"The Time Cometh and Now Is, Personality and Individuality Will No Longer Be in the Consideration."

EXCERPT from FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon Given at the Annual Business Meeting - Nazareth Mission Church, Pa.,
and the Peace Center Nazareth Missions' Church of N.Y., February 12, 1954 A.D.F.D.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord

FATHER DIVINE said: "At this instant I have arisen to say, as usual and at all times, I have been called upon to conduct the meeting. I AM happy to know I have taught you in the way of Wisdom and led you into the right path! Therefore, the conduction of the meeting as has been, should be by the ONE Whom you requested to conduct it. But I AM sure you have not drifted away from the Universality of that ONE and the IMPERSONALITY of that ONE! Therefore, if all be true and are living accordingly, I will conduct the meeting; not only this evening, but at all times. I have heard you say, Let the HOLY GHOST have ITS Way!' And if you be true, self-denied, consecrated and a living sacrifice to GOD, since GOD is without and within, IMPERSONAL, INCORRUPTIBLE and UNDEFILED, I may conduct the meeting through you! Aren't you glad!

"The time cometh and now is, personality and individuality will no longer be in the consideration, but the IMPERSONALITY and the UN-INDIVIDUALITY of the REALITY of GOD to the children of men will be in evidence in all places and in all spaces, especially under the Jurisdiction of the Peace Mission! I mean, the FATHER DIVINE PEACE MISSION MOVEMENT. Then, if you desire to give ME the honors, as you seemingly do; but from a Personal point of view, I have been called into consideration, I wish to say, the Personal point of view is not the great essential, but keep personality and individuality out of existence and give vent, access and expression and privilege for the SPIRIT to operate, to act and to react and unfold Itself as It was predestined to do! Since the meeting has been called to order and the Church Discipline and By-Laws have been read, it is still in order that you make the election of the new officers, if any, or replace those whose term expires at this meeting.

"We customarily make the election, as you know, as a blanket election or as an election individually. Those whose term has expired at this meeting, I desire to put them before you and you before them to decide definitely if you desire to have them themselves or would you desire to have others elected to replace those whose term expires."