"Except those days be shortened there shall be no flesh saved!
'But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened!" - Matthew 24:22

"Recognize the Body of GOD -- Or . . . ." Father Divine

Our FATHER'S Sermon at the Holy Communion Table
Unity Mission Church, Home and Training School Annex
907 N. 41st Street, Philadelphia, PA
Sunday, January 18, 1948 A.D.F.D., Time -- 6:10 P.M.

Unity Mission Church Annex

The Unity Mission Church Annex, Philadelphia, PA.

This heart stirring and soul-shaking Sermon given by FATHER on this occasion in the presence of many visitors, both of the cloth and other professions, deals with the possible Future Devastation to come from a New and Terrible Weapon as described in one of the current magazines in an article recently brought to FATHER'S Attention.

Truly in this day and dispensation it is necessary for the universe at large to Turn to GOD Almighty! -- for the time is now and the foreboding of future earth destruction is REAL!

In this timely Sermon the Way of Escape is clearly Shown, not only as predicted in the Scripture but as promised by GOD Almighty Himself to and for those who are in that number of the Righteous and Just of the land!

Hearken unto the Voice of GOD as HE condescends to speak these electrifying Words of Spirit and Life -- for if you do not, the thing you greatly fear will come upon you -- and worse! For the Inventions of this Scientific Age are controlled only by GOD Almighty, FATHER DIVINE, even as the winds and the waves His Voice obey!

Thank YOU, Almighty GOD!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which the following song was sung:)

'If you don't want civilization to be extinct,
Recognize the Body of GOD, FATHER DIVINE.
If you want the Atomic Bomb to be under control,
HE has the Mastery over every situation
And the Mastery over all circumstances;
If you recognize His Body, His Spirit will make
Null and Void that which to science He has given,
For naught is greater in the earth than the Creator!
HE is Omnipotent! Omnipresent! Omnilucent!
A Greater than the Atomic Bomb is here!'

(FATHER Speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, Good Appetite; Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness! These and all other Blessings to you I bring if you will but accept of them and observe what you have heard and what we have sung!

You heard by inspiration as a composition and as a declaration from the spirit of the little children, as a little child shall lead them, declaring:

'A greater than the Atomic Bomb is here!'

("So true, LORD!" declared the congregation.) Something More Destructive than Atomic Energy I want to call your attention to the fact that I saw this morning in a magazine, and yesterday, a writer declared that something is in the making that can and will carry destructive forces invented by the hand of art and by science and invention so many times Greater and Bigger and More Destructive than the Atomic Energy! They declare in this discovery, as it shows the picture as a robot bomb or robot plane, going forth with destructive forces that will destroy all life substance in the earth!

It shows where it goes forth, and if it is carried out as those of whom are the representatives of this invention and this discovery have depicted it, it will burn up as the Scripture has predicted, even the earth, "root and branch"!

But oh, how glorious it is to realize there is a Hope of the Redemption of Mankind, even though the prediction by the prophets, the sages and the seers in the prophetic age and by science and invention in this atomic age, was that there would be such destructive forces motivated by remote control that could bring an end to life on earth, not only men but every living creature! This is not strange. If you read in the Bible you will find where Jesus said,

'Except those days be shortened there shall be no flesh saved!'

Have you not read it? (The visiting minister and all others present say, "Yes, Sir!")

'But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened!'

Can you not see the mystery? ("So true!" declared the congregation.) It did not say there shall be no flesh of men saved, but He said,

'There shall be no flesh saved, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened!'

What a privilege to have the recognition and the realization of an Emancipator, a Redeemer and a Savior! I said,

'Those days shall be shortened for the elect's sake!'

But prophetically is has been predicted from back in the prophetic age, GOD will burn up the earth, root and branch, some have said -- and in this advanced scientific Atomic Age, science and invention today are making that prediction!

It shows in the article where, when this and these destructive forces go over the land they will consume everything that has life! -- all living creatures! -- and even all vegetation and every insect! And it shows where there will be a thousand years, it says, before anything can grow on the earth that has been destroyed!


Recognize the Body of GOD!

(FATHER turns to the Rosebuds and says:) By inspiration, My Spirit in the Rosebuds, as little children, as it is written of ME,

'A little child shall lead them!" Isaiah 11:6

has declared today by inspiration in that declaration and in that composition they have sung so vividly, conscientiously and sincerely,

'They had better recognize the Body of FATHER DIVINE!'

If you want the Atomic Bomb to be under control and all that to science has been given, you had better recognize the Body of FATHER DIVINE or else it will not be under control, and science may destroy itself with its invention!

And the civilization in which we are now living as an advanced civilization -- I mean, This One -- it is Threatened! But

'For the Elect's sake,'

it is written,

'those days shall be shortened!'

Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" came the enthusiastic reply.) These are hard sayings for those of My Critics and Accusers and Ridiculers, but a GREATER than the Atomic Bomb is Here! If you want it, that which is given to science and invention -- the Destructive Forces of science and invention, to BE UNDER CONTROL, you hade better recognize GOD'S Actual Presence and live soberly, righteously and Godly and even Love Everybody!

If you retrace your thoughts back, before I further go, to that Message of Jesus as He gave it Himself,

'Unless those days are shortened there shall be no flesh saved!'

Now isn't that something to consider? And I said, "No flesh!" There are flesh of animals, the flesh of birds and the beasts, and the flesh of mankind, as you see; but the Word plainly says,

'Except those days be shortened there shall Be no flesh saved! But for the elect's sake Those days shall be shortened!'

destroy all living creatures off of the face of the earth! I Am shortening those days for the Righteousness' Sake of the Righteous!

It is a privilege to live in such a Recognition! It is a privilege to build upon such a Foundation as this one! As in the most recent late global war, or late global war, because of the Righteous that I had made Righteous in this Country, this Nation was Spared! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the multitude.)


As in the Time of Lot

Is it not written:

'As it was in the days of Lot so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man!'

I know the Reverend knows that! Aren't you glad! (Reverend Scott answers FATHER enthusiastically, "Yes!" FATHER then says:)

'As it was in the days of lot so shall it be at the coming of the son of man!'

When the destroying angels were going down to Sodom and Gomorrah and they talked with Abraham by the way, and Abraham beseeched him -- yea, them -- and requested if there would be found in Sodom and Gomorrah only FIFTY just persons, would they spare the city! Can you not see the mystery? ("Yes, LORD!" came the quick response.) And did the Angels not tell them -- I mean, Abraham and Sarah and his servants -- that they would spare the city, they would spare Sodom and Gomorrah in those days of destruction if they could only find FIFTY Just persons in that city? ("Yes, FATHER!" came the response.)

But for fear there would not have been fifty Just persons, Abraham said,

'Peradventurely, if there would be only FORTY Just persons, will you not spare the city?" Genesis, 18:20

They angels said they would, for FORTY Just persons. But yet for fear (can you not see the mystery?) that there were not as many as FORTY Just persons, he said,

'Peradventurely, let me beseech ye once more! Be not angry with thy servant !'

-- or something of that sort --

'Peradventurely, if thou shalt find only thirty Just persons in that city, wilt thou spare the city?'

They said they would! Continued to come all the way DOWN, because he desired to spare Lot and his family! Can you not see the mystery? ("Yes, LORD!" came the reply.) And he said,

'Wilt thou spare the city for ten Just persons or Righteous persons in the city?'

The angels said they would spare the city for ten Just persons -- and they went on their way.

But when they got down there they found that there were not ten Just persons in the city!


The Number that John Saw

What a privilege! What a PRIVILEGE to be in THIS NUMBER that I JOHN saw! I mean, that have washed their robes in the LIFE of CHRIST, as being termed the BLOOD of the LAMB! -- coming up through great tribulations, of every nation, of every language, every tongue and every people! That is what you all have done!

But the Just persons were found in this Country sufficient to save this Country from being in the same predicament that Sodom and Gomorrah were in!

They saw, at it was, the city would be destroyed unless there were found so many as ten Just or Righteous Persons! -- but for the last, at least, fifteen or twenty years, the Majority of you know I HAVE BEEN MAKING RIGHTEOUS PERSONS AS NO MAN CAN! ("So True, GOD Almighty!" declared the adoring congregation.) I have stopped them from killing! I have stopped them from stealing! I have stopped them from committing adultery! I have stopped them from drinking! I have stopped them from fighting! I have stopped them from undermining their neighbor's wife and their neighbor's house! Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, LORD!" exclaimed the entire audience.)

I have made Righteous Persons in the land! Because of the Righteous Persons I made in this land, years back, you have read how My Followers were returning all stolen goods and paying their dues! Righting their wrongs wheresoever they had wronged anyone! Can you not see the mystery? ("So true, FATHER Dear!" came the immediate response in unison.) And would not drink a drop of whiskey! I stopped them from smoking! I stopped them from doing everything that the Bible revealed to them was wicked, (can you not see the mystery?) And they tried to live Evangelically, Conscientiously and Sincerely! Because of it -- the Righteousness of the Righteous saved this Country from being invaded!


The Conviction of Millions

This is not a supposition; this is our Conscious Conviction and the Realization of Millions! -- for truly, they were wicked and very wicked! Can you not see the mystery? ("Yes, GOD Almighty!" came the verification.) Where they were so wicked at one time they did not let a day go by without committing a crime! But by the Transforming of their minds and by being renewed by the Renewing of their minds they ceased to commit sin and vice and crime of every kind, and I Have Made a Righteous People in this Land!

No one need question it, because if there would be a Question concerning the mystery, your own knowledge of what I have done for the people would tell you! Therefore, as it was in the days of Lot, the Righteousness of the Righteous that I have created in the land, and those of whom I have made Righteous as a Righteous Nation, as you sit and stand, Saved this Nation and this Country from being Invaded, and Saved millions and millions of Lives from being destroyed!

Then I say, I AM Going on! I AM Creating a Righteous Nation in the Land! Now aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the joyous congregation.) A Righteous Nation is rising, rich in the Virtue of Brotherhood and Peace! -- where a man is a man and not a color, creed or race! It looks something like it here, doesn't it? (FATHER indicates with a sweep of His Hand the entire assembly.) It looks something like a Righteous Nation, doesn't it? ("So true!" verified the entire assembly.) Not one of you smell any intoxicating liquor on not one of My True Followers! You do not even see a True Follower of Mine smoking a cigarette! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" came the happy reply.)

Then I say, I have made them Righteous in the land -- and for the Righteousness of the Righteous wherewith I have made you Righteous, the Nation shall be spared! And those destructive forces invented by man will not destroy all mankind! Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad! So glad, GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the assembly in unison.)

Therefore, I say the Righteousness of the Righteous of those of whom I have actually made Righteous, saved this land and country from invasion and even from annihilation, because of GOD'S Righteous Presence and His Righteous Nation HE is raising and lifting up in the land as no man can!

'For the elect's sake those days shall be shortened!'


Earth-splitting Bombs

They desire to keep on! As I told you some time ago, they have in the making Ten-ton earth-busters, yea, Earth-splitter atom bombs! They want to send them out by remote control, as missiles of robot bombs, to carry them by the hundreds of tons through the air, and drop them automatically, by remote control, in every country they desire to destroy! But I have said,

'For the elect's sake those days shall be shortened And some flesh shall be saved!'

For what said the Scripture concerning this mystery as GOD Spoke it through the prophet in the prophetic age?

'For the name of god is a strong tower and the righteous Run therein and is save!" Proverbs, 18:10

Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" came the immediate reply.) It is time for you to run for a hiding place now! Better get in this Name now! It is a strong Tower and the Righteous run into this Truth -- into this Name, of Whom you say I AM -- and they are safe from the storm and the winds that blow, where the destructive forces of both man and the cosmic forces of nature can do you no harm! I AM talking about even the cosmic forces of nature will not do you any harm! If you are safe in the rock and sheltered from the storm they can do you no harm! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" declared the congregation.)

Live in this Recognition! But I thought to call your attention to it because it came forth; I received the magazine, the article, yesterday, last night. It shows if this goes through -- I mean, they said it is being invented -- being brought out by whom you may think not! They say it will be so Devastating until it will destroy every Living Creature and all vegetation, and even the Earth will not germinate Life any more, inside of a thousand years! I mean, the Earth will not even grow grass and vegetation, according to what they have declared in this magazine, is in the making!


Hid In GOD

So these thoughts are well worth considering, and it is essential to live Soberly, Righteously and Godly and this Present World -- for the Hope of your Salvation as well as the World at large is to find yourself in the Rock -- hid in GOD.

But oh, how glorious it is to live in such a Recognition! You have seen in the time of the extreme emergency, in the time of the late world war, men were in lacks and wants and limitations and in all sorts of adverse and undesirable conditions, but because of the Recognition of My Actual Presence you found that, and you can still find that those of whom lived according to My Teaching, they were supplied with the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, and no space was vacant of the Fullness thereof! ("So true, GOD Almighty!" came the verification of one and all.)

This is not a supposition. When you could not get sugar, when you could not get meat, there was a-full and a-plenty in your FATHER'S House! It is something to Praise GOD for! ("Yes, LORD!" came the answer.) And the Righteous was made more Righteous and the Just was made more Just, more Honorable, because of the Righteousness of GOD exemplified among you all!

You have been lifted from the soil and redeemed from among men, as though being the First-Fruit unto GOD and the LAMB, and I AM burning all guile out of your mouth! Can you not see the mystery? ("So true! Yes, FATHER Dear!" exclaimed the joyous congregation.) John saw it in his revelationic prediction when he said,

'I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with Him was an hundred and forty and four thousand, having their FATHER'S Name written in their forehead!" Revelation, 14:1


"I Thank YOU, FATHER!"

I AM writing MY NAME in your foreheads now! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" came he glad response.) Automatically and unthoughtfully, yea, volitionally and inspirationally when you think on ME vividly, you say, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" It comes forth Volitionally, Voluntarily and Inspirationally because it is Stamped in your Consciousness and it is Uppermostly in your Consciousness, which is, in your Foreheads! I mean, the Real Followers of Mine -- those who have really been Awakened by the Spirit of My Presence -- they say it automatically, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" Why? Because GOD'S Name is uppermostly in their forehead -- Uppermostly in Consciousness, you see -- and they speak it volitionally, "I thank YOU, FATHER!"

If you stump your feet, or foot, you would not use profanity, neither would you use obscenity! You would not use vulgarity but you would say, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" I AM writing MY NAME in your foreheads now -- uppermostly in Consciousness! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" responded the joyous assembly.) You will keep ME Uppermostly in Consciousness, and whensoever any thing comes forth into expression to cause you to think or speak, volitionally you will say, "I THANK YOU, FATHER!" Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" again came the response.) That is the Mystery of GOD'S Presence, writing My Name Uppermostly in your Consciousness, and you cannot forget it! It comes volitionally! That is the mystery! So take these thoughts to consideration!

How marvelous it is to be Fanatical enough and to be Radical enough to let ME place My Name Uppermostly in your Consciousness, where you will say, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" instead of using profanity, vulgarity and obscenity -- and all of those things you used to use! If you stumped your foot you would use an obscene or vulgar word of profanity -- an obscene, vulgar or a word of profanity, because GOD was not uppermostly in your consciousness! But when I AM stamped there effectively you cannot forget it! It comes forth volitionally because it is established in your vocabulary, in your subconsciousness, and it stays with you now henceforth and forever and naught will be able to harm you nor hurt you! I thank you.


