"Those Who Have Chosen God, They Are the Chosen of the Lord."

"As a Man Thinketh."

Given at 115th Street, N.Y.C. 3-6-38, A.D.F.D., 1:55 P.M.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



Those who have chosen GOD, they are the chosen of the LORD. If you choose GOD, GOD will choose you.

You said in that little composition'. "My Sweet FATHER! My Sweet FATHER! If you see it to be, to you it is true, but only to you., and to others as they see it, even as you do. That is the mystery. So it is a privilege to observe the mystery. Just what you take ME, to be, I will be that for you. Aren't you glad?

I AM just what you take ME to be, If you see ME, to be "Sweet", to you I will be sweet. If you see ME to be bitter, to you I will be bitter. If you see ME to be sour, to you I will be sour; for "as a man thinketh in his heart., so is he".

Therefore, to those who have chosen GOD, they are the chosen of the LORD. Those who love GOD, they are loved by the LORD with an especial love. according to their love for HIM. Aren't you glad?

(N. D. 3-17-38 A.D.F.D., pp. 17-18)
