"They Thought That They Were Awfully Wicked Men.

"I Knew That They Were the Sons of God."

The Word of GOD Revealed

Howbeit when HE, the Spirit of truth is come, HE will guide you into all truths...

FATHER DIVINE's Words from the Notebook of John Lamb

Installment 57


MOTHER DIVINE and group at the Great South Bay

MOTHER DIVINE and group at the Great South Bay


Woe Unto the Man Through Whom Needful Offenses Come

When I said that I must go away, when I said that I have something to do, when I went over there, and when the judge looked at this Angel here and said, 'You stay in the house and you say you are HIS secretary?' She said, 'Yes,' Then, 'Do you believe that HE is God?' She said, 'Yes,' she knew it, or something like that, and he said something about the very idea of your being in the house with some people, or something like that. He said, 'I don't believe that you are twenty- six,' and told the district attorney to find out at once. So he called up Boston and they gave him the dope on it. They couldn't do a thing. But he first held her and the other Angel, and also ME.

(Question from visitor: What is the judge doing now?)

His spirit is sitting back now, it has got behind ME. His spirit has found out that it cannot

'tempt the LORD thy GOD.'

and it has got behind ME, for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. And it has been verified in reality. It was needful that offences must come, but woe unto that man through whom they come. I say, woe unto that man that says a word against ME. It is Wonderful!

Then as I said, I had something to do. There were many there that thought they were terrible criminals. They thought that they were awfully wicked men. I knew that they were the sons of GOD. It is Wonderful! I was glad to be there. I heard you say that

'Jesus could make a dying bed feel soft as down,
And downy pillows there,
whilst on His breast I lay my head,
And breathe my life out safely there.''

Some of FATHER'S Experiences At the Jail

When I went into the prison, there was a very thin straw mattress there and a very thin straw pillow, a very thin straw pillow, but there appeared in MY room a thick cotton mattress, cotton top and cotton bottom, and also a nice downy pillow, a thick one, the same as I have at Home on MY bed, and a rug on the floor. The counselors can tell you that, that went up there and saw it, and this was the only room that had a rug on the floor. It is Wonderful! GOD is the Author and the Finisher of things, and as with MY money, so cometh all MY blessings. So

'Praise GOD, from whom all blessings flow; Praise HIM, all creatures here below,'

All blessings flow from GOD, and I will not give MY glory unto another. All the glory belongs to GOD, regardless through whom it cometh. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful!

Then as I say, there was a young man there that thought he was awfully wicked. He began to tell ME that he was so wicked he didn't even want to claim to pray, or anything of that kind, because he wasn't going to play hypocrite and even call GOD's Name, except in blasphemy. He would call it in blasphemy, but not in the manner or expression of prayer, and I said, I know that the CHRIST in you and the CHRIST in ME will make you what you ought to be. I said that, within a man, in you, in this body, is the Son of GOD, and if you recognize GOD in HIS Holiness, you will express it.

It was not long before he began to think. He came to ME one afternoon late in the afternoon and said, 'Reverend, have you a sheet of paper?' And I gave him a sheet of paper as if though to write to a friend on the outside. He went into his cell and wrote something and brought it to ME and he said, 'This I got on YOU by an inspiration.' He said, 'I will write more, then I want YOU to publish it in that magazine that YOUR lectures go in.' Now this is the message, this is what he received. It is Wonderful! (Then followed the reading of the revelation.)


The man who walks alone. Let us stop for a few seconds and think of those few words. Are you or I one of those men? As we go through life some to big business, some to daily labor and some to play we all have one big aim; but while reaching for that aim, do we walk alone?'
As I sit in this cell and have lots of time to think and look around I see a man who in Himself walks alone. Yet, HIS followers run into thousands. That man is the Rev. FATHER DIVINE sent to this prison to pay a price for walking alone. I call HIM a man who walks alone because HE has only one path, and that path is the path of GOD. It is HIS Life and study. HE has only one aim, and that is the aim of GOD.
Many of us have one big aim. But in trying to gain that aim, do we play square by our fellow man? Do we play square by our loved ones or are we still just a man who walks alone, casting all the best of life and love to one side? Most of us say we have no time to listen to preaching and the likes of that. If we would only stop long enough to realize how much difference it would make and how much more happiness we would have if we only would stop just for one second, I know we would find this world a better place to live in.

We talked tonight of the Inner Man. Something, and one of the man things the Reverend tries to bring out there is a real inner person in each and every one of us that if we would start walking alone and realize, it would make a different man of each and every one of us and then we would be loved and respected by our fellow man and would not be just a man who walks alone.'



Then yesterday, of course, I went to jail again. When I went over there first, of course, I had a little money in MY pocket, and I voluntarily told the warden to take it and keep it, so he gave ME a receipt for it. I gave him my watch and penknife and pen and some things like that, and MY card case and automobile license, etc., so he kept them. When I was going away Saturday, the warden was not in. Therefore the safe was locked and they couldn't be had. I arranged it that way so I could and would have something to go back to jail for.

Then again, there were such beautiful flowers brought ME whilst I was there. The officers, they wanted some of those flowers, one especially wanted Mother to send him, that was before he knew that I was going away, asked Mother to bring him a plant of one of those African daisies. So it was a good chance for ME to take that down and take the boys some fruit and go and get some of MY belongings and go to jail again, in other words, to be locked up again after going there.

The Warden Asked FATHER For More Meetings and Literature

So I said I would like to go in and talk with the boys some, so he took Mr. Lamb and Mother and Miss Best, and the other lady that was with us and took us in jail and locked us in jail. But it happened to be that we all were together this time in person, there was no separation. And I said, I want to talk with the boys. He went up and opened the tiers and called them all down and had them to sit down in rows before us that we might have a meeting with them. And we sang and we praised GOD there in the presence of the holy Angels that men think are criminals. It is Wonderful!

So after Mr. Lamb talked and after I talked and after Mother sang and we all sang, the warden said, 'Talk some more.' So I talked some more, a good long time. You know when I get wound up anyway, I talk. It is Wonderful! He said, 'Talk some more.' So I talked some more, a good long time, and he said, 'I would like to see YOU before YOU go, I want YOU to come to my private office.' I went in and he said, 'I wish YOU would come down every week and hold meetings here.' Then he said, 'I would like to have one of YOUR books 'Wonderful,' and I would like the prisoners to read it, too.' He was taken off his feet. He said also, 'I want to get some magazines and different things, and, if YOU can get some magazines, I don't mean for YOU to especially buy them, but if YOU have any old ones around the Home that YOU can bring me or send me for the boys to read and keep their minds stayed on something that is worth-while, I would be glad for YOU to do so,' and he then said, 'Besides, I would like for YOU to write something, some of YOUR lectures or Sermons or whatever YOU call them, and send them so that we could give them out to the boys.' He said, 'Not only that, but I am preparing to have a radio here. I am going to make connections so it will extend to each tier, so all the boys can have music and get the Message.' I thought within MYSELF, that charity begins at home and spreads abroad. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful!

And you know, those boys there, they have great faith in ME. They have to have faith in ME because I have faith in MYSELF. The CHRIST in them and the CHRIST in ME will make them just what they ought to be. You know, it will set all the prisoners free. They believe that. Wherein they ave been locking them up in their cells at six o'clock, since I got there, at MY request, they gave them two hours longer, to eight o'clock. And I told them yesterday, I said, Now when you live according to MY pre-rehearsed instructions, you will find that you will get many breaks, as you call it, and also you will be blessed in spirit and in mind, of GOD. It is indeed Wonderful!

I told them that eventually they would not have any prisons, and the warden is so taken up with this Truth because it is something that is simple, it is practical and it is scientific, don't you know. It is something that the mortal mind can grasp. It is something that can be easily understood for this generation and the light of intelligence of today. It is Wonderful! And the peace, of all this mighty Holy Love, it is so fascinating as I say, the whole world has gone after it, and chasing after it, they came after ME.


Wheresoever I be, and wheresoever I go, GOD is there. Then there is nought to fret nor worry about, there is nought to falter nor fear, for GOD is present everywhere. I don't care anything about what the mortal mind says, the earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, and they that dwell therein. Hence, truly I have the keys to the Kingdom of GOD, and to the earth and to the treasures therein. It is Wonderful! I can unlock the hidden mysteries to the children of men, for I know I have the keys to your hearts.

If I do not say anything else it is immaterial to ME, for what I have said has gone on the wings of MY Spirit and it is incorruptible, undefiled and fadeth not away. It has gone forth and is being transmuted from body to body and from mind to mind throughout the world, for he lighteth every man that cometh into the world, and this light of Truth has dawned upon you. So you can plainly see that the wrath of man shall praise thee. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful!

In one of MY recent composed mottoes, I quoted:

This is a text in the new and living epistle.
I will put MY Spirit in them .I will preach CHRIST in words, but more so in deeds and in actions,
and I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY Statutes.

But I have something to say tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation, today is the day of grace. It is a never failing and never ceasing flow of Infinite Love and Wisdom beyond the comprehension of all human understanding.

Referring to Metaphysical News, FATHER said: So these magazines like this, they get it right along, don't you see. Now Mr. Joerns has lots of these Lectures but he cannot write them all up. He writes part of them each week, because they would take up all the room. We will have a syndicate now soon, and the Message will go through all of our papers. We will put it in every one of our papers, and every one that sees it that are interested, will read. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful!

Now think about it! The one that would take this Lecture and eat it up we would call the policeman off of the beat; we wouldn't need him any more than I do. I don't need locks to MY car out there or any other place. If anything can be taken away from ME in that way, why then, it doesn't belong to ME.

And as with ME, so with others when they come to this conscious realization that GOD is all that there is. It is Wonderful! I don't care a thing about what the mortal mind says, every knock is a boost and every criticism is a praise.

You know, I could talk here that night. I knew it was planned; it was plain to see that the judge had everything all cut, hung and dried, and ready to dovetail it in. Everything was just understood that he would override every point of view that was spoken or reflected towards the justification of the defense.

Well, it is wonderful, this Message of Love and this Message of Life and of the Glories of GOD. I knew that, and I just felt that as I said when I was there it would be immaterial to ME, I would stay as long as MY Spirit wanted me there, and be satisfied. It is immaterial to ME. If MY Spirit could get more glory by MY staying there than by MY being away, then I don't care, for I was happy there and I will be happy wheresoever I AM.

The true thought, and the one to convey to everyone is that they do not need to contend for their rights, but to content for that faith that was delivered to the saints.

Through Your Faith In Me, You Will Be Blessed

Through your faith in ME, as though it is ME, you will be blessed. Through your unbelief in ME, as though it is ME, you will be cursed. Now it is your faith in ME, as though it is ME, will bless you, and it is your unbelief in ME, as though it is ME, will curse you. Now, see that mystery?

There are those that believe. I don't bless them, see, Personality; it is their faith that makes them whole. Their faith in ME, as though it is ME, blesses them and heals them and makes them whole, and the unbelief in ME and their rebellion, as though it is ME, curses them and sends them to h- -l. I AM not cursing anybody and I AM not blessing them, but it is their faith in ME, as though it is ME, that is blessing them and healing them and raising them from the dead, giving them life, health and happiness and love and everything else that is good. And their unbelief, and rebelliousness against ME and in ME, as though it is ME, is cursing them with sickness and disease, pain and death, h- -l and the grave.

More Jottings

Now it is Wonderful, and I think it would be a good thing, as Mr. Alexander said about a handbill, that this Sermon go on record. I don't care if the whole universe gets it. I will have so many copies of this printed and give them out and let them know that it is the date I was on trial when I came home, when I came back to the city that night when the trial was about halfway finished. I came back, as I say, already on bail, and then when I came back, that night at this church, I brought out this Sermon or gave this Lecture, whatever it may be termed, or gave this Talk, and it could go down on record as a Message to the world. And it can be given out with the date and all about it, that it was after I was on trial, and then I did go away as I said, apparently went away, for I did not go anywhere. It is Wonderful! But humanly speaking to the mortal version for the human mind, I went away from the 24th or the 25th of May until the 25th of June.

Think about it!

'If thou be the Son of God, jump down and let them see that you are the Son of God.'

I AM not studying about them. What I will say is that this transforming Love will transform them and subject them to ME and MINE, and make them walk in MY Statutes. That is what I will say. I will say that this mighty Love will go out and bring them from all the ends of the earth and verify that which was spoken by the mouth of Jesus saying,

'Come unto me, all ye ends of the earth, and be ye saved.'

It is Wonderful!

I will verify it through every boastful and every rebellious and every lying spirit that think they can lie to ME and think that I don't know it. I will let them see that MY Life can come to ME, and make them as though they were dead. I will make them see that,

'the soul that sinneth, it shall die . . . but the spirit goes back to the God that gave it.'

And I will let them see that all men will come unto ME to this Kingdom of Love, of salvation, for it is the Life Magnet of the world. I will let them see that I will bring every nation, every language, every tongue and every people, I will bring all wisdom, all knowledge and all understanding, all life, all love and everything else that is good, and subject it to ME. I will let them see, I will let them see that this Love is the Life Magnet of the world, and

'I, if I will do the will of the Lord, I will draw all men unto me.'

It is so fascinating the whole world, I say, has gone after it. I think I had better stop.

This is a wonderful thing, to see this mighty Love. I AM not studying about the judge. I AM talking about the Judge of the whole earth. It is Wonderful!

'Let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the righteous man glory in his righteousness, neither let the wise man glory in his wisdom: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am he that executed righteousness and judgment in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.'

So that is the thing I AM thinking about, the Judge of the whole earth. It is Wonderful! The whole world has gone after it, just like when they came running, they changed their mind, like it was last night when they came to the meeting in Orange, New Jersey, and wanted to get the people out of the hall, they put them in there, didn't they? They came to get them out of the hall and then stood them up in there, didn't they? (Referring to an incident when the fire chief came to a theater, where a meeting was being held, saying that all those standing numbering several hundred would have to leave the building. The meeting continued, however, without any change, until the close. The next night the fire chief was there acting as an usher.)

In discussing a proposed trip to Washing on business, FATHER said, speaking of the jail: That was just as much an expression of pleasure to ME as this trip is. This trip is a business trip and it is a pleasure for ME not to be slothful in business. So it is a pleasure for ME to go, it is true, for I believe MY going will mean a blessing for someone else.

New Motto

'If the faithful will be faithful even unto death, GOD will give them a Crown of Life and they will not regret what they have sacrificed from a material standpoint of view.'

Air Trip To Washington

On July first, at 2:45 P.M., FATHER left by air from Newark airport, on a business trip to Washington. He was accompanied by Mother, Lawyer Thomas, Mr. H. A. Baunschello of Washington and Apalachicola, Florida, and two secretaries. A number of the Angels, about thirty, came to the airport to see us off. Several newspaper photographers took picture, first of the department group and then of FATHER alone, and finally of all those present. The day was very warm and even in the air it was warm. It was a ten-passenger plane, and our party was the first in the ship. We occupied seats 3,4,5,6,7 and 8. The seats had been ordered in this way. We left the plane for a few minutes, however, just before taking off, and the other four passengers entered and took our seats.

As it was unmistakably prejudice, FATHER insisted before re-entering the ship, that we occupy the seats ordered. The passengers did not want to move, but when FATHER would not be moved the starter asked them to take the other seats and everything was satisfactory. The trip was rather bumpy as there were threatening thunder storms all around, and the pilot flew low on that account. Therefore, we could see everything below very distinctly, and the two and a quarter hour trip was very enjoyable.

Upon arriving in Washington, a car was placed at FATHER's disposal and we made a few calls. We visited the home of Mrs. Christmas Mayo, l23 T Street, N. W., where we had dinner. During the course of the evening, people began to drift in, one by one, as is always the case where FATHER is, and before the evening was over the house was full. A photographer from the Afro-American appeared and took several photographs. We had a wonderful meeting, which did not conclude until after 2 A.M.

We stayed at the Whitelaw Hotel overnight and had an eight o'clock breakfast there in the Grille Room. During breakfast, FATHER entered into conversation with a man at the next table. FATHER asked him if he was a minister and he said no, he was just the opposite. It developed that he was an undertaker from Petersburg, Virginia. It was an interesting answer, as it was in accord with FATHER's Teachings that the result of preaching should be life and not death.

Establishing A Syndicate

After breakfast FATHER proceeded with HIS business, which was to have been attended to the night before, which gave occasion for the trip by airplane, but which was completed, because the establishment had been closed for the weekend and had to be specially opened next morning. The business at hand was to arrange for the taking over under FATHER's direct Personal control, of two publications, The Voice, published in Washington, D.C., and The Reporter, published in Apalachicola, Florida, and the formation of a syndicate to operate the publications, also to interview those connected with this work and to arrange for their future contact with it.

The plans were to publish The Voice weekly as a purely religious or Truth paper, with nothing but FATHER'S Message and testimonies and news bearing on HIS Work this to be a free gift to the world. Then they included the publication of a daily newspaper to publish nothing but the truth and nothing but news of the world without exaggeration and without distortion. These arrangements were partially completed. The present press, which was being removed when we arrived, is being set up again, and publication is expected to start right away. This business was transacted at 2006 Ninth Street, N. W., and among those in the establishment were Charles R. and Edward R. Jaymes, who live at this address, co-workers of Mr. H. A. Bauschello.

After the above had been completed, there was luncheon at the hotel and, as reservations could not be promptly secured on the airplane, on account of the weekend of the Fourth of July, we returned to New York by train, FATHER, Mother and two secretaries, Lawyer Thomas having returned by air earlier in the day, and Mr. Bauschello remaining in Washington for a time. Upon arrival in New York there was a banquet at number ll East ll3th Street.

FATHER'S Experience In Jail With Mr. Malcolm

In conversation with Mrs. Mayo in Washington, FATHER said: The Spirit was working in darkness before the light appeared. The Spirit moved out upon the face of the water and light appeared. Mrs. Mayo had said that she was never discouraged by anything, because she knew that good came into expression through darkness and chaos.

During the serving of dinner FATHER spoke of HIS stay in jail at Riverhead. HE said: Now when you said that, it recalled when I was sitting behind iron prison bars and behind stone prison walls, and I made a little piece, a little poem about that very thing, and it is recorded here, I think they have it with them.

BY REV. M. J. DIVINE Riverhead, L.I., N. Y. Suffolk County Jail
June 20, l932, about 2:50 P.M.

While sitting in my cell I am thinking of the things of Spirit that are made flesh, yet the Spirit Spiritualizes both it and them. Therefore, the Spirit materialized is incorruptible, undefiled and fadeth not away. Hence, being Spirit, I am as happy as can be, and as free as a bird to the tree. And stone prison walls and iron prison bars cannot hold me, for I am Spirit, even though I am flesh materialized. Yet in my flesh I do see GOD. My eyes see HIM for myself, and not for others. GOD in the flesh is the redeemer of men. As Creator CHRIST came, and is redeemer of same. Although it is written:

'Unless those days be shortened there shall be no flesh saved, but for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened. (are shortened.)

There was a man there that thought he was a very wicked man and I told him that I saw the Son of GOD in him and that he would express the Sonship degree of GOD, and he didn't believe it. He thought he was so wicked he was too wicked to call GOD's name. And I said, you will, I don't care anything about how much you swear and use profanity, the very CHRIST in you and the CHRIST in ME will make you what you ought to be, and from limitations and lacks and wants set you free. And that man soon, and very soon, began to think, and when he began to consider the thing, why, he caught the inspiration of MY Work and of ME, and it is wonderful!

They say he was a gambler and a racketeer before he was put in prison, and he said he had no mind to change, but I said, I see that real self in you, and that night or the next night soon after, he had a dream and he got up and he was telling all of us about it. He said he saw an old man, his so-called father that had been dead for several years, and he was trying to get up out of the casket, and, every time he tried to get up, those standing around would push him back down again. And I said, you don't know what that is humanly speaking, but it is the inner man in you, that good man, which is CHRIST in you, and HE is rising out of the tombs of mortality and materialism in you. And he said, 'I don't want to see that old dream any more, because I know my father is dead, and several times they were trying to hold him down in the casket.' And I said that is mortal mind trying to hold you, your real self, your inner man, down in the tombs and prisons, the casket and coffin of materialism and mortality, and I said, but the true man will come up and come out, and after that he caught that reflection.

So then, after that he came to ME and said, 'FATHER, would YOU give me or loan me YOUR pencil and a piece of paper,' and he took it and went into his cell and stayed there just a little while. Then he came out and gave it back to ME and said, 'That is something that I got by the Spirit,' or it was revealed to him, or something like that, and he said, 'I will get more and put to it, and then I want YOU to publish it in the papers and in the magazines, especially the ones that carry YOUR Message.' (See The Man Who Walks Alone earlier in this installment)

FATHER Discusses the Questioning at the Trial

Just what you can ask GOD for, GOD can give it to you. There are few people that are radical enough to believe simplicity that that is true.

Still continuing at dinner, FATHER said: The things that are material, they are spiritualized, and the things that are spiritual, they are materialized. The Heaven and the earth are one, for the kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our GOD and HIS CHRIST.

In talking about the Judge, Judge Smith of Mineola, who died shortly after passing sentence on FATHER, FATHER said in reply to questions:

They that believe in the power of the word and the power of thought, they know that he produced just what he thought. He said, and it is in the minutes, he said to one of MY Followers, Miss Bright who is in the office of the Child Welfare Board, 'You mean to say that m-a-n healed you?' 'Yes, she said. 'And you think HE is GOD?' 'Yes, I do.' 'And you mean to say that HE can make the sick well?' 'Yes.' Then if you think HE can make the sick well, HE can also make the well sick. That follows, doesn't it?' And she said, 'FATHER does not do that. HE desires not to make anyone sick, but to see all well.'

Now he stressed that point of view with that spirit and that consciousness. And then he asked this Angel here, if she believed 'this m-a-n is GOD,' and she said, 'Yes.' And then he asked her age, and when she said, 'Twenty-six, he said, 'I don't believe you are that old.' And there was another girl who drives and is assistant secretary, too, and he said, 'You mean to tell me that you stay in the same house with HIM?' or something like that, stressing the point that they were different from us, or something like that. And even said to one of the girls, 'Why the very idea of your staying in a house with c - - - people,' or something like that, and told her, 'I don't believe that you are that old.' And told the district attorney to find out about it, because if she were not of age, there would be a charge for having her living in MY Home. And it was all right, they called up Boston University and found it was all right. But they first said, 'Take that m-a-n, hold the defendant, and hold those two girls.' But the Spirit, it was Wonderful, GOD worked that way.

Do you realize that the Spirit of GOD moved out some place? In the beginning the Spirit of GOD moved out upon the face of the deep. It was dark while the Spirit was moving, until HE spoke. Often it speaks in a still voice. I did not say anything. I did not defend MYSELF, I did not try to justify MYSELF in the defense or as for the defense. They questioned ME and wanted to know where I got MY money from and so on like that, and then how about the different people, because in MY world there is no race and there is no creed and there is no color.

'I pray that they may be one, even as we are one.'

For this purpose came I into the world, to make them one, and I have sacrificed MY Life to that end, and I have brought it to fruition. I will universalize it, and all men shall see that GOD is All and in all, and that truly out of one blood GOD formed all the nations, and that the kingdoms, not the Kingdom as one, but the kingdoms as many, of this world have become the Kingdom of our GOD and HIS CHRIST for what CHRIST prayed.

'I pray not that thou shalt take them out of the world, but that they may be one, even as we are one, and that thou shalt keep them from the evil.'

Don't you see that is the evil, divisions and strife? And it was spoken through the mouth of. the Apostle,

'Where there is division there is strife.'

And then Master Jesus, the great Love Master, taught to

'. . .pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.'

On earth, in MY Consciousness, on the earth plane, as it is in Heaven, in the heavenly state of consciousness, that the children of men shall see those that are on the earth plane, the material plane, the blessedness of the Spirit and the things from GOD's Infinite Majesty and Love. It is Wonderful!


I Hold the Life and Teachings Of CHRIST Before the World So They Have Something To Go By

Continuing at the dinner table in Washington, FATHER said: It is good for one to be governed by their highest intuition. Also, it is good to have a sample and an example to go by. Also, I stress the point of view of following the Life and Teachings of CHRIST. I hold the Life and Teachings of CHRIST, I have held the Life and Teachings of CHRIST before the universe, that all might have something to go by that is incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away, that they may not be dependent upon ME, but that they may gaze upon the Ideal produced in the body called JESUS CHRIST, and it will produce itself in the one that gazes upon it. So I stress the Life and the Teachings of CHRIST as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

I know that the CHRIST is in you, whether you are conscious of it or not, and I behold HIM, and when the CHRIST in you contacts the CHRIST in ME, oh, how happy you will be, when we make our mental and spiritual contact. That is why I was saying last night, the whole world has gone after it, it is so fascinating. It is something you cannot help. You cannot withstand this Infinite Love, for it is the Life Magnet of the world. It is Wonderful! It is the Life Magnet of the world and that is what they try to stress, as though I use hypnotics. But this great Magnet of Life, I don't do anything but advocate and emphasize and demonstrate the Life and Teachings of CHRIST, and by so doing and living in conformity to same, it contacts and it vigorates, it vibrates and resurrects the souls and minds of the children of men and draws them in closer harmony together and causes them to know that there is no division.

In MY immediate assembly we know no race, no creed nor color. We know that there is no division and we live it, and that is the greater part of what causes the so-called prosecutions and persecutions. But, as I so often say, if it would be persecutions, prosecutions or executions for this Cause, I AM willing to stand whatsoever may come, if GOD wills it, for this great Cause. This Work must go on, with or without a Body, and when one man takes a stand, sacrificing spirit, soul and body, he will manifest himself, as if though he is a majority. It is Wonderful!

Call Upon ME In the Day of Trouble

It is written,

'Call upon me in the day of trouble: and I will deliver thee.'

Call on the CHRIST in every individual when they are in trouble. Call on the CHRIST in them and GOD will respond. Speak abstractly to the CHRIST in them, as did Jesus, the great Love Master, speak to Lazarus. He called the CHRIST in Lazarus to come forth in Lazarus as of HIMSELF. He that was CHRIST as Lazarus, that CHRIST called and spoke to that CHRIST that was in Lazarus, and the CHRIST in him raised him up, even as CHRIST raised up Jesus and made Him CHRIST and LORD.

So GOD raised Lazarus up. So the Word says,

'Call upon me in the day of trouble.'

When your patient seems to be in one of the most critical, dangerous and chaotic conditions, then and there, you can call on the CHRIST in that individual and the CHRIST in that individual, if you will attune to the CHRIST that was in Jesus, will respond to your call, for it is CHRIST through you calls to the CHRIST in him, and I will respond.

If he is sick, he will be made well. If he is blind, he will see. If he is lame, he will walk. If he is dumb, he will talk, and whatsoever conditions he may be in, in an undesirable way, this will be adjusted satisfactorily. It is Wonderful!


