"Freedom, It Is This Divine Right of Choice!

"GOD, When HE Gave Man That Freedom to Choose, HE trusted HIS Own Spirit." --- MOTHER DIVINE

Remarks of MOTHER DIVINE At The Mount of the House of the Lord - July 4, 1974 A.D.F.D.

A Winter Trek at The Mount of the House of the Lord

A Winter Trek at The Mount of the House of the Lord


"Peace FATHER Dear! We truly do thank YOU for this Freedom and only YOU could bring it about, and it is this Divine Right of Choice! When YOU created man YOU gave him this free will, and YOU YOURSELF will not violate this that YOU gave to man~~the right to be free to choose for himself~~and this is what makes all the difference in the world between the forms of government today. America with her constitution, she safeguards this Divine Right of Choice. We have the perfect freedom to do right or to do wrong. We have the freedom to worship the true and the living GOD unadulterated and no one can take this right and this freedom from us.

The Constitution of the United States guarantees this freedom and GOD FATHER DIVINE has sacrificed or laid HIS Body behind the Constitution! HE has guarded the Constitution and the Constitution has prepared the way for HIS BODY to STAND BACK of the Constitution, if you understand what I mean; and this is the beauty of the Peace Mission, where you have that perfect freedom and that perfect liberty to love GOD and to serve HIM to your complete satisfaction.

FATHER DIVINE has given you this freedom and if you take this privilege that has been granted you, the very Spirit of GOD'S Presence is with you. I mean, everybody knows when you are in the Spirit and Mind of GOD and they don't touch the Ark, they just can't touch it. You just have this; you have the backing of, I guess FATHER would say, the Commonwealth of the Universe and it's wonderful! It is beautiful! And when you think of how many bodies have been tortured and martyred and suffered when they wanted this freedom and had the urge to express the Christ Characteristics and the Christ Mind, but today we are just free. We are just FREE!"

"And with this freedom, you know, you have the freedom to love GOD and to serve GOD but you also have the freedom to love and serve anything, and we can see those loving and serving the 'other fellow' and they have this freedom, and the Constitution guarantees this freedom. But GOD, when HE gave man that freedom to choose, HE trusted HIS Own Spirit, and knowing that HE birthed us in love HE knew that the love would come back to HIM freely, volitionally, without coercion, without persuasion. Regardless to the oppositions, regardless to the circumstances it will come back to HIM, come back to HIM in bodies submissive, meek and sweet, and this is what it's all about, that we love GOD for the sake of HIMSELF and the sake of TRUTH and because it's right; not for what we can gain or for a selfish purpose. So it is wonderful, FATHER Dear! We thank YOU! We thank YOU for this Sacred Privilege to LOVE YOU and to SERVE YOU and to KNOW YOU aright. Thank YOU, FATHER Dear!"