". . . and GOD Himself Shall Be with Them, and Shall Be Their GOD,
and They Shall Be His People. " Rev 21:3

On the inside walls of The Shrine To Life are incised these Words that FATHER DIVINE spoke long ago. They are the Words of a Loving FATHER Who cares deeply for His Creation. HE assures His Creation that they are His People. HE assures them that HE is with them and shall dwell with them and be their GOD!


The Shrine to Life

The Shrine to Life.

These are FATHER DIVINE'S Immortal Words:

'Condescendingly I came as an existing Spirit, unembodied until condescendingly imputing MYSELF in a Bodily Form.

In the likeness of men I came, that I might peak to them in their own language
coming to a Country that is supposed to be the Country of the Free, where mankind has been privileged to serve GOD according to the dictates of his own conscience

coming sponsoring this Peace Mission and this Spiritual Revelation in the hearts of the children of men, and establishing the Kingdom of GOD in the midst of them

that they might become to be living epistles as individuals, seen and read of men, and verifying that which has long since been said:

'The Tabernacle of GOD is with men, and HE shall dwell with them, and GOD HIMSELF shall be with them, and shall be their GOD, and they shall be His people.' '



The New Day, February 7, 1953 p. 3,
Given 115th Street, New York City, January 16, 1934

