We Believe In the Public School System of Education

Education should be Free

Another Figurine on
The Great Bronze Door of The Shrine to Life at
The Mount of the House of the Lord

Another Figurine on The Great Bronz Door of The Shrine to Life at The Mount of the House of the Lord.

  1. We believe that every individual should have the benefit of a good education according to the abilities, potentialities and desires of the individual, and that educational institutions should be open and free for universal education with the same rights for all. We believe in the public school system of education.
  2. We believe in One Universal Language, English
  3. We believe that all literature in every field should be free from all segregated terms such as "b-l-a-c-k," "w-h-i-t-e and other disparaging language that insinuate inequality or division among people.
  4. Free Education. - We Believe the Doors of All Educational Institutions Should Be Open and Free For Universal Education, with the Same Rights for All to Higher Education and Professional Training, According to Ability.

We believe that all literature and other works in every field and in all expressions of art, entertainment and sports should be free from profanity, obscenity, sexuality, prejudice, violence and negative wording.

