John Henry Titus, Celebrated Poet,
Confers Title of 'Dean of the Universe' upon FATHER DIVINE



John Henry Titus

John Henry Titus, Celebrated Poet.


In an Interview Published in The Spoken Word of September 12, 1936, John Henry Titus, celebrated poet, and author of 'The Face on the Barroom Floor,' states that on his recent tour of eight months through twelve states in the South he was approached by many prominent bishops, editors, professors, and persons of high social and professional standing, who questioned him as to matters and works of FATHER DIVINE. His answer to them was,

'I have the personal knowledge of FATHER DIVINE'S Work for years in New York and Eastern States, and I know that none other than one having the highest manifestation of Divinity could be accredited with such a range of expression, and such Spiritual Wisdom; hence I say HE is the Dean of the Universe.
'I have seen the transformation of lives, have seen souls lifted from the depths of degradation to be respectable, law-abiding citizens. I have known men and women changed from their impulses and passions, and elevated to heights unlike any help they could get from colleges, universities, or by cults, creeds, or isms, and given an established position, a status enviable. In all social walks, people have been lifted from lacks and despair, the weak made strong, others clothed in their right reason and settled in life. I feel I am not vaunting self in my statements, for I too, as thousands I know, have been strengthened and blessed by the personal contact of FATHER DIVINE.'

Then the usual curious question was asked him, 'Where does FATHER DIVINE get HIS money?

'As to your direct question concerning FATHER DIVINE, as to where HE gets HIS money and other matters of secular interest, I will say to you as I have said in the hearing of thousands, 'What is that to thee?' By HIS Works ye shall know HIM. I have never thought about money in connection with FATHER DIVINE, for I know all things are possible with GOD. The things that interest me are: the Evangelical life as advocated, the healing of diseased minds and bodies, the transformation of the lives of the masses the revealing of the hidden mysteries.
'The Divine Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of FATHER DIVINE passes all human understanding. Were I to give you my opinion, for hours I would amplify only with eloquence, and gladness from the depths of my soul, what I know of blessings that have come to hundreds and thousands in large audiences, and communities.
'FATHER DIVINE is received and appreciated profoundly by those from higher walks of social life, and I feel the South awaking to an interest in the Spiritual Life, and a knowledge of the Divinity that it had not known before, and for this I am glad to convey my findings to you. I am happy to give you this audience on the subject of FATHER DIVINE, for I know you have come to me with hungry hearts for the truth that is stirring the world, and I feel that you are ready to receive the wonderful message that has come forth from the lips of the Dean of the Universe. I feel that you alike with others, will be ready to receive the message on hearing in a first-handed way from my lips, the Truth, and that you will give credit where credit is due. In no sense are my words intended to proselyte, but only that the Divinity I refer to in the Work and Life of FATHER DIVINE, may pervade your ministry and strengthen you in the work you are doing along constructive lines.
'I thank you for coming, for you understand and credit the words from myself unlike those of persons of casual or social life. The fact that you have come to interview me on the subject of FATHER DIVINE shows that you respect the utterance of one whom you feel you can trust to give you the Truth.'

Poet Titus said in each group, he found an expression of surprise as they listened to the truth about FATHER DIVINE, and learned of HIS activities; for they had been biased by erroneous statements of press and public. However, believing the words of one whom they felt they could trust and one who spoke with authority, the earnest seekers expressed their gratitude and thanks to Poet Titus, and said they would come to New York to see FATHER DIVINE. The expression of their changed attitude reminded him of the quotation 'Almost thou persuadeth me to be a Christian.'
