Political Section

Government Is the Servant of the People



Another Figurine in The Shrine to Life at
The Mount of the House of the Lord

Another Figurine in The Shrine to Life a The Mount of the House of the Lord.

  1. We are Americans!
    We believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights and Amendments.
  2. We are Interracial , International, Interdenominational, Nonsectarian and Nonpartisan.
  3. We believe that all people are endowed with not only equal, but the same inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, Happiness and Peace. We believe that America is the Birthplace of the Kingdom of GOD on earth.
  4. We believe that every individual, city, state, nation, business and organization should be free and independent, and govern itself according to the Law of the Constitution with its Bill of Rights and Amendments. We believe in a Government that is of the people, by the people, and through the people, and that the Government is the servant of the people. We respect and revere the Flag of the United States of America.
