FATHER DIVINE grant an Interview to Dr. Stanley Kimbro, D.I.S. of Eastland, Texas (Excerpts)
in FATHER'S Private Office Study of the Circle Mission Church and Home and Training School of Pennsylvania,
764-772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Monday, August 22, 1949 A.D.F.D., Time — 9:45 P.M.

Neuritis and Arthritis





(FATHER speaks firstly as follows:)

Peace Doctor.

Dr. Kimbro: Peace, FATHER!

FATHER: You may take a set for a few seconds, Doctor.

Dr. Kimbro: (seating himself) Yes FATHER.

FATHER: What did you want to see ME for, Doctor?

Dr. Kimbro: Oh, I just wanted to thank YOU for all YOUR goodness and blessing for me, and for YOUR love for all humanity. And above all things, FATHER, I want to thank YOU for YOUR Everpresence with me! That is the greatest thing. It helps me in all my condition.

FATHER: It is Wonderful!

Dr. Kimbro: And I learned a new prayer to YOU. I learned a new way of praying.


Dr. Kimbro: Whenever I was in distress I called on YOU, FATHER, loudly, "FATHER help me! FATHER help me! and it did not do me any good. Now I got the intuition I was not praying right. I said then, "Thank YOU, FATHER, for all YOUR Blessings!" and I got a good deal of sleep last night.

FATHER: Surely.

Dr. Kimbro: And so I thank YOU, FATHER, for the prayer.

FATHER: You could not sleep so well?

Dr. Ki9mbro:Oh, I could not sleep for the pain in the hip and knee, and it twisted me and about rolled me out of bed! Then I see YOU standing in front of me, and like I did before, I said, FATHER, Help me!" Help me!" and I said, "Why is it the prayers don't reach HIM? Is there something wrong in me?

FATHER: I see.

Dr. Kimbro: And after, I got some intuition that it was not the way to pray to FATHER — hollering like that. And so I was told within to thank YOU for everything! And so I got pains last night and I said, "Thank YOU, FATHER, if it is YOUR Will give me more!" and I fell asleep and got a good deal of rest!


True Prayer

FATHER: Well, thanks are as prayers with a sincere desire.

"Prayer is the heart's sincere desire, unuttered and unexpressed!"

But in all religions you will find when people customarily pray or ritually pray, they usually thank GOD in that prayer, and there is where the blessings come, through thanksgiving and praise; not so much through beseeching with a groveling attitude towards GOD, neither by yelling and shouting to the top of your voice as though GOD is not real and cannot be heard and cannot hear you. But when you pray, as said the scripture,

"Enter into thy closet and when the door is shut pray to the Lord thy GOD in secret, and HE Who seeth in secret HIMSELF shall reward thee openly!"

But the prayer, even as described in the Bible, asking to let the Kingdom come and the Will be done in earth or on earth as it is in heaven, such a supplication or such a request or beseech is more bringing an end to the undesirable that may have resulted in your experience, when you realize the Kingdom of GOD cometh and the Will of GOD being done on earth as it is in heaven. But, on the other hand, another writer says:

"You know not how to pray as you ought, but the Spirit Itself maketh intercessions in groanings which cannot be uttered, for HE that searcheth the heart knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, for HE maketh intercessions for the Saints according to the Will of GOD!"

So giving thanks and giving praise, intercession is made; for

"HE that searcheth the heart, maketh intercessions,"

and your prayers, or the prayers of the One Who searcheth the heart, can be heard and answered more speedily when your conscious mentality is relaxed concerning your suffering and when you have put your energy your mind and your attention into Thanksgiving and Praise!

Dr. Kimbro: I experienced that last night, FATHER.

FATHER: So it is a wonderful Blessing.

Dr. Kimbro: Thank YOU, FATHER.

FATHER: Doctor, what seems to be your trouble?

Dr. Kimbro: Nerves. It is neuritis.It is what we call it more than anything; and it is arthritis too; and the sciatic nerve is most affected. The pain is moving, it is not dormant, it is from the hip and sliding to the knees and back; and now the ankle is swollen. And since I got that intuitive revelation last night it is easing up everything, and I am not worrying about the pain at all because I realize there is a purpose of some kind.


Praise GOD Over All Oppositions

FATHER: Yes, there is a cause for every defect and a cause for every effect. So it is a blessing to know there is, and to give Thanks and Praise to GOD over and above all oppositions. But one thought might be good to be considered — the things that are detrimental to your physical system and to your ailing limbs or affliction, it might be good for you to abstain from those things, whatsoever they may be. Of course, I know resentment, anger and any of those detestable characteristics such as resentment, anger, jealous, prejudice and bigotry and any of the conflicting and antagonistic characteristics are detrimental. But there are, at times, things that individuals may eat or drink that may be detrimental to the physical system according to the ailment and complaint.

It appears that one should abstain from all sour things — all sour things with arthritis, with rheumatism and with sciatica or inflammatory, or anything of that kind that tends to affect the limbs or body and is in the joints or bones, or something of that sort. It appears as if though one should abstain from all salty things and sweets, because such things tend to agitate apparently. But especially everything that is very sour and anything that is very salty, lots of salt. And so often one's appetite call for those things that are just exactly detrimental to the physical condition; by refusing to obey that appetite that calls for the thing that is detrimental to his physical system. If he disobeys it he conquers his own will and wins the victory over his afflictions!

Dr. Kimbro: But, FATHER Dear, I live almost the way to YOUR Teaching. I live that very closely

FATHER: Well, it is good, I believe, to test it out.

Dr. Kimbro: All these detrimental things mental, outside of anger, hatred or anything, I have no such things in me toward any human being of any kind!


Flare Ups

FATHER: That is good, but sometimes a person may not even be angry, but if one is quick to ge angry and resentful, it sometimes happens detrimental or in opposition to them and they allow anger to flare up in their conscious mentality and cause them to act upon the impulse of the moment antagonistically, in that instance in the physical system and works detrimentally to the physical condition!

Dr. Kimbro: But I have trained myself not to get angry; except, FATHER, when they talk against YOU, I can't help myself; I get angry!

FATHER: You can let them talk all they want to, for you must not get angry for any cause whatsoever. That is the mystery and the key to the Victory to overcome such a condition, for

"Such kind cometh out with fasting and prayer."

When you have a desire to do something or say something, or would say it and would have a desire to rise against anyone who would be malicious or antagonistic for any cause whatsoever, such kind will come out with fasting and with prayer; by fasting from doing what your temper or resentment might tell you to do! The great consolation is that GOD has said,

"Vengeance is Mine and I will repay."

And the great consolation again— I brought before your minds eye and the public at large the mystery of retribution automatically coming to thousands of people!

Dr. Kimbro: I experience that also, FATHER!


Let GOD Fight the Battle

FATHER: Sure!That should cause you not to rise up or get resentful or get angry, matters not what anyone may say against ME or anyone else; because it is written "I will fight your battle." and automatically that which comes to the opposing forces and individuals, they do not only fight against principalities and powers but also, as the Apostle said, against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places! You must be able to fight against them; in other words, take a stand against them without getting resentful or angry knowing that the Spirit is It that will do it and not yourself! As one writer said,

"The Lord will do and not we ourselves!"

So if you will let My Spirit fight your battle It will overcome every opposition for you! Then if you will abstain from all those undesirable things that are detrimental to your physical system and refuse to eat them or drink them, you will overcome every undesirable condition in your system, and will be able to master the situation!

So keep the Faith and live the Life! Contact ME mentally and spiritually conscientiously and sincerely, sympathetically and harmoniously, and through a harmonious contact continuously, you will have the Victory, and all of those aches and pains will leave you completely! I thank you.
