"All like Sheep Have Gone Astray!"

"Christ Is Being Born Every Day!"

(Given: Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 10-13/14-43 A.D.F.D. 1:1_5 A.M.)

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord


The same as I said in that interview to one of a recent date, those who are not of ME, they have birthdays, and they have birth records as well as birth dates, - and they will have a death record, or someone will have one for them.. if they don't get off of that line! If you are of ME you would be the same today, yesterday and throughout all eternity! Why are you going to have a birthday if every day is a birth? CHRIST is being born every day! If that is true, then why do you try to make pretend he was born any special day? If that is true, then why would you make pretend you were born any special date or any special day? It is evidently known the Body called JESUS did not say He was born thirty-three years before the Crucifixion, or else He would not have said,

'Before Abraham was, I AM!'

Truly might have one said,

'All like sheep have gone astray!" -

all going right down, running right down just like sheep; running down the same way and have not got any better sense than to do it and think that is something great!

N. D. 10-21-43 A.D.F.D., P. 17)