"By Taking Thought You Cannot Add One Cubit to Your Stature." --- Jesus

The Relaxation of The Conscious Mentality

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord


Your conscious mentality may prohibit you from making the rightful contact, GOD is not contacting mortality, but the true Immortality of Life. Therefore, when you make your conscious contact, it simply means to relax. It does not mean that you must struggle, or sit and try to get your mind on someone that is sick, or afflicted, and think about them. It means to ignore that thought, and be still in the time of trouble, and let MY Spirit within you reach the condition. It is O. K. for you to call on GOD in the day of trouble, such is but the fulfilling of the Word, but remember, the relaxation of your conscious mentality is essential, that the Spirit of GOD'S Presence might work for you.

Take these thoughts into consideration. There are many, even among those of MY immediate Representatives, thinking within themselves that by going out in MY Name concentrating on troubles, sorrows., miseries and woes, they can eradicate and dispel such conditions. It is a matter of impossibility. It has long since been said, by the mouth of Jesus, the great Teacher,

'By taking thought you cannot add one cubit to your stature.'

You need not take thought concerning ME, nor MY Personal nor Spiritual activities, but if you direct your thoughts to Him That Liveth Forever, and relax your conscious mentality., GOD can use your subconsciousness and can use the spirit of your mind to broadcast the Message of Salvation to all mankind.

I am not thinking about taking any thought of your sorrows, your troubles, adverse, or undesirable conditions. The Spirit of MY Mind and the Mind of MY Spirit is sufficient. I can relax MY Conscious Mentality as a Person, and the Spirit of MY Mind will work effectively, but if I would try to work through MY Physical Efforts and through MY Conscious Mentality as a Person, then and there I would detract from the very Omnipotence of MY Majesty. When you tell ME of your troubles, when you tell ME of your limitations and complaints, if you tell ME Personally, or if you tell mentally and Spiritually, I do not consider them, for I know they have no existence in MY Consciousness, nor in the Spiritual Realm of Life. Therefore, I do not give them any life-force, and I do not encourage them nor energize them by the Spirit of MY Presence if they are nothing, for they are the nothingness of nothing, and why should I think of nothing, when I have Something to think of?

(N. D. 3-11-61 A.D.F.D. p. 11) .

