"How Glorious it Is to Lift up a Standard Within Yourself!"

"I must Be Profitable for the Sake of Others." -- FATHER DIVINE

Holy Communion Banquet Table

Holy Communion Banquet Table



An excerpt from a message by FATHER DIVINE
GIVEN at Madison Ave.
N.Y.C. 7- 17-39 A.D.F.D. 2:30 PM.


I do not want any hatred in MY Heart! - I do not want any sorrow in MY Heart! - I do not want any'. wickedness in MY Heart! - I do not want any sin in MY Heart! - I o not want any doubts in MY Heart! - I do not want any fears in MY Heart! - I do not want any sadness in MY Heart! - - - I do not want any laziness in MY Heart!

Each and all of those detestable characteristics of the minds and the nature and the characters of men, I do not want them within, hence, if you are those things, if you are in ME I will have to take you out of ME, for I should not be unprofitable. I must be profitable; for it is written of ME-: "HE shall ride through the land prosperously!';

Can you not see the mystery?

Then I must be profitable for the sake of others and I must be practical and I must be good for something for the sake of others. If I AM good for nothing, impractical, unprofitable and L slothful, doubtful and always a failure, I cannot expect to be a blessing to others; therefore, do not give ME any of your slothfulness, any of your impracticalness, any of your good-for-nothingness nor any of your un-profitableness; for I must be Successful and I must be Prosperous and I must be Healthy, I must be Happy and I must not be sad nor express anything sadly but express the Joy and the Gladness of the ALMIGHTY! I must be all of these things, for those with whom I AM connected, as millions of souls, arc depending on HE and are relying on what I may say in MY Words of Actions and in MY Words of Deeds., to bring PEACE to mankind!

For this cause I must express the bests I must look the best, I must feel the best, I must think the best, I must act the best and I must demonstrate the best of the best from every angle expressible, for I am expressing for others. I forbid MYSELF to express selfishly! Let MY Words., MY Deeds and MY Actions be expressions for others, that they might be partakers of them, to take on more of MY Characteristics and MY Nature; for if I take on yours and you arc slothful, impractical, unprofitable and good for nothing I will be demonstrating the good-for-nothingness of the impractical and manifesting the impracticalness of the good for nothing; hence I would not be practical to MYSELF nor to others.

But oh, how glorious it is to lift up a Standard within yourself!

(N. D. 7-20-39 A.D.F.D., pp. 15-16)

