"Little Words of Kindness and Little Deeds of Love --- These Should Be Our Watchwords."

Getting Along With Your Fellowmen.



The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord





Live in the recognition of GOD'S actual presence and if you fulfil the law of love and unselfishness you fulfil the whole law......Wear the world as a loose garment but love ye one another wholeheartedly and put off all mortality, all human selfish tendencies, fancies and pleasures, and all self and get away from yourself from a personal point of view and live in the actual presence of GOD by loving one another wholeheartedly! - Given June 24, 1942; 7:55 p.m.


"Little words of kindness and little deeds of love these should be our watchwords, stamped in our memories for consideration; yea, even at the times and time of trials and tribulations, if words of kindness, if deeds of love are presented in every conflict, the scripture is fulfilled in your experience;

A kind word turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger.'

Given January 22, 1937:11:00 a.m.


"If there is space in your mentality for criticism, even of the least person, without a cause, you are destroying your own soul. Negative thinking is destructive, it matters not whether your negative thoughts are founded upon facts or founded upon falsehood. Negative thinking is destructive. Negative actions are the same. It is indeed wonderful!" Given October 23, 1935; after midnight.


"When you learn all men are your brethren, all mankind are your relatives, you come in such a close relationship and in an at-one-ment until you think for the common good of all mankind, even as you think for yourself as an individual! Whilst you are thinking for others scientifically, intellectually, industrially, legally, politically, socially and otherwise, others are thinking for you!" Given October 15, 1939; 6:15 p.m.


"If you give to the world the best you have, the best will come back to you!....Give out, give out, give out. Give out the best you have and the best is obliged to return! Your life's energy, your understanding, your ambition and your wisdom and your knowledge, and everything that has been given to you, it was not given to you for a selfish purpose, neither for you to use it selfishly; but use both it and them absolutely unselfishly and be impersonal in all of your endeavors. Then and only then will you have a free access, and of your kingdom and increase there will be no end!" Given November 16, 1939; 11:35 p.m.


"Serve (others) as you wish to be served; do to others as you wish to be done to; speak to others as you wish to be spoken to; sit by others as you wish to be sat by; stand by others as you wish to be stood by; and walk by others as you wish to be walked by! This is the law of the new Gospel, the new Gospel of the Kingdom, which the angels have been preaching while they were flying in the midst of the Kingdom of Heaven. Aren't you glad!"Given June 14, 1937; 4:00 p.m.


"Live the Life of CHRIST, and be conscientious, sincere and true, and the Spirit of CHRIST within you will tell you exactly what to do. That is pretty fair, isn't it?" Given November 25, 1941; 4:20 a.m.


"How marvelous it is to be made useful not useless, but useful! Full of use, of uses, so that you can be used in different manners of expression! to be actively essential, actively necessary, while others are becoming to be absolutely non-essential and unnecessary!" Given January 10, 1946; 3:48 a.m.


"Express your thoughts in actions and in deeds with the spirit of sincerity. Be conscientious in your very spoken word! Be sincere; if not serious, be sincere! You do not have to put on a sanctimonious face you can be conscientious and yet sincere; and yet express the spirit of sincerity without being an expression of sadness, as is commonly considered by some as serious!" Given June 7, 1938; 1:50 a.m.


"It is good to be meek and lowly. It is good to be self-denied. It is good to be a living sacrifice, and especially to be open to and for any good idea and opinion that may come from another. ..You should not feel that you know things and understand things better than any one else, or everyone else, whichever. You may know some things better than some others, but if you are not a criterion, if you are not the Perfect One, the Perfect Picture which has been declared to be Perfection you should not set up yourself in consideration as perfect, that others should or must especially believe what you say and do, to be the best and to be the truth, unless it is proven. If it is proven, it is justifiable." Given February 25, 1946; 3:30 a.m.


"Constructive criticism is essential for the advancement of the people. You should rejoice in being criticized, that you might realize your shortcomings and lack of perfection, that you might endeavor to right the wrong, and perfect imperfection, that you might be the Expressers of the better and the greater. Isn't that wonderful?" Given January 1, 1935; 9:00 p.m.


"The average self-exalted person who feels he is not or she is not going to be taught or bossed, or led or controlled, has no right whatsoever to control others...You desire to instruct others, lead others and inspire others, and be as a helper to and for others; unless you are willing to be helped or inspired, blessed or controlled firstly, it is a matter of impossibility for you to have, or to do, or to be, duly authorized to control, instruct and lead and teach and guide others,...How can you be a master, unless you are willing to be mastered?" Given December 28, 1941; 5:00 p.m.


"When you think you know, your knowledge puffs you up and hinders and prevents you from having the faith you should have; because you know! You think you know!...If you know definitely and see definitely how can you have faith?...Your faith must go into infinitude and transcend what you actually know! Have faith and believe, and substantiate yourself in such faith and belief as to reach out in the things you do not see and know, and know definitely things are possible for you where there is no human possibility. Can you not see the mystery?" Given 25, 1941; 2:45 a.m.

