We Believe That the Human Race Should Be One Family Indivisible

The Golden Rule Should Be Made a Practical, Universal Reality. All People are Created Equal

One of the Figurines on
The Great Bronze Door of The Shrine to Life at
The Mount of the House of the Lord

One of the Figurines on The Great Bronz Door of The Shrine to Life atThe Mount of the House of the Lord.

Social Section

  1. We believe that all people are created by GOD, and come before HIM equal to and independent of each other in His sight.
  2. We believe that each person is a member of the Human Race. All divisions and distinctions were created by man, not GOD.
  3. We believe that the love of GOD solves all human problems. Therefore, the Golden Rule should be made a practical, universal reality. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
  4. We believe that the Human Race should be One Family indivisible, and that the traditional limited family should be dissolved into the Universal Family.
  5. We believe that FATHER DIVINE'S International Modest Code is the basis for solving all social problems:
  6. We believe that every man and woman should live strictly celibate. Self control and abstinence from sex are the only moral and sure methods of birth control the only way to prevent overpopulation.

We believe that what we visualize we tend to materialize. Therefore, all newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television and movies should be free from portrayal of all negative and degrading actions.

We believe that now with Advanced Technology, Nuclear Energy and Computers as factors in society, the future of the world requires an American Culture that is the summation of all cultures, which propels us forward in Unity to our Divine Destiny.




