Information re: the relationship between FATHER DIVINE and
Walter Clemow Lanyon, world renowned truth teacher

(Note: The more recent publications of the book 'It Is Wonderful" by Walter Clemow Lanyon did not carry the dedication page
nor the statement re: FATHER DIVINE prior to the contents page.)

The dedication page reads as follows:

"This book is dedicated to FATHER DIVINE"

"In appreciation for the glorious revelation his words brought to me. In my search for truth I had met many wonderful enlightened souls, noble and fine; and a Judas. From all of these I received help and understanding; but it was not until I contacted Father Divine that I fully realized the Presence and the POWER here and now. Not as something to be used to produce results, but as the very actuality of Being Itself.

"After Jesus met Judas he became fully conscious of the Christ.

"It is with a heart full of love and thanksgiving that I dedicate this book to the Father who has so richly given me of his love."

Mr. Lanyon's' most important statement reads:

"All quoted italics in this book are the words of FATHER DIVINE."

Let it be said here that the quoted italics are numerous throughout the book.

The book Mr. Lanyon was talking about was the original It Is Wonderful as originally published and not the text altered by his heirs presently available. This later publication is not an authentic representation of Mr. Lanyon's text. Several other 1930s books by Lanyon also employ FATHER DIVINE's Words and Concepts extensively. Mr. Lanyon remained reverential towards FATHER throughout his life, and corresponded into the 1950s. FATHER DIVINE's Library & Museum at Woodmont houses many letters between them.


FATHER DIVINE and Miss Mary Light.

FATHER DIVINE and Miss Mary Light.



  1. A conversation between Father Divine and Walter Lanyon.
  2. A letter from Mr. Lanyon to FATHER DIVINE re: the Book 'It Is Wonderful 'and FATHER DIVINE'S reply.
  3. FATHER DIVINE'S remarks re: the Book 'It Is Wonderful.'
  4. The Angel that is flying in heaven.
  5. Mr. Lanyon's activities in Europe and correspondence between him and FATHER DIVINE.
  6. Mr. Lanyon's influence in Spain and Italy.
  7. Re: the book 'It Is Wonderful' and activities in London.
  8. FATHER DIVINE refers at length to a letter received from Mr. Lanyon.
  9. More references to correspondence with Walter Lanyon by FATHER DIVINE.
  10. The Name of GOD Is a Strong Tower.

