"I Wish We Had Many More 'Fathers' like Him!"




Judge Louis Goldstein-Kings County Judge
New York-Sept. 21, 1941

"Here we are every day in our courts, trying to administer justice, which is based upon truth, and your great FATHER DIVINE is trying to instill that in every person that comes within His hearing, and I commend Him for it. I wish we had many more 'Fathers' like Him!

I did want to convey to you my respect and reverence that I have for FATHER DIVINE because I think He is accomplishing a great deal of good in the community. When He can teach justice and truth and decency as He is doing, He is accomplishing something which is worthy of the highest commendation! If we could teach that, those principles that He is uttering, to you folks, if we could teach and broadcast that throughout the land, there would be no occasion to have criminal courts or prisons, because justice would be the foundation for everything that we do here.

"I want to express my personal gratification and respect to FATHER DIVINE, and I want to express my appreciation, FATHER, for having this wonderful opportunity of coming here and saying these few kind words of which You are so deserving. And I wish you, my dear folks, to continue the good work which you are doing under the leadership and the fine Presence of FATHER DIVINE."

