Jesus Said: "It Is Eternal Life to Know Thee."

Philip Said:"Lord, Shew Us the Father And it Sufficeth Us."

(An excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon
Given at Rockland Palace, N.Y.C., 9-21-43 A.D.F.D., 11:50 P.m.)

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord


When I speak in you., then you will know; but you will not know until I speak in you. You may hear ME say this that or the other; you may even so much as read it as much as you wish to; but unless 1 speak in you, you will not know! If I speak in you, then you will know. Jesus said: You. have declared He was speaking to ME -

'the, only true GOD., and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent.'

Aren't you glad?

He did not say, "It is eternal life to read of Thee.." but

'eternal life to know Thee.'

Aren't you glad? You will know ME not merely by reading of ME, but by imbibing ME and re-speaking ME. Let ME, speak in thee! Aren1t you glad?

When I have free access for expression, I will change your nature and your characteristics and you will become to be new creatures. You will think and act differently and will even look different because of the transforming spirit and MIND within. Your physical bodily forms will be changed and you become to be new creatures not only characteristically but dispositionally and physically that. you. might be living Epistles seen and read by men.

(N. D. 4-14-62 p. 6)

Philip saith unto him,

'Lord, shew us the Father and it sufficeth us.'

Jesus saith unto him,

'Have I been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me., Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayeth thou then Shew us the Father?'

(ST. JOHN 14: 8-9)