"Without A Sacrifice There Would Be No Deliverance

"If You Make the Mental and Spiritual Contact, You Will Get Results"


'Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth...'
St. John 16:13

Father Divine's Words From The Notebooks of John Lamb

Installment 42

MOTHER DIVINE at the Sayville banquet table

Sayville banquet table

In The Secret Place of the Most High

'The secret place of the Most High, 'Alone in the field with GOD.' That was Mr. Titus expression and evidently it has been made manifest by his appearing as he has appeared in this universal field alone. He appeared not to be with anybody else. So it is Wonderful!

'If a person wants to be successful and prosperous, he has to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and that is the silence that Unity speaks so much of. They have it as the silence of doing this, (closing eyes and putting hand to head) but you may be shouting from the house-tops but not shouting the thing that is essential for you to do, your aims, your endeavors. It has never been a failure when things are done in and by the spirit of secrecy, the secrecy of the CHRIST Consciousness. They are under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY, they are protected, and they can always be successful.'

Joy Mingled With Tears

The following talk was given by FATHER at a banquet in New York City, which had been prepared for HIM and the Angels from the Kingdom, who were attending a public meeting by one of HIS Followers. The question had come up through one of the visitors present as to why tears came to his eyes many times when he was really happy and when FATHER had said so many times that when one was in HIS Spirit all tears were wiped from their eyes. FATHER spoke as follows:

'As long as you live in the mortal world you may taste of mingled love and joy with tears, but when you get completely out of the mortal version of the human mind and detach yourself from all materialism, from everything that pertains unto the flesh, races, creeds and colors, families and every other fleshly point of view, everything, every mortal thing from a human standpoint of view, and stand clear, why then your tears will be no doubt dried. But when you are traveling on in GOD and yet attached to the mortal world, around those that are within and they that are without, it will tend to, when the Spirit begins to rise in you, you get joy at times and it will be mingled with tears.

'You see, that is the idea. Many times you hear them say, 'I am not crying for sorrow,' but it is mixed. The song says on one occasion, 'J0y without a tear.' And when you shall taste of this Unmingled Love, unmixed with any mortal version of the human mind, human affection, or anything of your own body or any personal body, not mixed with anything from a personal standpoint of view, then and there and here and now, you are able and qualified to taste of this unmingled Love, for it is not mixed with any human affection or love. And that is joy without a tear.

Picture of FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE in a crowd


'Sometimes you get a foretaste of it, you know, then you can say 'Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh what a foretaste of glory divine!' Then you know you are purchased of God, and born of His Spirit and washed in His Blood. Then you feel that 'this is your story, and this is your song, Praising your Savior all the day long.' It is Wonderful! Then it seems as though it is a 'Perfect submission,' and appears as if 'Visions of rapture have burst on your sight;' as though visions of Angels have burst on your sight. and brings grace and mercy and visions of Love. Then you can say, 'Perfect submission, all is at rest', I in my Savior I am happy and blest; I am watching and waiting, and living above.' Instead of just looking above, you find that you are living above, and you find out that you are 'Filled with His goodness, and lost in His love.' This is Wonderful, isn't it?

'You all cannot stand all of this. It is too much Love. Because you get ME in a little close place like this, you cannot all stand it. That is why I have to go out to the public now, too much Love for just a few. It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! You know, whensoever I get in any place and sit, why you see, the thoughts begin to roll out, and the songs and praises, and new compositions. It is just Wonderful, isn't it? They just begin to roll out and just a few cannot stand all of this Love. Take a few thousands and they cannot stand all of this Love. Don't you see how it gets all over them sometimes and they get just as though they are going wild?

'When you watch closely, when you see those waves of joy coming on your soul and when you see them mixed with joy and sadness combined and there is a mixture of joy and sadness, at times when the joy is there, your soul realizes there is something you have done or are doing that is not in harmony with your convictions. That is why it is there, often. The mortal mind desires to cut you off from it. The mortal mind desires to blind you with that belief, to make you think that Godliness is sorrow. Godly sorrow worketh repentance because you are sorry, and Godly sorrow at times is a spirit of repentance existing in your system for some conscious or unconscious violation of the Spirit of Life, or for some cause or something that you have done or are doing unconsciously or consciously that is not in perfect harmony and fellowship with the Law of the Spirit of Life that is in CHRIST JESUS. It is Wonderful! It is a wonderful place to be where you can see and know that you are in harmony with the great Universal Spirit substance of all things.'

If You Make the Mental and Spiritual Contact, You Will Get Results

The following talk was given in Peace Memorial Church, New York City, otherwise known as Rush Memorial, on Thursday afternoon, May 5, 1932. There had been considerable comment and testimony among the people for several weeks regarding pickpockets which circulated among the crowd and robbed many of sums ranging from a few dollars to seventy-five dollars. FATHER spoke as follows:


'PEACE EVERYBODY! It is Wonderful! This looks like you all are happy. There are so many happy faces. I was just thinking when the last speaker was talking, he said it did not look as though anyone believed what he said, but I may be what may be termed as case-hardened to flattery, and I believe there are quite a few of you here believed. There are quite a few of you act like you believe, you talk like you believe, you sing like you believe and so many of them without liking this, believe. You act like you believe so, until the Spirit itself bears witness not only in words alone, but in actual deeds. So I AM well pleased. (applause) It is Wonderful!

'I AM pleased to know that the brother that spoke concerning his eye being put out, I know he did tell ME concerning his trouble, and I said it would be all right. He must have believed because he got results. Now if any man believe he will get results. If you have substantiated faith and unshaken confidence and will live according to MY instructions, you will get results. There are thousands and thousands of people in New York City that have got results where they have paid thousands and thousands of dollars to get what they desired, and just by making the contact they got the results. He would not necessarily have even had a lawyer if he had seen ME first. But because he believed, he did receive, and as in his case, there are thousands of others, and thousands and thousands that will come. As the song says, 'The old ship of Zion has landed many a thousand1 And it will land as many more.'

'We realize that this Truth is far reaching and it will help you on every phase of life if you will only make your mental and spiritual contact and live in conformity to same and let this Mind be in you that was also in CHRIST JESUS. It is Wonderful!'

Without A Sacrifice There Would Be No Deliverance

'When I hear so many testimonies it encourages ME or it keeps ME from being dis-encouraged, from being discouraged by any means because of what may have been spent in going to the Rockland Palace - when I see men and women testifying to what they have been delivered from - willing to pay a few hundred dollars to have you freed from those things. It is Wonderful? If I had not, in the beginning had the Rockland Palace and other places, it might have been that you would have still been in sin and hence, subject to sickness and death. But by making the sacrifice of what I did, making even the material sacrifice, I do not regret one penny spent for the saving of your bodies. I rejoice in it although there may be many that claim to be of ME would not desire to spend one penny for the good of another if they did not think that they could get something out of it.

'I AM rejoicing to know, and I can say, that that which has been spent and that which I have done for the good of mankind, I rejoice in it, and the more I hear your testimonies of how you came, and the great results you have received since you contacted ME, I can rejoice for great is your reward.

'I realize and always did realize that without a sacrifice there would be no deliverance. It must be a sacrifice on the part of someone, and I AM glad that I was just ignorant enough to make the sacrifice for your sakes. I do Dot regret anything, Dear Ones, I do not have to worry about MYSELF. I see those of you thinking within yourselves apparently in actions, that if you don't look out for yourself, number one, why. you cannot exist. But the Word of GOD says,

'Go and work in my vineyard, and that which is right I will pay you.'

It looks like I should be a sample and an example for those of you that are unkind or selfish. It looks like you should see and know that in making a sacrifice and denying yourselves, you do not lose anything by it.'

I Have the Key to All the Hearts and All the Churches

'Many of you that have desired to preach, many of you that have desired to lead the people, have tried to have someone to preach to and have someone to lead, and you have gone every other way besides the true and the living way, and yet you have not found anything. There are thousands of preachers today that are seeking to find, trying to get followers, have tried on every side and they will declare to you, unless I do seek it through purse and through scrip I cannot preach in their pulpits. But I have the key to all of the underground treasures. And I don't seek any Personal scrip either. For,

'a man shall be as a hiding place, and as a covert from the wind and the tempests that blow.'

The winds and doctrines of men cannot get to ME. It is Wonderful!

'That should give you a slight sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of some view concerning this great mystery that you might realize that no man has left all, lest he gain a hundredfold more in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting. I have the key to all of the churches. Yes, I say I have the key to them all. I can go in any church I desire to go in, and those that desire ME not to go in, those churches I will close the doors. Some of them will be 'lonesome some of these lonesome days,' for I will close the doors, and tell. them that I said so! It is Wonderful! I can do what the Word of GOD says do, and I have the whole world. The whole world has gone after this Truth, for it is Spirit and it is Life the very Words of CHRIST when they are spoken by the Mouth of HIM that liveth forever and forever.

'So we rejoice because we Know that we have the key, and we don't care anything about what mortality says. Yes, I have the key to your heart. I can unlock the mind that cannot be opened and I can unlock the mind that resists ME. For the Blood has paid it all and bought the right to the hearts and the minds of men Therefore hear ye the Word of The LORD. I will have it like this all over the world. I AM going to have one universal path of GOD and all races, creeds and colors, denominations, etc., shall be one. So I prayed that,

'they may be one, even as we are one,'

and they all, that is what they were working for, that is what they all were working for. You were trying to get to Heaven when you died, weren't you? And you said when you got to Heaven it wouldn't be any Methodists, it wouldn't be any Baptists, it would be one. It is Wonderful!'

History Has Not Seen Such Happy People Who Believe GOD Is Here

'I heard you sing the song seventy-five years ago or more, 'When we get to heaven, we will be one heart.' Now why do you make an admiration about that, when I say seventy-five years ago, and you say that you know who I AM. When you speak, speak that you know, and when you testify, testify what is true. Some of you stopped right then. 'He is not yet fifty years old and how can He say He heard someone sing a song seventy-five years ago. Well, anyway, today you are happy, aren't you? Because the Name of the FATHER has charmed your fears and it has bid your sorrows cease. Once it was the name of Jesus, but now it is the Name of the FATHER. Now the Name of your FATHER sounds good, doesn't it? Aren't you glad the Name of the FATHER got It a Body and came and dwelt among us? It is Wonderful! The Name of your FATHER, it is meat to the hungry soul and to the weary, rest. I heard you say, 'It makes the weary spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast.' I know you are happy. I know you are happy because you are happy, because you think something can make you happy. Thoughts are things, don't you know?'

'Now if it is not true, by your thinking so it has made you happy, and then if that makes you happy why should anyone make you unhappy? There are so many beginning to think like that, this happiness has become contagious. It is Wonderful! No one in history has ever seen such happy people and every day is happy. It has not been in the history of the church movement that such crowds have gathered together in a church like this in the daytime, has there? And all are so happy because they believe in the true and living GOD that has condescended to impute HIMSELF unto you. it is Wonderful!'

Roll Away the Complication Of the Stone---- Materialism and Carnality

'It is a glorious privilege, Dear Ones, to know that it is true, and

'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.'

CHRIST was in you all the time before you got converted, but HE was there just as the chicken is in the egg, but when it goes through a certain process, why that chicken will form in that egg, and it will be no more an egg, it will be a chicken. How can blood be formed in an egg when you can break the egg when it is fresh and you will see no blood? You can take a microscope and you can see no blood, neither can you see any feathers or bones.

'CHRIST has been there all the time. The Holy Ghost has been there all the time. It is Wonderful! But I say roll the stone away and if you roll that stone away why CHRIST in you will rise and it will be lighter for you if you roll that stone away. That is why I say so often. cast out of your system by casting them out of your consciousness, all prejudice, and all bigotry. all resentment, all anger,. all envy, all envy, all malice, all covetousness, all selfishness, all fears, all doubts and all of those fancies that will tend to separate you from the Love of GOD, and all of those tendencies that are not in harmony with the Life and Teachings of CHRIST. And when you cast them out of you, the CHRIST will rise. But CHRIST will rise as you are self- denied.

'That is the stone, the complication of the stone, don't you see, that was said, 'Roll ye away the stone.' Roll the stone of all materialism, all mortality and all carnality, and CHRIST in you will rise It is Wonderful! I say CHRIST in you will rise and then you can say, if you don't know, 'I know I have got religion.' You may go a little farther and you may say,

'I know He is risen, for He is risen in my soul.'

HE has been there all the time but HE had not risen there. All you must needs do is to realize the Truth and do accordingly, and you will be abundantly blessed.

If You Are A Child Of GOD, You Will Not Want For Anything

'What a glorious privilege for all of you to make your mental and spiritual contact and live in conformity to this Infinite Truth and you will be blessed of the LORD. You will be delivered from all materialism, you will be delivered from all mortality, you will be delivered from all carnality, and you will be free from the chains of the bondage of death. You will be able to walk in the newness of life, for even to make this contact and make up your mind to live according to MY instructions, all sickness and diseases, all sorrow and misery and lacks and limitations will be removed, if you will live accordingly. It is Wonderful!

'GOD spoke through the mouth of one as an individual, HE spoke and said,

'... I have never seen the righteous forsaken, or his seed begging bread.'

HE also said,

'The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.'

Why are you going around wanting anything if you call yourself a child of GOD.

'The Lord is my shepherd: and I shall not want.'
'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.'

Now aren't you glad? Do you not find comfort in the rod and the staff.

'In sorrow HE is my counselor, in trouble HE is my stay. Put your burdens on HIM. HE is the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star. HE is fairer, don't you know, will treat you better, don't you know. You have heard them say such-and-such an one will deal fairly with you, will treat you right. HE is the fairest of ten thousand, and HE tells you all, your burdens on HIM to throw. It is Wonderful! And you know that the government is upon HIS shoulders, and by HIS stripes you are healed. If you will only realize that and live in conformity to same, you will find that your troubles and burdens will roll away and you can say, 'I am happy since my burdens rolled away.' So I know you are glad and happy, for the light has risen upon you. Now if you do not see a light why you may see one.'

Ultimatum To Those Who Come In the Meetings With Dishonest Intent

'Now I would like to say, I would like to say in conclusion at this particular time, that it has been a lot said about there being some pickpockets here. Now there are not any in MY Consciousness, but if there is an appearance of any. and it seems to be an appearance of some in the consciousness of some, now I will make an example out of someone. Now if you do not confess it, you or your pal, they will carry you out of this church, I AM talking, about. Now I mean that! I mean to let them carry you out of this church I AM talking about, this church right here! They are going to carry someone out, I mean what you, call dead. They are going to carry someone out of this church what you call, dead.

'I have long time holden MY peace. I have refrained from speaking, but now I will speak and declare to the world, for you will not hear the voice, the voice of your c6nscience that is speaking to you - to come in the Presence of GOD with a dishonest heart and a dishonest mind to rob those that are coming to hear the Word of GOD, to rob them in your consciousness, to rob them in your heart and in your mind, and I AM going to let them carry someone out of here. I AM going to let them carry somebody out of here. They are going to carry the body out of here and the undertaker shall have you and none will be able to deliver you. I will do it as a sample and as an example to let you know that you are not fooling with man, you are bothering with GOD. It is Wonderful!

'They are going to carry a pickpocket out of the church, I say, and I AM not even going to touch him. I AM not going to lay MY hands on him. Some of you all remember that when you were privileged to visit the Kingdom in Sayville, I said you had better not come out there drinking liquor. I told you that, and some of you remember it, some of the relatives may be here.

'A man came out there last summer and he had been drinking. His brother was converted and he did not drink, and he told him not to go drinking liquor, but he went and as soon as he hit the ground, he laid up against a tree, and he was carried downstairs and carried out in the undertaker's wagon. Now stop following up these peace meetings and if you are in the church now, you had better get out right away, because they may carry you out today. It is Wonderful! And everyone that has been doing it, you had better confess it and forsake it immediately. I AM going to make an example out of one of you soon and very soon, so you can learn to know how to behave yourselves when you come into a place that is set apart for the worship of GOD. I AM going to make an example out of you as sure as you have ever spoken a word. That is what I AM talking about.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die and the spirit shall go back to the GOD that gave it'.

It is Wonderful It shall be done. It shall be done. If you are in this church, or if you come into this church for that purpose once again, it shall be personally manifested, physically manifested. I mean they are going to carry your physical body out. And everyone will know, because you will be an open example. I AM going to carry it out. I AM going to carry it out, I say, for GOD is in the midst of thee, not only here as it may seem to be but GOD is even in you. But GOD is going to come out at the command of GOD on the outside. That is what I AM talking about! GOD is calling for HIS own and everybody that will not hear the voice of GOD. GOD will call in HIS life out of that body. and that body shall go to the dust. GOD is a GOD of the living, and not of the dead. It is Wonderful! And GOD will take HIS living Spirit and Life unto HIMSELF, and the body will go back to the dust from whence it came, and the mind will be in torture continually.'

Sin Against the Holy Ghost ''Every sin a man doeth is without the body but one. He that committeth that sin defileth the body.'

'Because of this brother's experience having not killed anybody, I don't want anyone to think that killing someone is the worst sin. I want you to know that you have committed, no doubt, worse sins than that. I got a letter from a party the other day, that had had an accident with an automobile and he got five years in prison. Now maybe he didn't do it intentionally. I get so many letters from the different ones where they get acquitted. After they wrote ME they were glad.'

The Bible says,

Every sin a man committeth shall be forgiven him with the exception of sin against the Holy Ghost,'

and the Gospel is always verified by ME. But just then I said, every sin a man doeth is without the body but one.'


'If you don't know all things, there is something in you that does know all things and if you will allow that to function in its rightful place it will be as though you do know all things. GOD foreknows all things.'

Gifts and Callings Are Free; Do Not Sell Them

'Gifts and callings are free gifts to the world and when you take a gift and sell it you are not living Evangelically. If you have a gift of healing, it was a gift given to you and you should not sell it, and when you are willing to sacrifice those would-be gains that you would gain by commercializing it, you will gain a hundred times as much as that. For that little five dollars that I sent back yesterday I AM compelled to get one hundred dollars, for that is the law. You throw it out into the universal sea, in a way of speaking, and look to the Unseen for its return, to come not in the mortal way, but in the Divine way, the Unseen way. You never lose -every time. That is the only way that some cause ME to answer their letters right at once. Some are answered because they haven't heard exactly all about ME, except offhandedly, and may offhandedly have heard that I do not take anything, but they may think I take a love offering.

'Some claim not to take a price for anything, nor a salary, but they claim that you cannot refuse a free will offering and such as that, a love offering, but I know the graft that is in it and I know that it Is the cause of so many losing the gift of healing and many gifts by being bribed into trying to do something of self and for self.'

The Spirit Of the Abundance Of GOD Will Create and Multiply All Things

'It is a great victory. to really know the truth and thereby if you have to stand alone, be independent. And there is not any depression. Just look at the abundance of the fullness here and as here, so will it be wheresoever I go, for none need lack in GOD's abundance, and where GOD is, there is Love; and where Love is, there is abundance. There is no lack. It is Wonderful! The very spirit of the abundance of GOD will create and recreate and multiply all things, for GOD is the Creator and the Author and Finisher of all things. So it is a great blessing to know that the very Presence of GOD on the scene of things will create the abundance of the fullness This wonderful Divine banqueting house, this wonderful banqueting house that has been produced n outer expression, as well as the within, the condition of the mind within, it is produced by the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD and created and recreated and established, and as it is here tonight manifestedly, it can and will be all over the world. None need lack in GOD' S abundance.

'Some may feel, or think, or say within themselves that there is lack or there is want some-where, but those of the world that hold that in their consciousness may manifest that or see limitations to that extent, but I see it as it is, abundance, abundance. And we do not have to sow the seeds of poverty, of lacks, of wants or of limitations. If we sow the seed idea and ideas of lacks and wants and limitations, we also produce the fruit of the same. If we 80W the seeds of abundance, we tend to produce changes in accord with the spirit of our own mind.

'Humanity as a rule, they are always talking about hard times. There are people, though they are earning thousands of dollars a day, they would say money is scarce. I had some friends that were earning about a thousand dollars a day at the time of the war right here in Brooklyn, so-called Jewish friends They made a thousand dollars a day, yet with the mortal mind and selfishness and for fear that they could not cheat and get more than what a thing was worth, or for fear that someone would think they should sell things for what they were worth, or for less than what they wanted to sell them for, they would talk about hard times and all such as that, and there they were making a thousand dollars a day.

'Sow the seeds of abundance and you will reap the same. Sow the seeds of kindness, sow the seeds of love. Sow the seeds of whatsoever kind of fruit you want to produce and you will reap that, and you will increase it according to the abundance of the seeds of same that you sow. It is just Wonderful! It is just Wonderful! It is wonderful to be in the consciousness of the abundance of the fullness of all good things, where none need lack or want in GOD's abundance. For the limitless blessings that are being visited upon one, they are being visited upon all, and all can enjoy the blessings of GOD here and now.

'I say today, here and now, there are thousands of people that haven't a dollar. They haven't anything. And the churches said it was a free love offering for them, but still there are so many standing in need of things, when I have a full and a plenty and to spare. It is Wonderful! It is indeed Wonderful! It is a wonderful blessing to rise above all mortality, all materialism and all things that pertain unto the mortal version of thing.. Rising above those conditions, those conditions will have no more influence over your mentality and over the world in which you live. They have no more place in our world. The things you rise above, they are mainly within. GOD will make a way where there is no way or seems to be no way. The very air - you can create something - you can create something by the very air that we breathe.'


'If you know that you are right, go ahead, and you don't have to care about what the mortal mind or the immortal mind may say or try to do. It is Wonderful!'

Get Your Mind On the Regulator and Your Mind Will Be Regulated

At a breakfast in Newark, FATHER sang the following song: 'Christ says, Lo, I will be with you all of the way. You don't have to doubt and you don't have to fear. If you will be true and if you will be faithful I will be with you all of the way.' Continuing FATHER said:

'That was just a little thought that I brought into MY expression, and I thought as in songs and psalms and poems and rhymes, as the Creator of both it and them, I thought that I would put it into a little song for as you go through the dark and dreary day, Christ says,

'I will be with you all the way',

You don't have to doubt and you don't have to fear. You don't have to shed any more briny tears. If you will be true and if you will be faithful, I will be with you all the way.'

'If it were not for songs and praises sometimes you would get weary, but it is written, 'Here is rest for the weary, here is rest for the weary, here is rest for the weary, here is rest for you.' You can remember the message of Jesus,

'Come unto me, all ye that are weary . . . take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.'

Here is rest for you. So here is rest for the weary, here is rest for the weary. When you do not find rest, it is a condition of the mind. All happiness or all disturbance, and all seeming spiritual conditions, they are all but the condition of the mind. They are brought into actuality according to your faith and according to the condition of your mind.

'I was talking with a lady this morning and I said to this lady, you feel the Spirit now, be-cause I knew she did. As soon as her mind got stayed on the direction and instructions I gave her, she felt the Spirit. So it was and it is, the condition of the mind. CHRIST says through the mouth even of the prophet,

'In perfect peace I'll keep thee, whose mind is stayed on me.'

When you regulate your mind it will transform everything that is undesirable. Get your mind stayed on the Regulator and your mind will be regulated all right.'

GOD Came To Bring HIMSELF In Expression In Your Lives In All Of His Attributes

At a meeting in Newark, New Jersey, which had lasted all day, FATHER spoke as follows at the second session in the evening after a recess for dinner during which time HE, with HIS Angels, attended a banquet:

'I will help you all along the way.' This was sung as a song and then FATHER continued:

'It is Wonderful! I AM still here. I said this afternoon that GOD is your hearing, GOD is your sight, GOD is your taste and GOD is your feeling and GOD is your smelling. And GOD is in your beautiful eyes. Right now HE is getting ready to look through your beautiful eyes and hear through your beautiful ears. It is Wonderful! That is HIMSELF expressing HIMSELF to you as a person and expressing and explaining things to you that HE wishes for you to know. How do you know that this is white? You know it by the sense of sight. GOD told you that this is white. GOD told yo u that these are letters that I picked up and that is your sight which HE gave to save man.

'Before these senses are changed and quickened into the spiritual realm it is still GOD on the physical plane, without being changed from the physical realm to the spiritual. GOD tells you everything, HE teaches you, HE explains things to you. GOD has been doing that from your earliest existence. I just came to bring GOD back to you in HIS functioning faculties as HE did once in bygone days. HE is in you! If HE has never functioned through you in the sense of speech or even hearing, HE is there ready to express HIMSELF in HIS way to teach you the thing that you should know concerning the visible or material things of life.

'I know you are glad because I will be with you all along the way. You don't have to worry or fret any more, for GOD is in the midst of thee. GOD came to bring HIMSELF in expression in your lives in all of HIS attributes, mentally, spiritually and physically. GOD is every good and desirable faculty, and every good and desirable attribute, and GOD is both it and them, of the physical, mental and spiritual world in which we live, move and have our being.

'I came to call GOD in you, in your expression, that you may realize that GOD is rich in the Name of CHRIST, and is all you need. HE satisfies your every desire. In every joint, every sinew, every limb and every bone, yea, every vein and every cell and every atom of your bodily form. GOD is even in the pores of your skin. Just look at HIM now, beautifying you more than the beautifier of complexion, the beautiful attributes of GOD that are functioning in you, physically and mentally and spiritually. It is Wonderful! CHRIST is rich and all you need, and as you 'I' receive, I will be with you all the way.'

Wheresoever You Are I Can Be There

'I said today, take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there. Why carry the burdens of your sorrows and trials any more, for

'Lo, I am with you all the way.'

Truly might one have caught the thought of it in a beautiful melody, 'So will you be free from your burden of sins, there is power in the blood.' Do you not realize that there is power in the blood? For in the blood is life, and the life is power to the world. This Light is lighting all men and this Light lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. But as many as received him,'

though they knew Him not,

'to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on his name . . .'

Aren't you glad! Do you believe? If you believe, then say so. I want to know, did you all come out tonight to receive HIM as HE is? Everyone that receiveth HIM, to them gave HE the power to become the sons of GOD, even those of you that believe on this mighty Name.

'Do you not see the great significance of the Name of GOD? The Name that charms your fears and bids your sorrows cease. It breaks the power of the carnal mind and sin, and sets the prisoner free. You know when you were in prison to lacks and wants and limitations and sickness and diseases and undesirable conditions, HE set you free, did HE not? Now are you free from your burdens? Free as a bird to a tree!

'For he that the Son sets free, is free indeed,'


'Lo, I will be with you alway, even unto the end of the world.'

It is so wonderful, because nothing can prohibit this. I could be with you if you were in an iron chest. I can be there! If you are behind barred doors, I can be there. Wheresoever you are, I can be there.

'Lo, I am with you alway,'

I will be with you all along the way, I will be with you!

'Fear not, little flock; it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.'

It is your FATHER's good pleasure to give you righteous joy and peace and the Holy Ghost. That is what I mean, to give you those expressions and attributes of GOD to the glory of GOD. I will be with you all along the way. There is naught to fear, nor to falter for, for GOD is in you and is greater than all. Let these thoughts go home with you, and let the peace of GOD rule in your hearts, and Jet the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit be with you continually, and your mind be stayed on HIM that liveth forever and forever. In perfect peace I will keep thee, whose mind is stayed on ME.

'It is a great consolation, Dear Ones, to know that you can take your burdens some place. How many of you feel that you have gotten rid of your heavy load? (Nearly a unanimous show of hands). It is Wonderful! Keep the faith and I will be with you, with or without a Body. It will be immaterial to ME whether I AM Present in a Body with you, or absent in Body from you, MY Spirit and MY Mind and MY Thought will be just as operative without the Body as it is with the Body. It is wonderful to really know the truth, and because you really know it, you can speak as one having the Spirit.

'For you shall receive (authority) power, after that the Holy Ghost is come unto you.'

I believe the majority of you tonight feel that you have been benefited by coming out here.'

FATHER and His Correspondence

'And again I wish to say, do not feel discouraged if it happens to be that you wrote to ME or have written ME and for some cause I have not answered from a literary standpoint of view. I AM more than five months behind in MY correspondence owing to MY Work continually increasing. That is, behind from a literary standpoint of view, but a literary response is but to appease the mortal concept of the human mind, but the real response is GOD, for 'before they call, I will answer; and whilst they are yet speaking, I will hear.' Your prayers are heard and they are answered. You will get results as soon as your faith shall have enabled you to receive it. Your prayer, I say, yea, even your prayers have been heard and have been answered.. You will get the results as soon as your faith shall have enabled you to receive it. Your faith will unlock the door and you will find the special delivery, registered postman at the door to deliver you the blessing. For all things in CHRIST are ready now, here and now, for today is the day of salvation, today is the day of rest. The Kingdom has truly come and the Will is being done here and now in this great universe in which we live, move and have our being.

'Now as with the last speaker, so it is with others here tonight. She is not the only one that received her healing, there are many, many, many, many more. Some have received it that are not in this gathering now, they have received their blessing today and there are others that have received it that are right here now, and you just have not had the chance or the time to speak. But I know you have received your blessing, for your prayer has been heard and answered.
