at the Tarrytown Estate



Mr. Robert Sasso — Montreal, Canada:

Peace FATHER Dear, Peace MOTHER Dear, Peace Everyone: FATHER Darling, I am so happy and so glad to be here with MOTHER and YOU and all the Brothers and Sisters! FATHER Dear, I could not keep quiet when I think what YOU've done for the world, but what YOU have done for me personally, FATHER, keeping me out of the grave twice. FATHER Darling, I often look at the sister. I didn't have the faith, FATHER, that I have today unto YOU, GOD, but the sister — in 1944 I was pretty well gone, FATHER. I was almost eaten up inside with a cancer.

And the sister made an appointment, FATHER, which YOU bear record, to the doctors behind me back, for me to come and have an interview, FATHER. So the next day she said, "You are not going to work, you are bleeding like a pig and you are in no condition!" — and I was failing, FATHER Dear. Only YOUR Spirit, FATHER., was so strong into the sister, in YOUR–Faith, she said to me in the dining room, she said, "You are not going to the hospital," I said, "No, I had enough of the doctors in the army and in the navy; I had enough of them; I don't want no more!" "Well" she said, "you've got nothing to lose, you've got everything to gain. I'm going to try FATHER DIVINE in Philadelphia." I said, "You!—what do you know about FATHER DIVINE?" She said, "You'll find out in a few minutes."

So, FATHER Dear, the pain stopped and the blood stopped functioning from the body, and I was like I was in a trance while she was telephoning to YOU, FATHER, right upstairs in this Extension, five minutes to eleven o'clock in the night — and I'm looking at her, FATHER, just like I'm looking at YOU
and MOTHER now.  I said, "What are you doing?" She said, "You'll know in a few minutes." FATHER Dear, she rang YOU up and she caught YOU! And FATHER, I was like a little boy. Instead of being a man I was like a little boy — I was looking at her and I had no more pains than I have today, FATHER. The blood stopped, teetotally, through YOUR. Spirit, and the faith that she had in YOU, GOD! I know it today but I didn't know it then.

FATHER Dear, she told YOU the story about me, and FATHER says, "Where is the brother?" She says, "Right here." "Put the brother on the line." FATHER Dear, YOU gave me Peace and I gave YOU Peace back, and YOU asked me what was the trouble, and I told YOU that the doctors only give me two more months to live or I am teetotally finished. "Well," FATHER says, "you don't know Who I AM, but you go and do what the physicians say, and MY Spirit in the physician's body will heal you." I switched right back, FATHER Dear, and I told YOU, Darling, "I'm not bleeding now; I've got no pains." YOU said to me, FATHER Dear — I'm in Montreal, and YOU here — YOU said to me, "You will have no more pains tomorrow."

FATHER, Dear, I obeyed YOUR. orders, I went under the operation. When I come out I looked at the sister and I said, "This is a wonderful day for me!" — and it was FATHER! That's why I praise YOUR NAME not only here but to all my peoples that I am circled with, FATHER! (applause)

FATHER Dear, as I said, I went underneath the operation. I said to the sister, "I am going to see FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE in Philadelphia." She said, "You sure you are going?" I said, "Yes." She said, "Well, I'm going too." And FATHER, I come and seen YOU. I didn't understand so good, FATHER, but I put me name in to go and see YOU in YOUR office, and Brother Philip come back and he said, "FATHER will call you between now and eight o'clock tonight." Well FATHER, you hear tell of the people falling down the stairs — going up to see YOU, FATHER, I fell up the stairs! I got so over enjoyed, FATHER.

When I got in the office I seen YOU, FATHER, and I spoke to you, and I'm shaking in me boots because as soon as I looked at YOU, FATHER Dear, I knew YOU was no ordinary person! Then YOU asked me what was the trouble and I said, "FATHER Darling, I come to thank YOU for YOUR wonderful Mercy and Compassion and Blessing upon this body. You kept me out of the grave twice, FATHER! When the doctors said it was no hopes of bringing me out, YOUR Spirit brought me out, FATHER, and I praise YOUR Holy Name unto the doctors. The hospital knows all about YOU!" I said, YOU're the One that's doing it today!"

And FATHER Dear, sometimes — I know it don't sound right but I know YOU are GOD — I turn around and I look at the sister like a little boy instead of a man, and FATHER Dear, she says to me, "What are you looking at?" "Well," I says, "I'm looking at FATHER in your body - what HIS Spirit done in your body for me!" And look at me today, as sound as a drum! FATHER; I went to the physician lately, he couldn't understand. For a man in mortal consciousness, FATHER, of my age, he says, "I don't understand you at all! Your heart is like a rock," he says, "for your age." "Well," I says, "I'm only sixteen." (merriment) He said, "You're more than any sixteen." "Well," I says, "I know what you mean, doctor - you want to go by the birth certificate. I was born eighteen ninety-four, the sixteenth of July — and FATHER, Dear, bless YOUR. HOLY NAME, GOD, YOU make me do all kinds of handsprings on the floor and everything, where people is looking at me and they can't understand, thank YOU FATHER! — but I give YOU, GOD, the Honor and the Glory for YOUR Love and Mercy and Compassion upon me!"

I was way up in Montreal but wasn't conscious of the Ever Presence, FATHER, — but the sister, she was, FATHER, Dear, and she was determined she was going to follow what the Spirit led her to do. Here I am, Brothers and Sisters! I never felt so good in all me life, and that's why I like to talk about Sweet GOD FATHER DIVINE! Sometimes I get into awful trouble but YOUR. Spirit brings me out! They ask me ,"I don't understand you," they say. "We've known you a long time." I says, "You thought you did, but you don't know me today!"

Well, FATHER Dear, I want to tell the world, tell them what YOU've done for me, because I have the tape recorder home and I have YOU and MOTHER, and I have all the Sisters and the Brothers playing, singing there, and I'm singing too! And I say, FATHER Darling, I was never so happy in all my life, and I want to thank YOU, GOD! As long as YOU give me breath and I obey YOU, FATHER, which I promised YOU I would, and I won't take it back, I'm going all the way with YOU and MOTHER! I thank YOU, GOD, for all YOUR, Blessings that YOU've bestowed on this body, and each and every one of us, FATHER! I thank YOU, FATHER, and I thank You, MOTHER Dear. Thank YOU LORD!

Mr. Eugene Ammann — Switzerland

Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace Everyone: Thank YOU FATHER. for being here in this beautiful Country. I thank YOU FATHER for the beautiful testimony we heard, of the brother. (applause) I thank YOU FATHER for YOUR beautiful Message! (again applause) I love FATHER's sweet Voice, the most beautiful Voice on earth! ("So true!" came the sanction.} And you heard FATHER saying that there is a magnetism in man that is greater, or can transcend gravitation, and thank YOU FATHER for having given me a little experience of that. I have actually experienced that — the wisdom of that — and to me, it was a reality!

It was during World. War II, and you know, Switzerland was blessed — we had no war, but we had to get ready, to be ready — and so we had to do service, military service. There was one night we had a big maneuver and it was in the early spring. It was rather cold, raining and snowing, and we went uphill, and it was around one o'clock in the morning. So they said we had to stop because the artillery was ahead and they got stuck. The ground was wet and they got stuck in the mud, so we had to wait. We lay down in the wet grass and I fell asleep, and sometime a little later, one of the others awoke me. "Come on! Come on, it's going forward!" And as soon as I wanted to move I felt a terrible pain all through the chest and I felt, like, frozen; I could not move.

And then there was a fear trying to keep me, and at that time — it is wonderful — I did not know anything about FATHER DIVINE, but in some way I started speaking with GOD and I told HIM, I said, "Well now, I'm finished — but that body belongs to YOU and what do I have to care about that body? — that body belongs to YOU and now YOU walk with that body — I can't do it." And I got up — it was not me. HE got up in that body; and I took up all the load— the machine gun and ammunition and the heavy things, but I felt no weight. And when walking, I was not walking I was floating. I was actually floating!— there was no gravitation no more — and that lasted for at least half an hour. And as soon as the comrades started talking about mortal things of course, then I felt coming down —but all the pain and everything was dispelled! (applause)

I was never talking to anyone about that because it was too holy to me, because there is a passage in the Sermon on the Mount where it says:

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you."

But here in this Holy Family I felt moved to tell about it, and only to the Honor and to the Praise of FATHER DIVINE, because FATHER truly is GOD and HE has gone nowhere. HE cannot go because HE is LIFE! HE fills all space, and as soon as we contact FATHER mentally and spiritually we feel lifted at any time.

So FATHER is a REALITY, HE is a beautiful REALITY! FATHER and MOTHER, is Wonderful! I thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER Dear.

