FATHER speaks concerning MOTHER And The Holy Communion Table

The New Day, September 23rd, 1961 ADFD, p. 7

MOTHER DIVINE at Palace Mission Church
of New Jersey, Central Ave, Newark

MOTHER DIVINE at Palace Mission Church of New Jersey, Central Ave, Newark.

I know you appreciate MOTHER, that is why I have given HER to you that SHE might comfort you and serve you when it is not convenient for ME to be Personally Present to serve you and others at MY Communion Table, as I might Personally desire to do. I enjoy serving MY Own. I like to see that they have a- full and a-plenty of the very best of everything. Therefore I serve MY Communion Table Personally that the world can see and know just what I expect all mankind to have and just how I desire for all mankind to be served. With each dish I touch, I extend MY LIFE as MY BODY that all might partake of the same. Hence, I am well pleased with the service MOTHER gives in caring for MY OWN for I have taught HER by MY Hand and led HER by MY Mind. Thus, I rejoice when you are well pleased with that which I have done.

