The Miracle of Good Health.

What Seems to Be the Trouble?










FATHER DIVINE grants interview to Dr. Ida Love
in His private Office Study of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School of Pennsylvania,
Wednesday, June 22, 1949 A.D.F.D., Time— 9:48 P.M.
Reprinted in The New Day of September 9th, 1972, Page 14.




Heart Condition

(After Dr. Love tells FATHER her troubles, FATHER speaks on thuswise:)

It is not anything I do as a Person to reach one's condition, but as you contact ME mentally and spiritually, conscientiously and sincerely, sympathetically and harmoniously, having implicit Faith and unshaken Confidence, MY Spirit can and will help you and will adjust matters satisfactorily for you for it is written,

"Call on ME in the day of trouble and I will deliver you!"


"It is not done by power neither by might but by MY Spirit says the LORD!"

Therefore, the help you would derive from your contact with ME would not be by any physical efforts, material methods or material remedies or any personal contact necessarily, but as you contact ME mentally and spiritually through your Faith, you can get results, for it it written, "It is not by power nor by might but by MY Spirit, says the LORD!" Therefore, the Spirit will do all things for those who contact ME sympathetically and harmoniously and conscientiously and sincerely!

So if you can but do so, and can and will relax your conscious mentality and still yourself MY Spirit can and will reach your condition! Although it may be good to abstain from certain things that you would eat, if they are detrimental to your physical condition or physical system. At the present you might would abstain from eating anything that would antagonize or advance the condition of your heart or swelling in your limbs and pains and such as that, to give MY Spirit a chance to free you from the condition. You would eliminate that which would agitate and increase it and MY Spirit can and will reach your condition if you can and will contact ME to that end!

Dr. Love: FATHER DIVINE, I will be glad to do that.

FATHER: Yes, I will be glad to help you from that end.

Dr. Love: All right, FATHER, thank YOU very much!

FATHER: Doctor, may I have your address?

Dr. Love: Yes, YOU may. (She gives her address.) I have a beauty culture and cosmetic studio there.

FATHER: Yes. Well, you just keep the Faith. It is not necessary to contact ME again unless you just wish to come to the meetings; but I AM sure you will get results if you continue to keep the Faith and will be in sympathy and in harmony; for the Spirit of MY Presence is just like the current of the wavelengths that is transmitted through the ether. It goes through the ether. It reaches the receiving sets from the broadcasting stations, you see.

Dr. Love: Yes.

FATHER: The broadcast, you can dial in on any station that is broadcasting; you can get results!

Dr Love: Thank YOU.

FATHER: That is just as scientific as can be! So when you contact ME mentally and spiritually it is just like dialing in on your radio receiving set from WOR,

Dr. Love: Yes, I understand.

FATHER: or any other station. By concentration the transmission of that which is within will reach you and there you will get results, because it is not the physical but the spiritual!

(Here FATHER refers to the photograph on the cover of the issue of The New Day before HIM.)

Through your many toils from a physical, mental and spiritual point of view as though you were toiling in vain — mentally, spiritually and physically, at times — no doubt you were somewhat discouraged; but if you look over this vast audience today and think of the millions and millions the universe over who have been lifted from vice and crime and from sin and debauchery of every kind, and are living above reproach through and by toiling in the Vineyard of the Lord; not necessarily confined, as I said, to that of physical toil — but remember, you can work out your own soul's salvation with fear and with trembling, at times, when you are fearful in the way of fearing the Lord because of your sins and iniquities.


Labor Day

Therefore, today has been set apart — commonly considered as Labor Day; but you realize is was not confined to that of a physical toil, but going into the Work of the Spirit and of your mind to work out your soul's Salvation and to free yourself from vice and crime.

For this cause we rejoice to show the world at large a slight sketch and a reflection of what you have done through your toil in your many days of your journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, you were working out your own soul's Salvation; working out your spirit and your mind and your ideas and opinions from vice and from crime and from sinning, so that you might present your bodies as living sacrifices, wholly unto GOD,which is your reasonable service.

Had it not been some Spiritual Work done, had it not been some Mental Work done, had it not been some Social Work done, your souls and your bodies — a good many of you would be lying in the silent tomb! But because of this Labor, not just a physical labor, but a mental and spiritual Work that has been going on in your hearts and in your minds, and in the midst of the children of men, I have lifted up a standard of Perfection second to none! I have freed you from vice and crime and caused you to work out your soul's Salvation and caused you to be workers together with Christ, to work for the Salvation of others and to lead this world in which you live out of vice and crime and sin of every kind!

For this cause we do rejoice to present to the world an abstract expression of a sketch and a reflection of the results of the days you have been working. Aren't you glad! Had it not been some spiritual Work done, you could not have brought about the desirable results in your spirit, in your body and in your mind. But by working from an international point of view, freeing yourself from all of your preconceived ideas and opinions and human pleasures and their tendencies, I have given you the victory as you have worked out your soul's Salvation over and above all oppositions!


GOD'S Work Among the Children of Men

Now do not take this lightly, and those of our fellow citizens, hears and friends, look over this vast audience and observe what GOD in the midst of this people has done and is actually doing! Not merely laboring and toiling laboriously, but working you out of vice and crime and freeing you from sin and debauchery of every kind!

It has been conservatively estimated in New York City that the Spirit of MY Work there and of your work with ME there spiritually and mentally, it is worth more than a thousand policemen!

Then I say, this work is not confined to merely toiling with your hands necessarily but it works in the midst of the children of men! It saves them from vice and crime and lifts a moral betterment in the midst of them and a standard that will save them eventually from all things that are wrong! Aren't you glad!

The police department in New York City can tell you MY Work there is worth more from a social and from a legitimate point of view in the way of working and curbing vice and crime and sin by the Spirit of MY Presence among them, more than a thousand policemen could do in the city of New York!

For this cause we do rejoice and we are glad to present to the world at large a sketch and a reflection of what we shall do all over this wide extended plane! This is the Sample, this is the Example! It also has been conservatively estimated from an economic point of view, MY Followers in the city of New York, by MY Work and Mission, have saved the city of New York three million dollars annually! Therefore I say, there is some moral and social and spiritual Work being done!

When a moral betterment has been lifted among you, it will curb dishonesty and incompetency! It purges the people of that which would even so much as cause them to commit a crime!

I have not done anything yet to what I will do, for I AM taking on thousands and thousands more of who will follow ME wheresoever I may go! In the different vicinities, in the slums or surrounding where MY Spirit and MY Mind have access for expression and MY Presence is there in active service, I AM cleansing and cleaning your city of the slums and I AM causing your communities to be fit places in which to live!


A Work Marvelous in Our Eyes

Then there are many things I could say but the time will not permit at this instance, but I thought to drop these few thoughts, for your consideration so that you might realize, Labor Day to ME does not mean out in the field toiling, doing laborious work; it does not just mean to ME, in the house cooking! When I have worked all vice and crime and sin and debauchery out of your mind and purged you as silver and gold are purged, then I believe I have done a Work in your day that is marvelous in your eyes!

(FATHER then, referring to the moral standard lifted before HIM in the Holy Communion Hall, says:)

This is the results of it!

Out of this vast audience here, not a true follower of Mine you have ever seen smoking a cigarette! Aren't you glad! Out of all of these millions and millions of followers the universe over, you have never seen a true follower of Mine refuse to pay a just debt! Then there must be some labor done among the people —to purge them of all dishonesty, incompetence and untruth that they, the people, might be a peculiar people, zealous unto a good Work!

There are many things I could say, but I refrain from speaking at this instance. You may hear from ME a little later, as the time seems to be quite well expired for this setting and this particular banquet of the different settings and services we have made out of this banquet. We still have another one to serve and we desire to serve over and over again as I did this one at eleven and twelve o'clock, until all who have not dined shall be generously served. Aren't you glad!


No True Follower Will Try o Get Something For Nothing

Again I wish to say, Not a true follower of Mine will try to get something for nothing! Aren't you glad! There are those who pretend to be followers of Mine of whom will come even in the Holy Communion Hall and try to get something for nothing! If you are a follower of Mine, you know the truth of retribution and you know the truth of cause and effect! You know, whatsoever you sow, you shall also reap! You know better than to try to get something for nothing! No one may force an issue, but that which is just and right will automatically come to you even as that which is right comes to ME and those with whom I AM concerned!

So, work as the song has said, for

"Today is the day of Salvation, today is the day of Grace."

Those of you who will live according to the working of MY Spirit among you, just as I have done to you and for you, so will you do to and for others as I have done to and for you! I thank you. I thank you. I thank you.

Dr. Love: Yes

FATHER: Therefore, "It is not by power nor by might but by MY Spirit!"

Dr. Love: Thank YOU, FATHER!

FATHER: And that is why the people are convinced of MY Deity. Through the Faith they have in ME they get results spiritually and scientifically — just a scientific as the radio broadcasting system!

Dr. Love (rising): Well I shall call on YOU. I have been and I am going to continue!

FATHER: Okay; and from this, from now on you may rest assured that you will get results if you set your house in readiness to receive it, you see! Set your Physical house, your physical system and being in order, and in readiness, to receive the results!

Dr. Love (happily): All right, thank YOU, FATHER!

FATHER: Peace and many blessings!

Dr. Love:Thank YOU so much! Peace FATHER!

FATHER: Peace!

