"Christ Is Rich and All You Need and GOD Does Your Every Hunger Feed"

HE Is Everything to Me.

(An excerpt from a message by FATHER DIVINE Given at: 126th STREET., 3-23-36 A.D.F.D., 1:50 PM)

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord


I AM the Husband of the ones who are consecrated to the Service of GOD; men and women., regardless to what or who you are.. if you are of ME and I AM Who you say I AM, I AM everything to you. I AM your Mother, I AM your Father, I AM your Sister, I AM your Brother, I AM your Sons and I AM your Daughters. I AM your Friends and I AM your Kin. I have heard you say, and all Christianity say:

'HE is everything to me.'
That is what I am talking about.

Then, being everything to the different individuals, you hear a good many of you all in the Spirit say, through the volition of the Spirit beyond your personal control, "MY BABY!" "MY CHILD!" "MY FATHER!" "MY MOTHER!" "MY BROTHER!" "MY SISTER!" "MY GOD!" Hence., the human language with all of its vocabularies throughout all of the universe of civilizations is inadequate to explain just what GOD is to and for the children of men; therefore, they have to call ME the most dear and the dearest thing and the most close or closest thing to their mind, to their understanding; the thing that they adore the most, They have to call ME that, whatsoever would be desirable and that which is desirable; that which is highly esteemed .in their consideration; the most highly esteemed thing, according to their respective hobbies, according to their respective versions., according to their ambition and according to their calling.

They call ME the highest esteemed thing that they can think of in their vocabularies concerning those things; therefore., they have to speak by their own language and according to their own understanding, according to their own experience, and call ME by the most adorable and the most desirable end the most esteemed name in their consideration. That is why they call ME "BABY". (A loud echo of laughter and cheers resounded from the pleased throng. )

PEACE,, EVERYONE: ("Peace., FATHER Dear!" shouted the multitude.) Aren't you glad? Therefore, I AM just whatsoever they say I AM, for I AM everything that is good for the children of men. I AM the most esteemed among them.

'CHRIST is rich and all you need, and GOD does your every hunger feed,'
Whatsoever is desirable, whatsoever satisfies, I AM that SATISFIER, Aren't you glad? That is why the ALLNESS of GOD is a reality, for matter has been eradicated. I am dispelling matter and all mortality's versions, and I am taking full possession of all mortality's inheritance. That is what it is all about.

(N. D. 3-25-61 A.D.F.D., p. 9) .

