"Love Is Unselfish, and You Will Not Be Loving for a Selfish Nor a Mortal Purpose,
but You Will Be Loving Because God Is Love.

"The Love of God Is For Always!"



Editor's Note: FATHER DIVINE has been making the same Statements and projecting the same Philosophy for many years, as attested by the following words taken from a Sermon HE gave sixty three years ago on July 27, 1933, at the Union Lodge Hall in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

"This Love that we are talking about is a Love that is incorruptible, a Love that is undefiled, Love that is non-sensual, Love that fadeth not away, Love wherein sexes are not known, Love that is pure and unadulterated, Love that is incorruptible, Love that is clean free from all graft and free from all gains, free from selfishness or anything of that kind, Love that will transform your mind, Love that will cast greed out of you, Love that will cast fear out of you, Love that will cast prejudice out of you and the worst love that has ever been in a person, the love of money. It is indeed Wonderful! . . .

"With the right concept and recognition of this Love that we are advocating, and that we have brought to fruition in the midst of the people, you can love without fear. In human affection, you would be afraid to love as you would desire to love. It is Wonderful! And it is true, as has been aforesaid, you should not love mortal mindedly as you have thought you loved, for it has been long since said by HIM that liveth forever:

'Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and where rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal.'

"But when you lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, in the Heavenly State of Consciousness, there is a place where "moth and where rust do not corrupt, neither do thieves break through and steal." This Love is Incorruptible and Undefiled. It is not just for a day, not just for a month, not just for a year, but it is for Always. It is Wonderful!</

"With the right concept and recognition and understanding of this Love, you will love better fifty years from today than you did yesterday. It is Wonderful! For this Love is unselfish, and you will not be loving for a selfish nor a mortal purpose, but you will be loving because GOD IS LOVE. It is indeed Wonderful!" - New Day, December 8, 1956, pp. 9-10

