"It is therefore essential for you and the only hope of your redemption and the redemption of your nation
to make and unconditional surrender immediately!"



FATHER DIVINE'S V-MAIL Letter to Hirohito - May 7, 1945

Rev. M. J. Divine
764-772 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia 46, PA
May 7, 1945 A.D.F.D.


Your Excellency:

I, Rev. M. J. Divine, known throughout the universe as FATHER DIVINE, for humanity's sake and the redemption of millions of human bodies, do hereby request, appeal and demand of you and yours an immediate unconditional surrender, as you can see the results of this inhuman global war, which has cost the lives of upward of forty million souls. You can see the predicament of your Axis comrades and the destruction they brought upon themselves and their subjects and millions of the American allies, as well as billions of dollars in natural and national resources, only to be obliged to unconditionally surrender or be totally annihilated and become extinct. It is, therefore, essential for you, and the only hope of your redemption and the redemption of your nation to make and unconditional surrender immediately!. With the hope that others might be even as I am, this leaves Me Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful, Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy in Spirit , Body and Mind and in every muscle, organ, sinew, joint limb, vein and bone and even in every atom, fibre and cell of My Bodily Form.

Respectfully and sincere, I AM

(Signed) Rev. M. J. Divine
(Better known as FATHER DIVINE)

