"As he ( Father Francis) loved and served GOD in faith, honesty and simplicity,
I know GOD'S Presence was with him and within him .

"The purity of his love for GOD and mankind rewarded him with a long life of good health,
peace of mind and a wealth of friends." --- Mother Divine

Joseph O'Shaunessy, Biographer of Father William Henry Francis Writes of His Passing to Mother Divine

The Shrine to Life at
The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Shrine to Life atThe Mount of the House of the Lord.

July 27, 1979
Mother Divine
1600 West Oxford Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19121

Dear Mother Divine,

I wanted to write to you with this news, and actually knowing whether or not you had already heard it.

On Saturday afternoon, July 21st, Father William Henry Francis died in the Hyde Park Nursing Home, three weeks after suffering the second of two strokes since the beginning of June.

Forgive me for this rather late announcement. I had flown in from California for his last week, and didn't really think of this until just now. The second stroke had left him without the ability to speak or walk, but not without he abilities of understanding and comprehension. It was this inability to communicate that he found most frustrating.

The biography of Father Francis will be completed within the next six months, and in it will be a section relating to FATHER DIVINE and Yourself. I know Father Francis derived tremendous pleasure from his acquaintance with FATHER DIVINE and all your people; he was impressed with the good things that FATHER DIVINE was doing, and was angered by the casual injustice in the way he was treated at times. For my part, I, too, am happy and grateful to have made Your acquaintance.

Father Francis' wishes were to be cremated, and to have his ashes spread about the grounds of his Church on the Mount. This has probably been done by this time. In any event, I thought you would wish to be notified of his passing.

With prayers and good wishes for your health and happiness, and that of everyone with you, I remain,


Joseph O'Shaunessy


Mother Divine Replies: FATHER DIVINE Was A Real Friend to Him

The Mount of the House of the Lord
Gladwyne, Pa. 19035
August 7, 1979 A.D. 34 F.D.

Mr. J. P. O'Shaunessy 738 Union Street
San Francisco, California 94133

My dear Mr. O'Shaunessy:

Your letter of July 27 has been received with deep appreciation for your thoughtfulness and concern in wanting to write to Me of the news of the passing of Father William Henry Francis on Saturday, July 21st, of which I was not previously aware.

It is a consolation to know he was well taken care of in his last days, as I am sure this was of concern to the many that loved him and were aware of the circumstances under which he was living. As he loved and served GOD in faith, honesty and simplicity, I know GOD'S Presence was with him and within him sufficient to carry him peacefully through this present experience of transition, just as HE has been with him in so many personal and wonderful experiences in his life.

Father Francis represented true greatness. I have no doubt that you have a keen sense of awareness of the privilege granted you to write the biography of one whose life emulated to such a great degree the One whose service he was consecrated and dedicated to.

In the Service of Christ he lighted the way of many who were lost in the darkness of human ignorance, sin and error. The purity of his love for GOD and mankind rewarded him with a long life of good health, peace of mind and a wealth of friends and experiences which he re-lived and re-told with great wit, humor, clarity and remarkable detail until such time, as you say, when he was unable to communicate.

To Me his greatest attributes were his sense of righteousness and social justice, and the courage of his convictions that enabled him to challenge the orthodox and conventional minds and institutions of the day. Although he had to suffer the consequences of being an outcast and had to walk with GOD alone apparently, he did so with dignity and respect and understanding for those who did not understand him and his true Christian viewpoints.

Because of this, when fate chose him to investigate FATHER DIVINE, being asked to do so by those who would seek to destroy FATHER DIVINE and HIS Power of redemption for the masses of the people, Father Francis had great perception of the truth of FATHER DIVINE that was expressed in HIS Work of redeeming mankind from sin and vice and crime. He recognized HIS Holy Mission of lifting them in spirit, mind and body and doing so without the slightest thought of Personal gain or without seeking financial or other assistance from anyone. Father Francis was one of a very few of his standing and caliber in the l930s that told the truth about FATHER DIVINE and the Peace Mission Movement. Father Francis never became a follower of FATHER DIVINE, but he was a real FRIEND of FATHER DIVINE and FATHER DIVINE was a real FRIEND to him. This, to Me, has great significance as we reflect on Father Francis and seek to unravel the threads of his life.

Thank you again for your kindness in writing. I shall be most happy to know when your book is completed that I might order one for FATHER DIVINE'S library here in Woodmont.

Wishing you the blessings of the Holy Spirit that it might be with you to lead you, guide you and give you all that you need and be your satisfying portion, I Am,

Yours very sincerely,


(Better known as MOTHER DIVINE)

