Economic Section

We Do Not Purchase Anything on Credit or the Installment Plan


A Figurine on The Great Bronze Door
of The Shrine to Life at
The Mount of the House of the Lord

A Figurine on The Great Bronz Door of The Shrine to Life atThe Mount of the House of the Lord.

  1. We believe that every individual, city, state, nation, business and organization should be completely self supporting and independent financially.
  2. We believe that every individual, city, state, nation, business and organization should pay all their just debts and owe no one. They should return all property stolen or taken by force.
  3. We believe in full employment for all able bodied people. Our Churches institute free courtesy employment agencies as a direct deterrent to public welfare.
  4. We believe that the compulsory Social Security System and any form of compulsory insurance is unconstitutional. We do not purchase insurance of any kind.
  5. We believe in serving the Cause of Humanity through the Cooperative System, individually cooperating to purchase, own and manage hotels, apartment houses and business places.
  6. True Independence of FATHER'S Followers We believe in the cash and carry system. We do not purchase anything on credit or the installment plan.

We believe in selling the best for the least.

We believe that the Government should be in control of the Monetary System of the nation. Also, we believe in putting our money to exchange and not hoarding it.


