Observe Nothing but Purity

The New Day, October l8, 1969, page 3

A group of followers in the Great Hall, Woodmont

A group of followers in the Great Hall

FATHER speaks as follows:


Oh it is a privilege to observe these that are sitting and standing with their hearts filled full of love. When you think along lines of pureness and observe nothing but purity that may be expressed, the very Spirit of Perfection will be reflected, and if you are harmonious to the Teaching, or with the Teaching, you will automatically catch it. The Angels have come rejoicing for you are the visible Angels. Oh it is indeed Wonderful to observe these individual unfoldments, and the limitless blessings we are now enjoying. Just think of the health and happiness not only you yourself as an individual have, but all of the others, they are expressing.

Therefore for others you should give more Praise than for that of yours yourselves. It is indeed wonderful. All of these bodies were filled with afflictions, sickness and diseases, but by looking at the purity of GOD and observing it vividly you stressed your mentality, and your mentality was, and has be infected, and has been affected by it ... has been infected with it, and you have actually become to be partakers of it. THINK VIVIDLY ON THE PURITY OF GOD ALMIGHTY

While looking at the different individuals singing, a thought ran to how you all were when you first met ME. Your minds were filled with negation, negative thinking, accusations and condemnations, and your bodies were reflectors and manifestors of the same, for you thought so vividly on the negative it caused it. By thinking vividly on it your bodies became the outward expression and the materialization of it. Now, you are thinking vividly on the positive, and on the Purity of GOD Almighty.

By thinking vividly on that which is Perfect, which is Perfected, the Spirit of Love in you should cause you to express it; cause you to express it in health, in Happiness, in Peace, in Joy, and in every other desirable expression.

You will tangibilate, whatsoever you visualize and surmise vividly, sincerely believing in it although you may not be thinking of materializing yourself. Forget about yourselves as individuals Refuse to try to materialize, refuse try to personify, but to the reverse relax you conscious mentality and subconsciously give yourself wholeheartedly to the Almighty.
