The Answer To The Prayer JESUS CHRIST Taught Us To Pray.

The American Christmas

Index - Section 1



Editor's Note: "What is the American Christmas-which is observed by the followers of FATHER DIVINE on December 19---and what does it mean?" The query came inasmuch as the traditional Christmas is observed on December 25. MOTHER DIVINE graciously responded by penning this inspirational statement.

On December 19, 1777, George Washington with the Continental Army, marched into Valley Forge. The British had driven them out of Philadelphia and beaten them in the Battle of Germantown. They retreated to Valley Forge, which is about twenty miles west of Philadelphia. Valley Forge afforded them the geographic location where they were somewhat protected by the high ground, and by being able to camp at the confluence of two rivers. Here they could set up a good line of defense, regroup, and form one unified Army out of thirteen State Militia.

However, it was the dead of winter, and snow covered the ground, and supplies of food and. clothing were not forthcoming. The hardships were great, and many deserted and many died. But by Divine Providence giving them the courage, endurance and stamina to hold fast to their visions, and goals, they' marched out of Valley Forge six months later and went forth, a confident, well trained Army, to defeat the British and win the War of Independence.

During the winter encampment at Valley Forge, not one shot was fired against the enemy, nor was one soldier killed in battle. However, a fundamental Victory was won at Valley Forge-the Victory of the Human Spirit. If this Victory had not been won, the new Nation, the United. States of America' would not have been born. But born it was, with a Government of the People, by the People, and for the People, Government of Law inspired by GOD, where brave, courageous people came to escape the tradition and inhuman treatment that kept them bound and unable to express their GOD given Rights to Freedom, Liberty and Justice, and where they were not free to worship GOD according to the dictates of their own conscience.

The Birth Of Jesus

Since mankind fell from Grace in the Garden of Eden and separated himself from GOD, he has been making his way, through eons of time, back to that place of At-One-Ment with his GOD, his Maker and Creator. There have been many to light the return passageway, but not until GOD gave birth to His only begotten Son, through the Virgin Mary, was the Perfect Way shown to us. JESUS CHRIST is the Way, the Truth and the Light. HE is the Word Incarnate- Immanuel, GOD with us!

The joy of the Word being made flesh in the Body of Jesus is the great Gift of Christmas to us from GOD. HE admonished us,

'Ye must be born again,

and HE demonstrated the way to throw off all the mortal versions of men and the way to surrender one's self wholly to GOD. Through His obedience to GOD and His trust in His Power of Resurrection, HE won the Victory over death and the grave. HE made His way back to At-One-Ment with GOD!

HE did it as a Sample and Example for us. If we follow His Teaching and take on His Nature and Characteristics and

'Let this Mind be in us which is also in CHRIST JESUS'

we too, can overcome, and find our way back to At-One-Ment with GOD! Jesus, in comforting His disciples said:

'I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, ye may be also." St. John 14:2-3

Jesus was crucified because of the lack of a Democracy in His time. Jesus knew, in order for us to bring the CHRIST to fruition, that we must live under a Democracy and have religious freedom. From the time of Jesus, Ascension back to the FATHER, the Spirit of CHRIST went throughout the world and was reincarnated in many bodies down through the centuries. The Holy Spirit of CHRIST manifested took a stand for the inalienable Rights of man and sought to establish a place where CHRIST could come and receive Us unto HIMSELF. These democratic, GOD given Rights have been legalized in the Government of the United States of America. The Constitution gives legal authority for the magnification of the established Law so that the legalization of the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in CHRIST JESUS can take place.

Therefore, the United States of America is the Birthplace of the Kingdom of GOD on Earth.


GOD appearing on the scene in the Body of FATHER DIVINE was to quicken and resurrect the CHRIST Consciousness in the people of GOD and to effect the transformation of mankind from human nature to Divine Nature, that mankind might be heirs and joint heirs with CHRIST and be redeemed from the curse imposed upon him by the sins of Adam and Eve.

FATHER DIVINE said that His Spirit searched the whole world over, looking for One who would be virtuous and holy, be Mind of His Mind and Spirit of His Spirit-One with Whom HE could unite in holy bonds of matrimony, that SHE might be a sample and Example for all mankind, and show how mankind should be united with his GOD and become One with HIM as Jesus is One with HIM. HE found that One, and they were married on April 29, 1946. No wonder there was great rejoicing in Heaven and on earth when the Scripture, Revelation 19:7, was fulfilled.

'Let us be glad and rejoice, and and honor to him: for the Marriage the Lamb is come, and HIS Wife hath made herself ready.'

The Angelic Race Is Born

The sole purpose for the Birth of Jesus and His Life on earth was to show us the way back to the FATHER. Now after nearly two thousand years, mankind has spiritually evolved to the place where mankind can understand and accept the reality of GOD on earth in the Fathership Degree and accept His Marriage to the One mentally and spiritually qualified to share His Name. From this Marriage would come a great -propagation of the Angelic Nature in the children of men, and there would be the Birth of the Angelic Race. Heaven and earth must be populated by Angels-no longer men and women-no longer Jews or Gentiles-no longer races or nationalities.

When SWEET ANGEL DIVINE was naturalized as an American Citizen and Her Name legalized on December 19, 1977 at Valley Forge on the 200th Anniversary of Washington's Encampment, it was a date to be memorialized "calendarly' as the AMERICAN CHRISTMAS! Why?

Because the Angelship Degree of expression had been legalized! Because CHRIST is being brought to fruition in the children of men-the very purpose for which Jesus was born into the world. This could come about only through the Democracy that was born at Valley Forge on December 19,1777. This is the Place prepared for GOD to receive us unto HIMSELF! Through this Democratic Republic of the United States of America, GOD was accepted in the Body of FATHER DIVINE, and His Presence with us awakened the CHRIST in many, and out of the human race where division, strife, warfare and death abound, the Angelic Race is being born.. CHRIST shall reign in bodies in the millennium, and we will have Peace on Earth and Good Will toward men!

Jesus' Prayer that HE taught us to pray is being answered. His Kingdom has come! His Will is being done on Earth! The United States of America is the Birthplace of the Kingdom of GOD on Earth! So it is a MERRY AMERICAN CHRISTMAS! MERRY ALWAYS !
