"Why Should I Work So Hard? I Am Not Getting Any Younger,"

"As a Man Thinketh in His Heart So Is He"

Given at Kingston, N.Y. 6-19-36 A.D.F.D., 2:70 P.M.

Statuary of The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Portal of Life Eternal at The Mount of the House of the Lord



You hear so many people say:

"I am not going to work myself to death." You hear lots of then say in mortal consciousness and all such as that. As long as you think you are not - "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." -If you. think you are not getting any younger whichever, you will continue to be the expresser of getting more elderly. It is indeed Wonderful! But as long as you think of yourself as giving yourself to GOD, think of yourself as giving yourself to GOD and becoming to be newer and younger in expression, you will find yourself expressing the same. But these expressions can only come through self-denial, for self-indulgence and selfishness will suggest many points to cause you to be justified in that which you might do for the appeasing of self

(S.W. 7-11-36 A.D.F.D., P. 19)

