Followers of Father Divine Have These Distinguishing Characteristics

in the Baker Bowl, Philadelphia.

FATHER DIVINE'S Mass Meeting in the Baker Bowl, Philadelphia.


1. They are real Americans in that they are people of different racial, national, religious and social backgrounds.

2. They believe in the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of GOD and never use terms that separate or designate one from another in a discriminating way.

3. They live celibate lives and do not associate with the opposite sex except when necessary for conducting business.

4. They are industrious, thrifty and honest, giving an honest day's work for an honest day's pay.

5. They are completely independent and self-supporting in every way.

6. They will not beg, borrow or steal.

7. They will not accept gifts, tips or bribes, vacation pay, social security benefits, insurance benefits or legacies or anything they have not earned or paid for.

8. They pay all their debts and pay cash for all purchases and buy nothing on credit or the installment plan.

9. They do not smoke, express vulgarity, profanity or obscenity.

10. They do not imbibe intoxicating liquors or drugs.

11. They do not gamble, wager or patronize lotteries.

12. They do not insure their lives, the lives of others, or their possessions.

13 They are happy, peace-loving and work for brotherhood and unity and are opposed to fighting, war and violence of all kinds.
