nothing shall rule here but GOD shall reign. It is Wonderful!

I have said more than I would have said, but I just rose to say something and to call back Mr. Titus that had begun or had decided to speak. I just rose to seek to find him. Now so long as anyone is lost in MY Will, and in the Will of the Spirit and who lives Evangelical, exactly according to the Life and Teachings of CHRIST as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and lets this mind be in them, they can be with ME and among us at any and all times.

*John Henry Titus: See The Word of GOD Revealed, installment numbers 27, 41 and 61.

If you Have A Mind To Stop My Spirit In Another, It Shall Be Stopped in You

Now I want to say there is no way to stop MY Word. If MY Body would stop, MY Word would be here to do the same Work, MY Spirit would be here to do the same Work, and MY Mind would be here to do the same Work, MY Life would be here to do the same Work, for the Mouth of the LORD has spoken it. Truly, might have GOD spoken through the mouth of Ezekiel and said:

'Woe to the Shepherd that had scattered MY flock.'

Now I tell you, you had better get off of that horse, because it is immaterial whether there be as much as a fingernail in regards to the flesh. I don't care whether there be a hundred million bodies or one, I AM the same. It is Wonderful!

There is a class, I know, that tries to live in mortal consciousness and live in everything but the Life and Teachings of CHRIST and will come up and try to have authority. I say, you know whether you are in the Spirit. Try the Spirit by the Spirit. That old mortal mind, I AM not studying about it, I say. No one needs to tell ME anything for ME to know who you are. No matter what anybody tells ME, it doesn't change MY Mind. It is Wonderful!

I don't want to talk so much, just now, for the time has well expired, but I rose to get Mr. Titus that GOD might speak through him and that you all might recognize GOD in him.



Let Your Moderation Be Known By Your Deeds

So glad! I know you have love in your hearts and I know you have love within your minds. You all know that I have this mighty Love.

And as the last speaker said, "Let your moderation be made known unto all men, that the LORD is at hand." Now, you are willing to let it be made known that the LORD is at hand, aren't you? It is not merely in words, but it is supposed to be in deeds and in truth. I say you are not going to let your moderation be made known by merely saying that GOD is here and GOD is there in words, but you will say it in deeds and in truth! Let it be made known unto all men that GOD has put HIS Spirit in you and caused you to walk in HIS Statutes.

But if you don't let the world know that GOD has put HIS Spirit in you and caused you to walk in HIS Statutes, you can say GOD is at hand all you please. I came to bring love to the world. I came to bring peace to the world. I came to bring joy, success and prosperity.

You know, in Sayville, where I have been staying for the last twelve years, why, everybody knew that I was letting the world know that the LORD was at hand. How did I let them know that the LORD was at hand? Because those that were hungry, I fed them. I let them know that the LORD was at hand, because those that were naked, I clothed them. I let them know by making it possible that the overseers of the poor did not have to come out and take people on the town. I let them know that I could take them. FATHER'S watch dropped.) It is all right. It will come back. There is nothing lost in this great Universal Mind. It is just a watch. So just let the world know that the LORD is at hand; then you see it is wonderful, isn't it, and you can all rejoice?

I let them know that the LORD is at hand by letting those that were sick get well, if they believed. I let them know that the LORD is at hand by those that came to Sayville, sick when they came; they would go away healed. That is the way I let them know. You know it is wonderful in Sayville. Some of you know something about it, don't you? You all know something about it, don't you? In the time of depression I let them know GOD could express HIMSELF. And I let them know that the LORD is at hand by the expression of GOD's manifestation; of GOD's success and prosperity. I let them know that the LORD is at hand by GOD's wealth, by GOD's health and knowledge, wisdom, gifts and talents and everything else that is good. That is how I let them know that the LORD is at hand.

How You Can Let the World Know That the LORD is At Hand

Now that doesn't mean to say that HE is not everywhere you go, but you must

'Let your moderation be known to all men, that the LORD is at hand.'
'Let it be made known to all men that the LORD is at hand'

by the life that you live ---- by loving one another, by being honest in your dealing. I let the world know that the LORD is at hand by even a simple thing as this. Any one of MY students or Followers that will adhere to MY Teachings when they even so much as work in the places, I let them know that the LORD is at hand by being absolutely honest and competent. So you see, I AM talking about something that is practical. Not something that's just merely to shout and sing, but something to live, something to write, something to demonstrate, something to be as a living sample and example to the world.

Now I let the world know that the LORD is at hand by any one of MY real students working in places. They are the most honest, the most competent person or persons in the world. That is the way to let the world know that the LORD is at hand, by being absolutely honest, reliable, trustworthy and someone can trust you with a million dollars all in pennies and you would not take a penny, and that is letting the world know that the LORD is at hand. They could trust you with all of their valuable jewels and anything else and you would not take a thing. That is the way to let the world know that the LORD is at hand ---by being absolutely honest, reliable, trustworthy, honest in all of your works and all of your ways. That is the way to let the world know that the LORD is at hand and is preaching the Gospel. That is the kind of Gospel I preach. I preach trustworthiness, reliableness, competency in all of your works and in all of your ways.

Now anyone that will adhere to MY Life and Teachings, I will trust them anywhere. I can trust them with anything and anyone else can trust them with anything. You can trust them with money, wealth, treasures, your husband, family, your wife, your sons and your daughters and anything else. You can trust them any time of the day or any time of the night. Then, you are letting your moderation be known unto all men, that the LORD is at hand. Then, you have been with GOD and learned of HIS Ways. That is what all this is about. The whole world has gone after it. So fascinating is it that the world has gone after it and they cannot help it because this great love is the magnet of life. It will attract you and draws you unto it. That is why I say no matter what size church, auditorium or hall we have, it is always filled to overflowing. That is just the way it is with MY Table. That is just the way it is with MY pocketbook. That is just the way with MY Mind. That is just the way it is with MY Intellect. That is just the way it is with MY Heart ---full of this mighty Love for all mankind.

You Are As Honest In My Personal Absence As In My Personal Presence

For the Words says,

'Ye shall love the LORD, thy GOD, with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your mind.'

This is the first and great Commandment, and the second is like unto it,

'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.'

Therefore, if an individual would be filled with this mighty love of GOD and live an Evangelical Life, just exactly according to the Life and Teachings of CHRIST as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and let this Mind be in you that was also in HIM, you will be abundantly blessed, freed, healed and saved from all adversities and undesirable conditions; therefore, I say, live the Life even according to MY pre-rehearsed instructions in action, words and deeds and let MY instructions still remain the living factor in the lives and hearts of men.

Now I don't have to tell anybody that I AM GOD. You all say that. I don't have to tell you that I AM a good man. All that I have got to do is to give you the love of GOD and transmit it into your lives that you may be producers of the same --- manifesting the same unto the whole world. Now you see, as I say, anybody can trust any of MY real Followers. I don't mean someone that jumps up and says, "I am a Follower of FATHER DIVINE." I mean anyone that really adheres to MY Teachings, you can trust them with millions of dollars. If they had all of the money in the banks entrusted with them, they would not steal a penny.

You could trust any of MY real students, as I before said, with your daughters, wives, sons or valuables that may be called yours, and they will be fully protected from all hurt, harm and danger. Then this is letting your moderation be known unto all men, that the LORD is at hand. Why? Because you would be just as honest at MY Personal absence as you would be at MY Personal Presence and if you live in accordance with MY pre-rehearsed instructions, which is to say, live an Evangelical Life, you would not do anything or say anything or act any way out of MY Personal absence than you would in MY Personal Presence. Then, you would not drink liquor, would you? Then why do you stop drinking liquor? Because you know that when I AM supposedly absent you are still present with the LORD.

GOD is with you, whether MY Personal Body is there or not. GOD sees all you do and hears all you say. Therefore, you will be honest at MY Personal absence, as you would be in MY Personal Presence. For this cause, we will have a Universal FATHERHOOD of GOD and Brotherhood of Man. This is the only true and religious way. It is the only practical way of Christendom. It is the way that points to Truth.

I AM sure, you that may not know what all this is about, I AM sure that those that you call young men and young women and even young girls, would not sacrifice all of their mortal lives, fancies and pleasures just for foolishness ---they would not sacrifice all of their lives, and worldly pleasures and give their lives wholehearted to GOD, that they might lift up a standard for the people according to MY wishes, that they might let their light shine before men that they might see their good works and glorify the FATHER which art in heaven. Upon this foundation, you see it is incorruptible, it is undefefileable and cannot fade away, for it is the perfect day.

This is the perfect picture of our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST that was in the Body nineteen hundred years ago.

Anyone Who Has A Hard Time Is Not Living the Life

Again I say to those of you that think you are sick, I AM here and I AM there and I AM everywhere. Believe this Message and believe the Words that I say unto you and you will go away from this place completely healed by the Spirit of GOD, for the Mouth of the LORD has spoken it. That is why I don't necessarily have to touch you. I don't have to come near you. I don't have to say anything to you, but you believe with all of your heart, with all of your soul and all of your mind, that you are abundantly blessed and healed.

Cast out of your system all bigotry, resentment, envy, anger, covetousness and malice. Cast them out of your system, as well as all fear, and CHRIST will rise in you and you will begin to walk in the newness of life. Then you will have no more occasion to falter. You will have no more occasion to fear lacks or wants, for GOD spoke through the mouth of David, and said,

'The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.'

When you see anyone always having a hard time, always in want, lacks, and limitation and all such as that, something is wrong. MY dear ones, they are not living exactly according to the Life and Teachings of CHRIST. GOD declared through the mouth of David,

'The LORD is my shepherd and I shall not want.'

It was David speaking there, as though it was himself and with the same degree of expression as is applicable to your lives if you are conscious of the CHRIST-life, even as David was. You will have no occasion to want. You will not go around begging.

You have never ---maybe you have heard someone say I go around begging. Someone may bear false witness or try to say something against ME. They may exaggerate, or as your Bible says, they may lie. The Bible says, if your brother tells a lie, tell him of it. Then they say I ask someone for anything. I have never taken up a collection or asked anyone for anything. I have never been connected with anyone that does. I have always had a full and a plenty. The Bible declares:

'The LORD is my shepherd and I shall not want. He leadeth me beside the still waters. Yea, though I walk through the valley and shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.'

David came to this conscious realization of the Presence of GOD, had he not, when he said,

'Thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me";

he caught the glimpse.


Your Standard Will Show That You Have Been With GOD

I have come to bring back to you the Ever Presence of GOD. One prophet said,

'Am I not a GOD at hand and not a GOD afar off?'

When you come to this conscious realization, you will have nothing to fear and nothing can harm you and then you can make your moderation be known to all men, that the LORD is at hand. Let it be made known in your neighborhood. Let it be made known by being honest. Let it be made known by being absolutely dependable, by being reliable, by being trustworthy and everything else that is right.

I believe you are willing to do anything that I tell you, won't you? Now if you are not willing to do it, don't say so ..I know New York will do it. I want the whole world to do it, for HIS great Name's sake and for CHRIST's sake. I want you to live exactly Evangelical as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Now are you willing to follow? Are you willing to obey?

This great Truth is not confined only to the religious world, you know. If you will follow ME, you will go all the way through. You will live a practical life on all phases of life. I mean on the mental plane, as well as on the material plane, the social plain, the financial plane, the political plane and every plane, you will live an Evangelical life. You will let this Mind be in you that was also in CHRIST JESUS and you will be abundantly blessed and the Presence of GOD will be with you; for HE is the source of all supply and it will satisfy every good desire and you will come to the conscious realization, even as I AM, that there is no race; no such abomination as race, creeds, color, denominations, prejudice and all such as that; but you will come to the conscious realization that out of one blood GOD formed every nation and you will love every man as your brother, regardless of what race, creed or color he may be.

Then you will have manifested and brought into conscious conviction to the children of men, that GOD is at hand by living godly ---live in your community, in your home life, in your social affairs and in every way being spiritual and biblical, law-abiding citizens first and that will cause you to be legal, law-abiding citizens. It will cause you to lift up a standard for the people and all men will know that you have been made GOD and learned of HIS ways and none will have occasion to falter. None will have occasion to fear, for the Mouth of the LORD has spoken it. GOD has wiped away all tears.

Everybody Will Be Happy, Honest, Reliable and Competent After A While

Now take these thoughts in, Dear Ones. I desire not to continue to hold you as there are quite a few of you from the City and many of you have other places to go. It is a little distance and I AM sure you feel like returning home after the day's strenuous devoutness. Now don't you feel like going home?

You would stay here all night, wouldn't you? Well, we are going to have it like this all over the world after a while. Everybody will be happy, for everybody will be honest; everybody will be reliable, everybody will be competent and everybody will be trustworthy; every state, every country, shall know this love, every class and every people and every clime.

That is what this great Truth will do for you and we will not stop until we shall have accomplished this great work and then will you be letting your moderation be known to all men, that the LORD is at hand.

If You Let ME Put My Spirit In You, You Will Live the Life OF CHRIST

Now those of MY students, where you did drink liquor and once some of you were drunkards, and when you get that drunkenness out of your consciousness, as I said when I was talking to some of the prisoners in Riverhead Jail ---I said, "You came in a drunkard, did you not?" They said, "Yes," I said, "You are arrested for being drunk?"One of the men said, "Yes, I was drunk and came in for six months." I said, "While you are here the authorities will get it out of your system. Now, you get it out of your consciousness and when they find out that you are not a drunkard and it is not in your consciousness, they will be glad to let you go. They only want to hold the man who has done something and when you get it out of your system and consciousness, you will not be guilty."

Men that committed other crimes, I talked with them. I said,

'If you get it out of your system or cease to allow it to function in your system while you are here in prison, then as it does not function in your system, get it out of your consciousness and when you get it out of your consciousness and out of your system, why, then you are not that man any more.'

MY Bible tells ME that you are a new creature; for behold, old things are passed away. Behold, I make old things new and you are a new creature and you will be changed from your Adamic state of being to the Divine Nature, which is CHRIST and you will begin to walk in the newness of life and you will begin to be a new creature.

All those of you who think that you are gamblers, if you get it out of your system and get it out of your consciousness, then you will not be a gambler any more. Those of you that think you are murders, if you get it out of your system and get it out of your consciousness, you will not be murderers any more. Those of you that think you are thieves --- I mean, steal things, if you get that out of your system and out of your consciousness, then you will not be a thief any more. I don't have to tell you not to do those things. I don't have to tell you, "Don't steal, don't kill, don't commit adultery!" I don't have to tell you not to bear false witness against your neighbor. I don't have to tell you not to do those things.

If you will allow me to, I will quote one of MY recent but often rehearsed mottoes:

'I will preach CHRIST in Words, but more so in deeds and actions and I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY Statutes.'

I said from henceforth,

'I will preach CHRIST in Words but more so in deeds and actions and I will put MY Spirit in you and cause you to walk in MY Statutes.'

Everyone that has MY Spirit, you don't want to steal anyway, do?

Everyone that has MY Spirit, you don't want to drink. Everyone that has MY Spirit, you don't want to commit adultery, because you don't want to commit adultery with your own companion, do you? When you know MY Teachings, you will not commit it with your companion and you would not with anyone else. Therefore, I say live an Evangelical life and if you let ME put MY Spirit in you, I will cause you to walk in MY Statutes, but remember, you must live according to the Life and Teaching of CHRIST.

JESUS Never Defiled His Most Important Characteristics -- Virginity

Jesus was a Virgin Son, was He not? He was the Virgin Son according to the flesh and the Son of GOD, according to the Spirit. Then you should be the virgin, according to the flesh. And you should be the Son of GOD, according to the Spirit, for Jesus was the Virgin Son according to the flesh and He was the Son of GOD, according to the Spirit and you should be virgins, according to the flesh and Sons of GOD, according to the Spirit. Don't you see how wonderful it is? It is marvelous. It is something to think about -- the Works of GOD. "He shall change your vile bodies in fashion like unto His glorious Body"; that is the great work of CHRIST within and without.

John said,

'And I looked and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion and with him were an hundred and forty-four thousand, having their FATHER's name written in their foreheads.'

They had their FATHER's Name uppermostly in their consciousness. That is the significance of that. They had the FATHER's Nature. The word name in Hebrew means nature. Word names mean nature. They had it uppermostly in their consciousness and they followed the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.

If they were in the likeness of men, they were redeemed from among women and if they were in the likeness of women, they were redeemed from among men.

I have heard some of you sing: "How beautiful to walk in the footsteps of my Savior! I am stepping in the light, stepping in the light, stepping in the light of the LORD." It is wonderful to walk in the footsteps of the LORD. These are they that followed the Lamb whithersoever HE goeth. They follow HIM in words. They follow HIM in deeds and in actions and they walk in HIS Statutes. Therefore, they would not drink, steal or kill!

Then, there are some qualities of Jesus you don't believe that He has ever defiled. You don't believe that He has ever defiled that most important characteristic that Mary was so greatly noted by, do you? That most important attribute that Mary was especially noted by. She was noted by her virginity, was she not? That was the most important characteristic or attribute of Jesus. And by that being the most important attribute or characteristic of Jesus, when the woman touched the hem of His garment, something went out from Him. It was that very same virtue that He said,

'Someone has touched me, because virtue went out from my body.'

Then it goes to show you in the Revelation of John ---

'These are they that followed the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.'

These are they that followed the Lamb whithersoever he goeth and in their mouths was found no guile", and if you will live according to MY instructions, you will be abundantly blessed and be freed from all lacks and limitations and want.


Your Belief Will Bless You and Your Unbelief Will Curse You

Now I want to say in conclusion, I want to say with regard to one of the testimonies that I heard, I would like to verify that statement. So many people say, "FATHER DIVINE healed me." I want to say, I don't do anything as a Person. Some people say, "FATHER DIVINE blessed me." I do not as a Person do anything, I don't bless you or curse you as a Person, but I may use the Word as a blessing unto you; but I don't use a word of cursing unto you because I don't visualize cursing; but I do want to say, when I bless, it is your faith in ME that makes you whole.

It is something like a question that was asked in the Court. When the question was asked in Court by the judge, "Do you mean to say that this man can heal you?" one of the witnesses for the defense said, "Why, yes, FATHER can "He said, "Well, if HE can heal the sick, HE can make the well sick, does HE not?" She said, "No, FATHER does not advocate that." I don't advocate making anyone sick. I don't visualize making anyone sick, but as I say, the reverse is equality true. I don't make you sick, but everyone that has faith in ME, is blessed. Everyone that believes the Message that I bring and believes in ME, he is blessed. And many are blessed, and healed and are saved from the grave -- they are blessed and healed and saved from the grave because they believed the Message of GOD. It was their faith that made them whole.

It is not anything that I do. It is their faith that makes them whole. But now on the other hand, the same as the party that was speaking about the Tattler and that she, of course, was trying to defend ME. I don't have to defend MYSELF. It was telling all kinds of lies. That's That's why so many people are unsuccessful. Then the man got sick --because he didn't believe. Many of them will die. Many of them will die because they don't believe. I will not do anything to them, but they that believe, shall be saved and they that believe not shall be cursed and I AM talking about he that believes in ME shall be saved and he that believes not in ME shall not be cursed. I AM not blessing you and I AM not cursing you, but your own believe will bless you and your unbelief will curse you. That is why they get sick. He that believeth shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be cursed. This is the mystery now. I don't bless anybody according to the flesh; your faith in ME will.

When you were in trouble, your faith got you out of trouble. It was your faith, as though it was ME, that got you out of trouble. It brought you peace in your home, success, prosperity, health, happiness, wisdom, knowledge, understanding. It brought you gifts and talents and that was your faith in ME and it was imputed ME. It was as though it was ME. It was your faith in ME.

Jesus said when the woman touched the hem of His garment,

'Your faith has made you whole.'

It is the same Spirit that is speaking today. Your faith has made you whole and someone's faith has killed them. Someone's unbelief has killed them. Everyone that believes on ME, as the Scripture says,

'Out of their bellies shall flow rivers of waters.'

So that is the way it is. It is your faith that makes you whole and your unbelief curses you. I don't curse you. You curse yourself with your corruptible and degraded thoughts, and I AM going to shake the world! Everyone that believes, they shall be blessed and everyone that receives the Message, they shall become the Sons of GOD, and everything that believes not, why, your own unbelief shall curse you.

Belief Will Heal Your Disease; Unbelief Will Bring Disease

There are many people that have been wonderfully blessed. Many have come from the dead ---from dead bodies, and many have gone to dead bodies by disbelieving the Message that I brought to them. Every thought that is against the Truth, everyone that tries to knock the Truth, it is woe unto him.

'He that believeth shall be saved and he that believeth not, shall be cursed.'

Again, I say unto you, it is written in this Gospel:

'It is needful that offenses must come, but woe unto the man through whom they come. It is better that a millstone be hanged around his neck and that he be cast in the depth of the sea, than to offend one of my little ones.'

That is what this is all about. So faith is what makes you whole. So I say to you, that to believe in ME whole for healing, just have substantiated faith. I don't have to touch you -- I don't have to come near you. I don't have to look upon you. Your faith will heal you and bless you from all adversities and undesirable conditions and set the prisoner free. Now there is nothing that I do from a Personal standpoint of view. I don't have to.

Now you can tell anyone that wants to be sick -- tell them to keep knocking ME. The reverse is equally true. Then you can tell anyone who is sick, if they want to get well, believe the Message that I sent and they will be blessed and will be healed and raised from the dead and brought out of all difficulties. But they that believe not in ME shall be cursed. This is the Word of GOD.

I don't care who you are. I don't care who you are, I say. I don't care if you are an international President. I don't care if you were the international king. I don't care if you would be an international king. It is immaterial to ME. The Word says:

'He that believeth shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be cursed";

so belief is what blesses you and your unbelief is what kills you. Unbelief and sin is what causes so much sickness and so much disease in the land. Remember, right after I left Mineola, there was a disease came to Mineola and they did not know what kind of a disease it was. Sin will kill the people and bring all kinds of disease. Belief will heal you from these diseases. Unbelief will bring all kinds of diseases.


People Have Heart Trouble Because They Don't Believe In CHRIST

The Bible says:

'Go unto all the world and teach all nations peace in the name of the FATHER, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.'

It said also,

'These signs shall follow them that believe in my name. They shall cast out d -v - in my name. They shall lay hands on the sick and in my name they shall recover.'

But you must believe and you will get well and if you don't believe and try to persecute ME, you may get sick. Not that I AM bothered about you. I haven't got the time to bother about you, but your own fears, your own prejudices, your own bigotry will kill you. It will give you the heart trouble and then they say, you died with heart trouble. I said in the l4th chapter of St. John:

'Let not your heart be trouble: ye believe in GOD, believe also in me.'

So it goes to show you, if you don't believe in ME you don't believe in CHRIST, and you will have the heart trouble.

Talking about a Gospel country and a Bible land and still you don't believe in ME! This is what gives you the heart trouble. You say you don't believe in ME and yet you believe in GOD. Read it in the Bible for yourself, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe ye also in me." This goes to show you, everybody that has heart trouble, it is because they don't believe in CHRIST; that is why,

'Believe in GOD, believe also in ME.'

You say, you are in a Gospel country and a Bible land. You call yourselves Christians and one hundred per cent Americans. You say you believe in GOD and don't believe in ME Who has come to do the Works of GOD. The Bible says:

'This is the work of GOD, that you believe in him whom He has sent.'

You cannot do the Works of GOD, until you believe in the One Whom HE has sent.


Because Of My Works, Anyone Ought To Know Who I AM

Take these thoughts in, Dear Ones, and do not allow yourselves to be caught in the predicament of many that have knocked and opposed ME ---they have tried to condemn or convict ME. Who can convict GOD?. .

'Believe in GOD, I say, "believe also in ME.'
'In MY FATHER's house are many mansions'

---there are many expressions of truth and many degrees of understanding and therefore, you must be in different expressions of truth and different degrees of understanding and ye are the temples of CHRIST. CHRIST and GOD have many bodies and can come in any expression that HE wishes to come. If you will know that ye are temples of GOD, GOD will dwell and walk in them. Ye are GOD's husbandry, ye are GOD's buildings. Truly there are many mansions in the House of GOD.

'Be careful not mindful how you entertain strangers, as some have entertained angels unaware.'

I did not mean to talk so much

The Bible says,

'This is the work of GOD, that you believe on him whom I sent.'

I don't have to tell you to call ME GOD. I don't have to tell you. I call MYSELF, "Rev. or Mr. Divine." That's what I call MYSELF. You all call ME "FATHER" and there are five million saying that I AM GOD. I sign MY Name as Rev. M. J. Divine. Any person ought to know that I AM the Son of GOD, that I AM teaching the people to do right when I have brought you out of depression into abundant life, brought you out of poverty into success. Once you were sick, now you are healed. I have brought you out of limitations into GOD's expression. And when I have brought you out of being a thief, murderer, gambler and all such as that, drunkards, and made you to become the Children of the Living GOD, competent, reliable and trustworthy, when I have taken you off, and many others out of the breadlines and kept you from being a public charge. I have taken hundreds of people off of the town and off of the state and have rescued them and cared for them and protected the state and saved them not less than two to three hundred dollars a week, for the last twelve years, and then if you don't think I AM the Son of GOD, then you are worse than an infidel.

We Are Going To Have A Spiritual, Holy and Righteous Movement In the Earth

If you will only give ME a chance . . . if you will behave yourself, I may show you a little more, because I AM going to do a hundred times as much this year as I did last year. We are going to keep on until we put all of the debauchery and spirit of degradation completely out of business.

You all are willing to follow ME, aren't you? You are willing to endorse this Movement, aren't you? And with five millions, although the whole five millions are not all in the United States -- five millions are not in the United States -- but with those in the United States here, we are going to vote for a dependable President, one that will do right. Aren't we? We will not have a President that will not do right. When I get you all together we are just going to have the President that will do right. We are going to have a Governor that will do right. We are going to have the judges on the Bench that will do right. We are not going to have any other. We are going to vote them out that will not do right. We will vote them out or will them out, either one. We are going to have citizens that will do right. We are going to do right in our communities too, aren't you?

We are going to have a spiritual and a holy and a righteous Movement right here in this earth! We are going to live Evangelical lives in our homes, in our communities wheresoever we go and we will be honest in words, deeds and actions and we will not violate any rightful and legitimate law. We will be law- abiding citizens. We will stand for that which is right on every phase of life and we will lift up a standard for the people and prove to the world that the LORD is at hand. That is the only way to prove it to the world . . . not so much by just saying that GOD is here and but by living a life expressing it in your daily actions, and in your daily transactions live the life.

You will be proving that you are law-abiding citizens and this will be proof of GOD's manifestation in the flesh.

'For ye are the temples of GOD and it is written that HE shall walk in them and dwell in them'

and you will be desirable, even also as I AM. In MY Profession, I have always a plenty who believe in ME and will follow ME. Don't you all love to follow ME?

Because I carry --- I have and I carry the desirable qualities of GOD for one and for all and you tend to reproduce in your lives by gazing on that which you see in ME; for the thing that we gaze upon, we tend to materialize and tend to reproduce and bring into actuality into our lives and manifest it unto the world. Now you will manifest love, patience, kindness, will you not? You will manifest success, will you not? You will manifest prosperity, will you not? And by so doing you will manifest wealth, health and happiness for the Mouth of the LORD has spoken it.

Then you will be desirable and those that will not desire you will deprive themselves of these limitless blessings for which I stand and for which I AM.

Take these thoughts in and you will be even as I AM, for I AM all health. I AM all wealth, I AM all success, peace, prosperity, all wisdom, all love, all talents, all gifts, all intellect, and everything else that is good. Everything that I AM, you are the same. There is no difference. Express it and be it in deeds and actions; in your home life, in your community, and in your affairs ---be absolutely trustworthy, competent and honest in all of your work and in all of your ways and GOD will bless you and help you on your way.


