The Everpresence of GOD, FATHER DIVINE

These are excerpts taken from a letter and various messages given by Rev. M. J. Divine, Ms. D., D. D. (Better known as Father Divine)


The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



"You do realize GOD is present on the planet earth but you must realize GOD is present in hand's reach."

The New Day, May 30, 1959 A.D.F.D.




"...when you shall have been transformed by the renewing of your mind, you can contact Me when I AM present Personally and you can contact Me equivalently the same when I AM absent Personally! For the very Spirit of My Impersonal Presence will be it of which will do the work for you when I AM Personally Present or Personally absent. Then when I AM apparently away, I AM here the same as I AM tonight and today, for My Impersonal Life having condescended to impute Itself in a Body and to impute Itself to you as a Person, that it might draw you out of personality into the Impersonal State of Consciousness, that you may live not after the flesh but after the Spirit. -- Sayville, 1931"




"If your Faith is substantiated and if you are unshaken in confidence, by living in substantiated Faith and being the same at My Personal absence as in My Personal Presence; I will come unto you. I will be with you and I will presently and Personally present Myself as you relax and deny yourself. By getting the substance and living accordingly it will attract the Body, the Visib1e. to you."

The New Day, Nov. 2,1957 A.D.F.D.




"Hold fast to the consciousness of My Presence in Spirit. Body and Mind at ALL times everywhere - If each of you will refuse to separate Mv Spirit and My Body in your consideration it will be a matter of impossibility for you to be severed from health, from contentment or from any attribute I possess. Though you might not see Me with your physical eyes, it is My Personal Body that is serving you."

The New Day, Sept. 26, 1959 A.D.F.D




"The Body is One with the Mind and with the Spirit -- the three inseparable."

The New Day, June 11, 1960 A.D.F.D.********

"Wheresoever man is found and they become to be conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence and reckon it -- I mean, count it as One in the midst of others, GOD to you is a very Good Fellow!"

The New Day, Mar. 22, 1952 A.D.F.D.




"The disappearance of GOD is the veil of the mortal versions of men. It veils GOD from their observation. But when the Veil is torn in twain by the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence; then and there, Christ reappears and you can see Him as He Is."

The New Day, Sept. 27,1958 A.D.F.D.




"Do not allow GOD to be put away from your presence."

The New Day, May 30, 1959 A.D.F.D.




"When you arc fanatical, radical and ignorant enough to believe in unbelievable things. Such as believing in GODS ACTUAL PRESENCE at ALL times . . desirable results are brought about by thinking radically and fanatically on that line."

The New Day, Jan. 5, 1939 A.D.F.D.




"You may not be able to see Mc physically, yet the time shall come, or might I say the unfoldment of your consciousness will enable you to behold Me Personally, wheresoever you may be, and not only so, but to walk and talk with Me, for I AM Real, Real, Real!"

A letter to a follower in England.




"Conform yourselves to the conscious recognition and the realization of GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE, and you will be satisfied now, henceforth and forever, for you will have the Satisfier with you; not only with you, but within you and it will be a matter of impossibility for anything to hinder, for,

Greater is He Who is within you than all who could he against you.'

The New Day, Aug. 31, 1939 A.D.F.D.




"GOD is everywhere, and this message that I have brought out to you tonight is just to verify that. It has been brought out in words, but this is to verify that you cannot go anywhere where GOD is not, mentally, spiritually or otherwise. In whatsoever condition you find yourself, GOD is there if you really and truly know the Truth concerning Him, He may not be expressing Himself, or He may not be in operation, but He is there."

Metaphysical News, Sept. 21, 1932 A.D.F.D.

". . . that you may realize that GOD is here and now! And when you realize that, the Spirit of that Consciousness is the Source of ALL Supply and will satisfy every good desire!"

The New Day, Sept. 29, 1951 ADF,D.




"When I AM ABSENT in Body apparently, I AM present in Spirit in reality. I say, when I AM absent in Body apparently, because it is only an appearance."

The New Day, Sept. 27, 1958 A.D.F.D,




"Then you can see, know and say definitely whether I AM observable to mortality's version or not, FATHER is present, FATHER is here, FATHER is here to stay throughout all eternity for GOD is not to he measured with the measure of a man or else you will have Me absent at almost all times. When you have Me absent in consciousness, I will be absent in the expression of My Actual Presence, of My Blessings, of My Love, of My Mercy and yet of My Majesty for and over and above this people."

The New Day, July 20,1939 A.D.F.D.




"If you are not conscious of GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE, act it out until your consciousness comes. You may be unconscious or nonconscious of GOD'S Presence but if you will act it out according to the Gospel:

Reckon yourself to be dead and dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto GOD through Jesus Christ your Lord.

when this is done there and then your consciousness will come by reckoning and counting yourself to be dead continually, until you feel the Presence of the Infinite. That is the mystery!"

The New Day, June 25, 1960 A.D.F.D