MOTHER DIVINE'S Concept of God








In selecting, electing and enthroning GOD as supreme in one's life and as dwelling at the Center from which the cause and effect of one's being and existence emanate, it is with the understanding that GOD is the Creative Force of the Universe, the Universal Mind Substance, the Fundamental Principle and Source of all Goodness - Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnilucent and Omnipresent.

One recognizes that men and women were created by GOD and in HIS Image and Likeness enjoyed HIS Presence in complete unity and oneness. By being endowed with the Divine Right to choose, Adam and Eve chose to disobey GOD, and the curse of death thereby passed upon all men. Through losing the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, man deteriorated into sin, debauchery, ignorance, strife, misery, sickness and woe. The Light of GOD'S Presence has since appeared to him during his long and arduous upward trek back to his Divine 'roots' in whatever ways and appearances were the most appropriate to reach his conscious mentality on the plane of unfoldment where he was functioning at that time.

Through Mary's virtuous Mind concentrating vividly on GOD and magnifying HIS Majesty, She mentally and spiritually contacted GOD, and Her immaculate conception of HIM gave birth to Jesus. Jesus, in the Sonship Degree, materialized and personified the CHRIST, and through the death of self, He was resurrected by the Power of CHRIST within and ascended to His Bodily At-one-ment with GOD, where as a representative of humanity He overcame the curse of sin and death.

In that He came

' the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin,' He ;...condemned sin in the flesh.' Romans 8.3

He is the Sample and Example, the Way, the Truth and the Life, by which all mankind can regain At-one-ment with GOD.

'For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.' I Corinthians 15:22

However, Jesus in the Sonship Degree knew that He did not have the power to effect the universal emancipation of man. Therefore, He had to ascend to the FATHER and come yet again in the power of the FATHERSHIP Degree of expression for this universal resurrection and complete redemption of all mankind. According to the conviction that came through revelation to the followers of FATHER DIVINE, HE is that One come again.



HE came as a thief in the night. HE came in the 'valley of the nations.' HE came healing the sick and raising the dead; HE came feeding the hungry and clothing the naked; HE came teaching and preaching Life and that more abundantly. HE is the Way, the Truth and the Life in this present day and in this present time, and it was revealed to twenty-two millions (estimate made at the Righteous Government Convention in New York City in 1936), who were willing to leave all that their former life and way of thinking consisted of, to embrace the New Life in the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence here on earth.

FATHER DIVINE is the Person of the Impersonal. HE came in this expression for the purpose of lifting mankind out of the personal into the Impersonal. HE let everyone know it is nothing HE does as a Person to reach anyone's condition or circumstance, but if one contacts HIM mentally and spiritually one gets the desired results, and it would not matter where one was geographically, for HE is Omnipresent and Ever Present. It is according to the faith of the individual, and with or without HIS Personal Presence HE is just the same.

FATHER stressed living the Life of CHRIST and being the same in HIS Personal absence as in HIS Personal Presence. HE let HIS students and adherents know it was not necessary to come where HE was Personally to get a blessing or to live the Life. HE said HE was a Sample and Example for them to copy after, coming as a free gift to the world, gratis to mankind, coming as the poorest among men, yet making many rich. HE said, 'My Spirit is your spirit, if you can receive it.' HE admonished them to take on HIS Nature and Characteristics and be willing to be a servant of all.

The Peace Mission Movement, through its organized and incorporated Churches, provides the proper spiritual climate and controlled environment that make it infinitely more possible for one to live the Evangelical Life of CHRIST within its influence than one would be able to do outside of its influence - although FATHER DIVINE says it is possible to do it, through bringing the body into subjection to the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence.

Therefore, it is to be understood that the Peace Mission Movement is the

'general assembly and church of the firstborn'

in which

'the spirits of just men (are) made perfect.' Hebrews 12:23

Whether one lives the Teaching in an isolated part of the world in one's own home, whether one comes to Philadelphia from a foreign country to unite with other believers, or whether one believes these same Principles of Righteousness, Justice and Truth and patterns one's life after them, never having heard the Name of FATHER DIVINE or even embracing Christianity, one is a member of the General Assembly and Church of the First Born.
