"There Is No End to What the Effect YOUR Work and Mission, FATHER DIVINE, Has On This Earth Plane.
"GOD Lives Forevermore!" ---MOTHER DIVINE

Remarks of MOTHER DIVINE At Woodmont, August 9, 1964 A.D.F.D.- 3:45 P.M.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord




"Peace , FATHER Dear! Peace, Everyone! Truly that song satisfies our souls, because we do sing within our hearts, 'How Great THOU ART'! Our HOLY REDEEMER, our beautiful SAVIOR! The GOD of the whole earth is with us to redeem us; and My Heart is filled with thanksgiving to think that I lived to see the day to know within My very BEING that GOD lives forevermore!

YOUR PRESENCE, FATHER Dear in the FATHERSHIP DEGREE has brought to the earth plane, never to go away, all that GOD IS! Mortality no longer has the victory! Oh, I love YOU, CHRIST, to think that PEACE is here forevermore! HAPPINESS is here forevermore! JOY is here forevermore! Sorrow has gone! It can no longer claim us and bind us!

The Abundance of every MATERIAL BLESSING is here forevermore! No longer can we be subjected to poverty and want, because GOD has brought us the VICTORY over these things! Just to think that LIFE and LIFE in ABUNDANCE is here for us to enjoy! It's on the earth plane, never to go away, for GOD in HIS OWN HOLY TABERNACLE has given us the VICTORY over sickness, over pain and over death! Oh, GOD ALMIGHTY, I praise and magnify and glorify YOUR HOLY ETERNAL PRES ENCE in our midst that has brought the REALITY of HEAVEN and GOD to each and everyone who can accept it; and I thank YOU for YOUR WORDS that we heard today that give us a stronger conviction of what YOUR WORK and MISSION personally mean to this earth, because if Jesus in the SONSHIP DEGREE had such an effect upon civilization, there is no end to what the effect that YOUR WORK and MISSION means to this earth plane, and we know it, FATHER Dear! It is for every one who can receive it and can believe it.

I thank YOU, FATHER, for this rich blessing that YOU have bestowed on us to know that every WORD YOU SAY IS TRUE! Every WORD YOU SAY WILL COME INTO MANIFESTATION. It is only a matter of time. But it will come as quickly to us as individuals as we will let go and accept of YOUR WORDS by putting THEM into action. FATHER, My heart rejoices in the glory of YOUR PRESENCE on this earth plane for what it means to all humanity. Truly, FATHER, BEHOLD, YOU LIVE! YOU LIVE FOREVERMORE! FOREVERMORE! FOREVERMORE! GLORY! GLORY! GLORY! The day of YOUR REDEEMED has come! Truly, we can say as YOUR SON, YOUR SON in many bodies: 'Glorify THOU me with the same glory I had with THEE before the world was.' FATHER, we thank YOU for THIS DAY of the Culmination and Fulfilment of YOUR WORDS. I thank YOU, FATHER."