"Hold Fast to the Truth of Righteousness."

"True Christianity, True Judaism and True Buddhism- the Principles of These Truths Are Synonymous."

N. Y. Business Man Writes Appreciation of FATHER'S Work and FATHER'S Reply.

Charm Shops New York, N. Y
13th March 1956





Rev. M. J. Divine, Ms. D., D. D.
764-772 Broad Street
Philadelphia 46, Pena.


My Dear Father Divine:

I was indeed overwhelmed by the banquet I attended at Your 128th Street Church in New York last Sunday.

Mother and Dad constantly cite examples of Your numerous miraculous achievements and it is now evident to me that not once have they exaggerated.

Although You were absent in bodily form, You were there in spirit, Father, for I felt your presence in every single one of Your devoted followers. Indeed, the world would do well to heed the devotion, honesty, and sincerity of Your children. I am confident that we would not be troubled by prejudice, war, and the dread of destruction in which we all live today.

I cannot close, Father, without adding many thanks for the delicious meal and cordial hospitality offered by Your followers. Miss Love, and all of the others made our entire group feel so at home, that many of us joined in the singing and joyful spirit of the occasion. I shall never forget it.

I see now why Mother in our home, and Dad in his business go to such extremes to attract and please Your children. It is a pleasure to meet them, to serve them and to welcome them, always. Your picture has hung over Dad's desk for decades and now, I can understand why. Thank You Father.

Respectfully yours,

(signed) Richard A. Propper




FATHER Replies-"Hold Fast to the Truth of Righteousness"



764-772 Broad St.
Philadelphia 46, Pa.
March 23, 1956 A.D.F.D.

Mr. Richard A. Propper
Charm Shops
New York, New York

My dear Mr. Propper:

Your letter of the 13th has been received and I AM glad you enjoyed the Services and the hospitality of MY Church, and I understand your visit was highly appreciated by all the congregation.

It is a Blessing to have a Spirit to appreciate the Good, the Beautiful and the True. It is written:

'To him who is pure, all things are pure.'

If the spirit of real Americanism, Brotherhood, Democracy and true religion, true Christianity, true Judaism and true Buddhism-for the Principles of these truths are synonymous- does not dwell within an individual, he or she cannot value their virtues in others. The eye seeth what the heart imagines; for as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Hence, if you will hold fast to the Truth of Righteousness and know that GOD is no respecter of persons, I will bless you in your business and affairs, as you say your parents consider that I have blessed them.

Thus, be honest, competent and true in words, thoughts, deeds and actions and you can live in Peace and enjoy the privilege of becoming to be even as this leaves ME as I AM Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful, Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy in Spirit, Body and Mind and in every organ, muscle, sinew, joint, limb, vein and bone and even in every ATOM, fibre and cell of MY BODILY FORM.

Respectfully and Sincere, I AM
REV. M. J. DIVINE, Ms. D., D. d.
(Better known as FATHER DIVINE)

